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Originally posted by LaraMoon:
5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? [b]Smallville... I also watch "The Big Break" on the Golf Channel (yes, you read that right), "Survivor", "House" and "NCIS"[/b] I CANNOT believe that I didn't put NCIS - probably because the last couple weeks have been reruns. It's the only series I own all of [besides L/C and Friends]. Tony [Michael Weatherly] has the second best smile on TV - after Clark  . Carol
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1. What does your board name mean? It's a take-off of my husband's internet alias, AlonzoMosleyFBI 2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?northeast Florida, the weather in spring and fall 3. When did you start watching L&C? I remember watching and enjoying reruns in college, but I didn't seriously watch until after I got in to the fanfic in 2006. 4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 1,2,3,4 5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? None. I do usually watch Supernatural but mainly because my husband does. 6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Gofers - family name for no-bake chocolate/oatmeal/peanut butter cookies. 7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? FSU Seminoles. Please note that rooting for does not equal following! 8. What is something you never leave the house without? chapstick 9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? It was the first time I was on #lanekent. I remember the date (8/22/06), but it's hard to remember the people. I know Lori was there, and I'm pretty sure Jackie and Holly and... Deb, maybe? But at any rate, I had just signed up for IRC that day, and it was my birthday. Lori put two and two together, and the result was that the very first time I ever signed on to #lanekent, the topic was 'Happy Birthday, MrsMosley!' Isn't that awesome? Talk about a great memory. 10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A singer, an FBI agent, a National Geographic photographer. Kind of still regret that last one, actually. 11. What is something you collect? Nothing much, anymore. My clutter tolerance is a lot lower than it used to be. 12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Definitely less. They were good questions!
lisa in the sky with diamonds
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1. What does your board name mean? Initially I used the nickname "Zoar3" simply because I was a newbie and didn't necessarily want to give out my "real" name.  To answer the question,  , I chose Zoar after the Sorceress' character from He-Man and the number3 has always been my "lucky" number. Mona,please call me that on here now,  , is my real first name. 2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I live in the city of Angels or rather DODGERS.  . Eventually I hope to settle in a small town somewhere near the ocean. For now, this crazy place I've lived in most all my life is home. 3. When did you start watching L&C? I think after the first few episodes of season 1. I had just started my first year of college. 4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 1, 2,4 and :p 3. 5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? Really nothing. I'll sometimes watch TLC, House Hunters on HGTV, or the Regis version of Millionaire on GSN but that's all save the Dodgers. 6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Me cook? Lol. I "cook" Kraft Mac and Cheese expertly. 7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? The Dodgers though at the moments it's a little hard being "blue." The Atlanta Braves will also have a place in my heart for what one of their announcers came to mean to me during a turbulent time in my life during college when I was way out of Dodger range but got TBS. 8. What is something you never leave the house without? A few $ and cents. Also if I'm driving my license is most helpful. I admit to having forgotten it exactly twice in all the eyars I've been a driver. First time as young teen and second  a few months ago when my arms were bundled down with other things that I completely forgot my purse until I had began driving. Oops. 9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Labby about a story? I used to enjoy pming with the awol Coolgirl often and have gotten to befriend Michael throuh email and IM. 10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a Dodger, a teacher, a chemist who discovered the cure for cancer and most of all a pediatrician. So far I've been a teacher and am trying to save $ to return to school to take pre-med classes. 11. What is something you collect? Baby-sitter's Club Books. I now only need 3. I still have some favorite stuffed animals both left over from childhood and newer. Oh and those miniature animals that you put in a shadow box. Anyone know of where to find them these days? 12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Sure.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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1. What does your board name mean? It's a concatenation of my real name. I sort of use it interchangeably with my real name anyway.
2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? In a house in a small town in the US Pacific Northwest. I love the summers. They make the rain all the rest of the time worth it.
3. When did you start watching L&C? Right at the beginning. Then I went away for a long time and only rediscovered the series last year.
4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 3(except for the stupid clone/amnesia thing), 2, 1, 4
5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? The only TV I watch is Smallville and I wouldn’t watch it except for Lois.
6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Homemade spaghetti and mashed potatoes. (Not together!) No one in my household really cooks much.
7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? The Orlando Magic. I was living in Orlando when the team was formed.
8. What is something you never leave the house without? My phone. Love having a cell phone.
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Dandello. I sent some notes on how much I enjoyed various stories to some authors but never really talked with anyone until Dandello agreed to beta my first story.
10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A scientist or an engineer. However, I would have settled for being an astronaut. I guess it’s just as well the first choice worked out since I get motion sick.
11. What is something you collect? A few years ago I would have said SciFi books. However, I believe the fabulous Beverly would suggest that the answer today should be laptop computers. I presently own 5 that work, another that doesn’t and that isn’t counting my work laptop.
12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Yes. But I still have work to do that I managed to delay for a few minutes.
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1. What does your board name mean?
Wolves are my favorite animal and their howl is their song, thus Wolfsong
2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?
West Tennessee. It's okay, small town about an hour from Memphis, but slowly getting more people.
3. When did you start watching L&C?
Actually from the pilot. ^^;; Showing my age here. It was my first ever favorite show and introduced me to the wonderful world of fanfiction.
4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:
1, 2, 3, 4
5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?
Ummm.. does it have to be one? I pretty much regularly watch or record all of the CSIs and NCIS.
6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?
7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?
The hometeam or whichever team is closer to where i live. ^^;;
8. What is something you never leave the house without?
My writing notebook, though my bunnies are all practically comatose atm.
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?
A girl in high school who encouraged me to write my first ever lois and clark story which was more or less a script which unless it gets rewritten probably will never ever see the light of another day.
10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A physical therapis assistant or a lawyer...
11. What is something you collect?
Autographs ^.^
12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?
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1. What does your board name mean? It's my name. 2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? London, UK. I like city life, I'd hopefully be happy most places but this is where my friends are 3. When did you start watching L&C? When it first aired in the UK, forget the date 4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 2,1,3,4 5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? Nothing right now - Dr. Who when it's on 6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Spaghetti bolognese 7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? don't follow sports at all 8. What is something you never leave the house without? keys 9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Don't think I've met one face to face 10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Astronaut - since I am scared of heights and terrified of flying I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have worked out... 11. What is something you collect? books, DVDs 12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? marginally
Marcus L. Rowland Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game
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1. What does your board name mean?It's Greek for my first name, which is Roman in origin. Also I was a fan of "Wild Wild West" with Artemis Gordon as the science nerd type. Besides, it's a gender neutral name. 2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?Near Death Valley, CA (California fly-over country) East of the Sierra Nevada. It is quiet, really quiet (except for the military jets and helicopters) and it is cheap (relatively) to live here. Also my house is Prop 13 (which says my taxes can't be raised above the assessment when I bought the house). 3. When did you start watching L&C?The first two hour show that was remanufactured into the Pilot in 1993. I had just come back from a one year tour at the Pentagon and thought "Oh no, they're going to screw it up", but to my amazement I really loved Deborah Joy Levine's take on the Lois and Clark relationship. 4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:1,4,2,3 argh the Dieter and Wanda Detroit arcs, but I liked the NK arc. 5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?Burn Notice, Bones, Smallville (not because it's great but because it's new Superman plots), NCIS (my homies)  CSI, CSI: Miami, In Plain Sight, Numb3rs (to see how much I can remember from college), Eureka (but fading), Castle (if it stays as good as it started), Chuck (if it continues) 6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?I'm a microwave expert. Pulled port roast (15 min per lb at 50% power. Try it) Other than that, I can cook anything since I raised 2 kids. Soup is a specialty. 7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?  There is NO professional football team in Los Angeles. It was the Rams until Georgia F. hauled them to St. Louis. So it's whoever is 2 games from the Superbowl now. 8. What is something you never leave the house without?My Keys 9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?WendyR, Irene Dutcher and LabRat 10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?A physicist or engineer 11. What is something you collect?Money? No, that's not right. Ah! Sci-Fi books, LnC Fanfic and nfic. 12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Yes Artemis LCArtemis on IRC because some big honcho at IRC has Artemis already.
History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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1. What does your board name mean? I was looking for a penname while listening to the song “Ramona” by Guster. Shortened it to Rona. V is the first initial of my last name. 2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I live in South Carolina. There are a lot of great parks here, and I can easily make a day trip to Charleston. 3. When did you start watching L&C? Started with the Pilot in 1993. I was instantly hooked. 4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 2, 1, 4, 3. Ish. Depends on my mood. They all had their good and bad (and really bad) episodes. 5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? I haven’t watched television in months (except for the occasional dvd). 6. What is your cooking (or burning) specialty? I love to cook. My husband probably likes my lemon-chicken cutlets and my Italian “gravy” (spaghetti sauce) the best. I think I make a mean pot roast. 7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? University of South Carolina. And trust me, that loyalty is tested annually. They can be really, really bad. 8. What is something you never leave the house without? Carmex. And my cell phone, even though I rarely use it. 9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? I went into IRC once for a Kerth ceremony one year, but I just lurked. I’ve never really had a conversation with any FoLC unless you’ve been lucky enough to have me as your GE.  Too bashful, I think. You think you get nervous posting fic? I get nervous posting fdk. And this poll. 10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Secretary, dentist, astronaut, author, singer, actress, journalist, criminal psychologist. Then, one day I suddenly had no idea (that happened around the time they started pressuring me to declare a major). And now I still don’t really know what I want to be when I “grow up.” 11. What is something you collect? I have kept all my boarding passes from any flight I've ever taken. They make great bookmarks. 12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? I was. Now that the poll is over, I’m bored again.
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1. What does your board name mean? Well, my name is Nancy Smith, so Nan is kind of obvious. 2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I live in Ramona, CA. I like the fact that it's a relatively small town -- small for Southern California, that is. It would be a small city in the Midwest. This is why the idiot writers in Hollywood made Smallville the size of Indianapolis. 3. When did you start watching L&C? The first episode I saw was Pheromone, My Lovely, and I was hooked. 4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: Season 3, except for the clone arc. Season 2, Season 1, Season 4. 5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? None. I haven't watched a tv show all the way through in months. 6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? I make a mean Taco salad, but my specialty is B'stilla, which is a Moroccan chicken pie. And it isn't anything like American chicken pie, believe me. I takes about 3 hours to make, and looks really odd, but it's been a hit everywhere I've taken it. My hubby took it to his office Christmas party. It took a little while for people to work up the nerve to try it, but after someone did, he brought home an empty pie dish and several requests for the recipe. 7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? None, really. I'm a Tiger Woods fan. I can take baseball or football, or leave it. Usually I don't have the time to watch a game all the way through. 8. What is something you never leave the house without? Uhh... Not sure really. My purse? And I certainly never leave without my clothes.  I hate to leave my cell phone behind, but I do forget it with embarrassing frequency. 9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Wendy Richards, I think, via e-mail. I wrote her a fan letter and she wrote back. At the first LAFF I attended, I think the first person I spoke to was Anita Hook. 10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I think I always wanted to be a writer, but my mom convinced me to go into nursing, on the grounds that I could always find work in the profession. 11. What is something you collect? I used to collect comic books, mostly Superman  and science fiction books. Now I don't think I specifically collect anything. If I did, my little house would be more crowded than it is. 12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? I'm not bored. I'd like a little healthy boredom now and then. Nan
Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
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Freelance Reporter
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1. What does your board name mean? It's my chinchilla's name (Though he was Vif, since he was a guy. I have a vague memory of it meaning "colorful" in a French dictionary, but I'm not sure) 60's just a random number cause vive didn't work by itself. 2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? College right now, in Virginia. I'm experiencing the strangeness that is dorm life. The best thing in the area- the caving. Sadly, all our bats are sick and the caves are closed.  Poor bats. 3. When did you start watching L&C? 6 years ago now...yikes! Now I feel old. 4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 2,1,4,3 5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? House MD I think it's still on the air anyway...evil finals... 6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Baking. Though I like making tacos too, and then there were those pizza bagels... Burning has got to be the popcorn. I think our hall's microwave is possessed. No, really. If one bag goes 30 seconds and there are no popping sounds, just billows of gray smoke...and then the next bag goes two minutes with actual popping and turns out great...and then another goes 5 minutes inflating but with just two popped kernals...and it keeps happening like that with all different brands and boxes of popcorn.... 7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? Sports? Who has time to watch sports? Time that could be spent on something much more interesting...like say, taxes. 8. What is something you never leave the house without? Keys. No, really...I've seen girls out in the hallway in nothing but a towel, waiting for our male security guy to unlock their room- awkward. Not to mention the ones who have to knock on random doors to find a phone to call said security...Shudder. 9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? My mom...not that she's around here still, thank goodness. That would be kinda weird. She mostly just gave us kids her old tapes to watch, because my brother loved Superman.... She hangs out in the Stargate fanfiction now and that's creepy enough. There are just some things you do not want to know about your mother. 10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A cat owner. My dad was allergic...and stray cats just kept showing up at our door...we must have given away fifteen of them to neighbors and the shelter. Sadly, dorms do not allow pets. And my dad's allergies cleared up last year 11. What is something you collect? Homework. (My to-do pile keeps growing) Seriously...well, I collect plastic shopping bags. I just know there's got to be somewhere you can recycle them. I'll find it one day. Meanwhile they make good packing material...and trashbags, and kites, and weird braided plastic rope dog leashes, and messed up buckets for water fights, and nets for catching tadpoles, and good banana peel substitutes for when my roommate gets too annoying, and I discovered in art class that melting them makes this sort of toxic smoke that is ideal for canceling class, and.... 12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? yes, particularly with the plastic bags, though I will admit, I've only thought about the last two ideas...maybe this weekend  I'll get a chance to try them out.
Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. ~Robert Benchley
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1. What does your board name mean? My initials... sort of. Although, mlt is not really my initials. Perhaps you could just call them my pretend initials since my real initials are m.e.t. 2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I live in a shack in the bush - and what I love about it is that it is a shack in the bush. 3. When did you start watching L&C? Sometime during first season. I was watching Murder, She Wrote. During a commercial, I was channel surfing and came across this show where the two main characters had remarkable chemistry. And I was hooked. Didn't even realize at the time that I was watching a Superman show. That probably would have turned me off. 4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: That's like asking me to say which of my children I love the most. I love 'em all equally. 5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? None. 6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Apple pie (and it's one of the only things I know how to make). I use apples from the apple tree in my back yard. Sometimes I switch it up during berry season - using blueberries, strawberries, saskatoons and rasberries (all of which also grow in my back yard - and you wondered why I love my shack in the bush  ) 7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? The Saskatchwan Roughriders. 8. What is something you never leave the house without? My car - because it's not as if I can walk anywhere since I live in a shack in the bush. 9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Don't remember. 10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A hooker. What can I say? It sounded like a fun way to make some decent money. 11. What is something you collect? Large parcels of prime real estate. Oh, wait! That's only something I wish I collected. 12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Yep. 
She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again. - CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane
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As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A hooker. It's a darn good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read that. Thank you, ML, for the hardest laugh I've had in weeks. <wipes away tears of mirth> 
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis
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1. What does your board name mean? My first name and the initial of my surname. 2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? Sydney, Australia. At the moment, my love of Sydney is diminishing – it’s becoming more expensive every day and the violence is increasing rapidly. 3. When did you start watching L&C? When it first aired here in Sydney. I was already a Superman fan so there was no way I wouldn’t give it a go. 4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 2, 1, 3, 4. 5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? Torchwood and So you Think You Can Dance (Australia). 6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? None – I can’t cook!  I had been a lurker for quite sometime when I decided to send her an email about her stories. To my surprise I got an answer. She gave me the courage to de-lurk. 10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A professional dancer 11. What is something you collect? I used to collect spoons but I stopped awhile back. I ran out of space to put them. 12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Definitely! Tricia 
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Features Writer
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10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A hooker. What can I say? It sounded like a fun way to make some decent money. That is AWESOME. I am rolling. It also reminds me of something. When I was pretty little (I want to say four or five), I always liked fancy, pretty bags, like shopping bags. So when people asked me what I wanted to be, I'd say a bag lady. My mom was so horrified. I am very much enjoying reading all of the answers! We have some fun FoLCs! 
Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"
Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."
"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"
1. That one should be obvious.... lol.
2. Taylor, MI. I love the people, but if you literally mean the place, Heritage Park.
3. I'm not sure, but it was in reruns, the show had ended.
4. OK, 2, 1, 3, Haven't seen 4 yet unfortunately...
5. Smallville, Supernatural, House or Bones.
6. I have many.... If I have to choose I'll go with homemade pizza....
7. England's soccer team, Micigan Wolverines.
8. Keys otherwise I wouldn't be able to get back in and my wallet...
9. Labrat, I guess.
10. A Writer. Or someone who helped people, like Superman, so a cop.
11. DVD's, books, and CD's.
12. A little.
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1. What does your board name mean? Back in the early days, I was an assistant Sysop on the CompuServe SFMedia forum for the L&C section. We had message boards, a library, and a chat room called "the Daily Planet". I didn't know what nick to use, but someone suggested that if I was in charge of the Daily Planet, obviously I was the Chief, so... ChiefPam. I've been too lazy to change it since then 2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I live in North Carolina, and I love that we can have warm sunny days all year 'round. They're not normal in, say, February, but they do happen. 3. When did you start watching L&C? 1995, late second season, second half of Tempus Fugitive. I'd seen bits before then but hadn't been hooked 'til I saw a Lois who knew CK=S. 4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 3, 2, 4, 1 5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? Ummm... nothing at the moment. 6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? I can make chocolate chip cookies from scratch. 7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? Carolina Hurricanes (hockey) 8. What is something you never leave the house without? My cell phone. I can check Facebook, read my email, and play sudoku with that... 9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Oh, gosh it's been so long... most of them aren't around anymore. Paul Weiner, Sarah Woods... first one I met in person was Chris Mulder. 10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A mom. 11. What is something you collect? College textbooks, apparently. They talk about buy-backs but haven't wanted any of mine yet... 12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Not especially, but now I'm not scared to see Jenn anymore :p
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1. What does your board name mean?
Initials and last name. When I first started on the internet in the mid 80s, I didn't realize that you should try to be anonomous. I'm too old now to change my habits.
2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?
Pittsburgh, PA. What's not to love?
3. When did you start watching L&C?
From the very beginning. Recorded and saved all episodes, which I only recently got rid of since I now have the DVDs.
4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:
Two, One, Three, Four
5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?
6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?
Chocolate Chip Cookies
7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?
Pittsburgh Steelers (although they never suck), Pittsburgh Penguins, and Pittsburgh Pirates. Ok, they suck. But we are off to a good start this year! Maybe our losing streak will stop at 16 straight seasons.
8. What is something you never leave the house without?
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?
I have never actually talked to any Folcs yet. But Sue S. was the one that made me post my first message when I found out that she speaks Pittsburghese. I'm still a lurker, but I think I may be up to half a dozen posts by now.
10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An adult.
11. What is something you collect?
12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?
Much less bored. Although I now need to get back to work, so I guess I'll be bored again.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?
Pittsburgh, PA. What's not to love? Well, I've heard about something called "the Pittsburgh toilet" (toilets installed right in the middle of the basements of many Pittsburgh houses, no walls around them or anything)--that sounds pretty unloveable. But then again, you have a Primanti Bros. restaurant, so I guess it balances out. 
"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game Darcy\'s Place
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Well, I've heard about something called "the Pittsburgh toilet" (toilets installed right in the middle of the basements of many Pittsburgh houses, no walls around them or anything)--that sounds pretty unloveable.
But then again, you have a Primanti Bros. restaurant, so I guess it balances out. Yeah, alot of the older homes do have a toilet in the basement, as well as a shower. They were built so that the guys coming home from the steel mills could get cleaned up without tracking the dirt throughout the rest of the house. Most people have put up walls now. It also has another name - "Party Toilet". This is where guests who have had too much to drink are sent so they don't mess up the "good toilet". Can't beat Primanti Bros!!! 15 locations included PNC Park and Heinz Field!
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Hey now, don't be knockin' Pittsburgh! Well, I've heard about something called "the Pittsburgh toilet" (toilets installed right in the middle of the basements of many Pittsburgh houses, no walls around them or anything) It's not "right in the middle" of the basement. At least, not the two I've seen. They were against the wall, kind of tucked in the corner along with a shower and a sink. Like dawebb said, they were actually a practical idea since the basement/cellar portion of a house in hilly Pittsburgh will usually have its own entrance from the outside. So the millworkers/miners could come home, go inside and get cleaned up before going upstairs. They certainly weren't/aren't the only toilet in the house! As to the party connotation, well, let's just say that the ones I've seen were both located in homes being occupied by college students. 
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis