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#22252 05/31/05 09:06 AM
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Onaleia Offline OP
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hack from Nowheresville
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That was AWESOME, thank you! And as much as I dreaded the thought of having a 'reset' at the end, you did it very well and I was happy with the results.

Thanks again for this really fun story.

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Well, CC, thank you for causing one of the longest periods of writer's block I've ever had! razz the argument about using it. Well, pretty much everything, really! goofy

Part of me wishes their memories hadn't been wiped. They went through such a lot - so many discoveries about themselves and each other, and not only through what they saw in the Superman museum and through talking to Silas. They came to know and love each other. And yet at the same time I can see Madge's point. It had to be done.

Yet... given your little reminder of that scene from WTWFO, I can't help thinking that the memory-wipe wasn't complete. That the memories, or at least faint traces of them, are there somehow. They may never return entirely, but subconsciously they'll both be aware of certain things. smile Am I right? wink

Okay, I need to go somewhere and recover - as well as mourn the end of such a breathtakingly original, epic, inventive, awe-inspiring, funny, angsty, outstanding story. mecry

Thank you for the last few weeks of sheer inspirational entertainment, CC! notworthy

Wendy smile

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“When you do something lunkheaded, and Lois lets you have it, your defense cannot be ‘But if you date Dan Scardino, the future collapses, our children don’t get born!’”

As for the exchange of heartfelt vows from LnC... /me melts into a little pile of WAFFy goo clap clap clap

Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827
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Absolutely, totally WOW!!!! Yes the memories had to be reset but there is hope the feelings are still there!!! Just as Clark remembered Tempus in "And the Answer Is". Just awesome C.C. notworthy notworthy jump love
This was especially nice:
“It isn’t as scary as it looks,” she assured them as she pried it open.

Lois took one good look down. “Oh god. No way.”

“I’ll hold you,” Clark said quickly. “I’m invulnerable. I’ll keep you close. Wrapped up tight...” And she appreciated the effort, since he sounded as unnerved as she was.

She couldn’t take her eyes off the dizzying, clashing swirl of colors just below her feet. “Close,” she repeated. “Invulnerable, wrapped up tight... right.”
All the emotions summarized at once.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
WOW! You just flung one hell of a monster, CC!

That was such an awesome trip I couldn't begin to describe beyond what has already been said, so you'll understand if I'm short statement here.

Bravo! clap


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"I know. And I'll figure it out, Grams. I just wish ..." His eyes moved from hers and she waited, as patiently as she knew how to, and that wasn’t much. “... I had someone like you,” he finally continued. “Someone to help me.”
Aww! I had to blink back some tears there! goofy

Man, what a roller coaster this story was. I'd go back through and quote but, hell, I'd end up quoting the whole section. I laughed, I cried. And then I laughed some more when Elise opened her mouth to comment on Hank greeting Lois.

On some small infinitesimal level, I'm kind of irked that they're memories were erased after everything they've been through, but...grudgingly enough, I completely understand where Madge is coming from. Although using that excuse for Dan Scardino would make my day! goofy

Great story, CC. One of my new favorite Tempus fics!

goofy All of the stories rotting just want to commit fanfic suicide. I can picture them hurling themselves into the recycle bin, one by one.

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Oh, dear! I'm *dying* to read this... yet some part of me doesn't want to because then it'll be over. smile1 I feel like I'm about to burst, I'm so happy!!!!!! smile1

”This from the people who brought us Andrus and the killer soufflé,” Lois said dryly.

“Or cook on his own,” Petal added.

“Maybe he needs... a partner?” Silas said, one eye on Petal. “This is my family.” He gestured towards Lois and Clark. “I’d like to be involved in their protection.”
Wow!! A few things in this little bit... I *love*, LOVE that he keeps an eye on Petal! Love it! Then... That last line just makes me want to cry all over again! *sniff*

“And until you know the ropes, Junior, you’ll need a partner of your own,” Lois interrupted quickly, shooting Madge a meaningful stare, gratified to see it fielded so astutely.
Oh! OH!!!! OH!! Way to go, Lois!!!! smile1

“Of course,” Madge pronounced. “We’d be honored to have you. Petal, you’ll work with Silas. Even Superman will need help bringing Andrus up to speed.”
WOOOT!! I knew it!!

“Long story,” Madge said mildly. “And it’s a good idea, Petal. I’ll put him with Hank...erm... if Hank promises not to kill him, which I’m almost sure he won’t.”

“So... we’re partners,” said Silas to Petal, offering her a tentative hand.

Petal took it readily. “But I have seniority. I was Hank’s apprentice and now you’ll be mine.”

“That sounds really perfect,” said Silas with enough awe in his voice to capture even Clark’s notice.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously bounced right here! Bounced and squealed!! smile1 And Clark noticed.... YAY!!!

He walked past them all and grabbed Elise with a wordless cry.

“Just in time, dear,” said Madge.
Oh god! Why do I have that foreboding feeling right now?! Okay... maybe I shouldn't... Hank hasn't seen Elise... that's it... nothing more. laugh

The man who was holding onto Clark’s granddaughter for dear life looked over at him with exasperated disbelief. “I go home early one time... and this is what I miss.”

Lois stepped gingerly around the door in the floor and into view. At the sight of her, Hank’s smile turned decidedly lop-sided. “Lois Lane. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“You’re doing so much better than me,” Elise murmured to him. “You should have heard my greeting...”
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! whinging

“We don’t have enough time,” a soft, troubled voice called.
Oh thank god! I'm sobbing with relief!!!!!!! whinging

“This is Anna,” Madge said by way of introduction. “Petal, head down to the archives, the old filing system. Look under ‘B.’ The memory contraption.”

“The memory contraption?” Clark asked warily, lowering Lois slowly to the floor.

“You know too much.” Madge closed the trapdoor just as another spasm shook the building, and Clark didn’t know who looked more pained, Anna or Hank.

“Go help Petal and quickly,” Madge ordered Silas now. “I mean... if you would, dear.
Clark!!! Quickly!!! Just jump in!!!! QUICK!!!!

“The cellar,” Petal told him. “Our first assignment. Can you carry me?”

She didn’t have to ask twice. He scooped her up and moved them out of the room at a blur.
God, I love that!!!

”Break-up?” said Lois.

“Temporary spats. Nothing unusual.”

“Ok,” Lois answered shakily, and Clark felt her hand slip into his.

He leaned close. “Never, Lois.”
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! *huge snuffle*

Death to the graemlin limit... <G>

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Wheee! I made it in two posts! <g>
“When you do something lunkheaded, and Lois lets you have it, your defense cannot be ‘But if you date Dan Scardino, the future collapses, our children don’t get born!’”

“I would never--” Clark started to protest, but Madge held up her hand to silence him.
Oh boy, that's a good point! razz

“It’s for the greater good, dear. And for your own, as well.”
BAH!!! How dare you use Wendy's line against us!! But... but... *whimper* I don't want them to forget!!!! razz

He swung her into his arms. She felt so right against his chest he nearly lost a step in his surprise. “How about we let destiny take its course?” he said with a grin.

“There’s no such thing,” she said dismissively. “I make my own destiny.”
Nice. Really... nice. smile (Though don't get the idea that I'm not mad at you, CC. I am. Very. *snuffle*)

“The window’s open, Ms Lane,” he said to the woman who fit his arms so perfectly. “Care to make an entrance?”

The end
That. Was. Perfect. You know... I *am* upset that they didn't get to keep their memories (heartbroken is closer to the truth), but OH GOD, CC. Oh. God. This... hang on... I have something brilliant to say... just have to think... It really couldn't have ended any other way. It couldn't. It's beautiful. Really, really beautiful. It's all full circle. Everything that happened. It still has to happen. So great. And you know what makes me not so mad? It's that connection to WTWFO. They can't get to that point without having everything happen as it should. And... wow... this just makes the series as a whole so very poignant and... perfect, even given all it's flaws. Perfect. I wouldn't have it any other way. And that, CC, is what I think you were trying to accomplish. You did it. Masterfully.

It's at this point that I'd like to declare CC the queen of the fandom. It doesn't have to be forever, since that wouldn't be entirely fair, but at least for a good month or so. Why? Well, if you've read this far... you know why. CC has just taken everything that we love and amplified it one hundred-fold. Or at least that's the feeling I'm having right now. I'm really surprised I even have words to attempt this, though I'm sure I'm falling short of the praise it deserves.

You are truly a gift to this fandom, CC Aiken. Thank you.


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Avatar by Carrie Rene smile
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Gosh darn it, CC! Why did this story have to end? I know, I know ... daisies. And I love daisies. Really. I have several different varieties in my gardens. All different colors. I just wish they didn't have to be CC daisies. You know, ones that want a life.

"I know. And I'll figure it out, Grams. I just wish ..." His eyes moved from hers and she waited, as patiently as she knew how to, and that wasn’t much. “... I had someone like you,” he finally continued. “Someone to help me.”

Lois found herself blinking back unexpected tears. She tightened her hold on him for a quiet minute wanting to promise him there would be someone. Someone suited to the task, someone willing and able and meant for him. But she didn’t. Those promises would have sounded empty, she knew. Because before she had seen it for herself, been overwhelmed by the evidence, she would have rolled her eyes and written those promises off as the stuff of fairy tales.
Oh, major woobie lip time! Poor Silas, not only experiencing Clark's early loneliness at this transitional time of his life, but also experiencing a shadow of the bond at the same time, which gives him an extra AltClark-like trauma. Sniff, sniff!

And of course this Lois would have no way of comforting him -- if she'd been a few years older, she would have experienced the soulmates time travel for herself and could reassure him that "his Lois" was out there somewhere. But right now, there is absolutely nothing she can offer him.

Nicely done.

"Can I help?" he said. "With... whatever... it is that you're doing?"

"Thank you," Madge said, obviously distracted. "Rug, plywood, lead shielding, dear."

Lois smiled at the look on Clark's face, but he caught on fairly quickly once Madge toed up the corner of the rug.
LOL! I can just picture Clark's expression, a complete and total "Huh???" that he will eventually get used to, being partnered with Lois Lane, but right now, he's a total babe in the woods. lol

"Get back to the bones, dear," said Madge, this time a bit heatedly. "They weren't... his?"

"A replicant's," said Petal with a delighted glint in her eye.

"How on earth did he manage that?" Madge muttered weakly.

"I can't wait to find out," Petal said.
Oh ... oh, oh, oh. I love you, CC! I love you, I love you, I love you!

/me bumps Paul out of the way. My turn to hug her!!!

Where did I put those cruise brochures?? Pack an extra fancy gown, babe. You're dining with Captain Stubing tonight, no matter who I have to bribe! (Though personally, I always though Gopher was the cutest.)

But Lois saw it. The thunderstruck expression on Silas’s face when Petal caught his eye and flashed her dimples.

Silas froze in mid-step and gaped at her like a fish on a hook. Which was pretty much what he was. Lois realized there might be something to the whole maternal thing after all. Her heart filled with love and relief for her grandson. She recognized that look. She’d scarcely been paying attention, but it registered with her now. Clark standing up in Perry’s office to say hello... to her.
OK, I am just grinning so much right now. If my cheeks hurt tomorrow, I'm going to know who to blame.

“I’ll hold you,” Clark said quickly. “I’m invulnerable. I’ll keep you close. Wrapped up tight...” And she appreciated the effort, since he sounded as unnerved as she was.
Blissful sigh.

“So... we’re partners,” said Silas to Petal, offering her a tentative hand.

Petal took it readily. “But I have seniority. I was Hank’s apprentice and now you’ll be mine.”

“That sounds really perfect,” said Silas with enough awe in his voice to capture even Clark’s notice.
and then:

He walked past them all and grabbed Elise with a wordless cry.
Lois stepped gingerly around the door in the floor and into view. At the sight of her, Hank’s smile turned decidedly lop-sided. “Lois Lane. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Oh ... CC ... you're amazing. I just love this so gosh darn much. Could they both be soulmates? Maybe ... maybe ... it split up a bit, as the generations continued? And they each got part? Please?

Just so happy right now. smile

But then we get to the reset ... oh, such ambivalence! Such mixed feelings! Such amazing talent you have!

I won't quote sections because it will basically be me quoting a line and saying, "Yes, go Clark!", then another and saying, "Nooooo!", then yet another and saying, "Well, I see your point, but ... " and then more "You tell them, Lois!" and "Oh, Clark!", then another "Oh ... no ..."

But all that won't change the fact that they are back in their own time, and clueless, and confused, and .... tired. But if they have to be reset, and I suppose they must, then I don't mind telling you that you did a bang-up job at it. Fabulous scene, keeping us on the edge of our seats, wondering which way things were going to go. Really great writing and plotting, and I say that completely sincerely.

Oh, CC, I can't believe this story is over. Thank you so very much for spending the time to plot it and write it and agonize over all those commas and semi-colons. This story has given me a great deal of pleasure over the last few weeks, not just in the reading but also in the analyzing and wondering and discussing. And I appreciate that very much. smile

Kathy (who has just bumped When The World Finds Out to the top of her L&C reading list. smile )

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Okay, I lied. Three posts. But that's because I was so enthralled with the whole experience... gobsmacked, maybe? goofy So distracted that I *forgot* to read the author's end notes. blush But it's just as well... I was out of graemlins anyway. goofy

So my response: WOW!!!! Wowie! That is just so great! This phenomenal story spawned from a simple question regarding continuity!!! Wow, wow, wow!!!

Now, more than ever, I stand by my previous comment that you've taken the series and just perfected it. Wow, wow, wow! goofy )

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Wow. I just spent all day reading all 18 parts. You know I'm going to have to dock you my pay, CC?

Wonderful story, and captivating! I figured that they wouldn't be allowed to keep their memories, I just wasn't sure how that would happen. And all without poor Herb! Poor, cramped Herb... rotflol

Absolutely lovely! I could go on about all the parts, but it looks like I have to do a bit of real work before I leave. laugh

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited
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Wow... this was a great ending. How did you do that? <g> I was suspecting a memory-wipe of some sort, and thinking how sad that would be, but I like the way you've got it.

Of course, seeing Silas meet Petal was the highlight of this part goofy Love that Lois recognized the look, and that Madge was so quick to field a hint!

This whole story has been amazing, CC. I like a lot of fanfic, but there are only a few that impress me this much. Way to go, and write more!


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Is there an emoticon for a loud, riproaring standing ovation? If there is, put it here and double it, no triple it.

Wow, CC! This was fantastic and you deserve every bit of praise these folc give you.

Yesterday, in preparation for today's "The End" instalment, I reread the first 17 parts. What amazed me is how tightly written this story is. Right from instalment one when Tempus mentioned something about (sorry, I'm too lazy to find the quote) Lois's diary saying they flew to the Planet early in the morning and not at night, did it dawn on me that you had every detailed planned out. Wow!

Every character had a specific role that developed throughout the story. Wow!

The actual writing was excellent. Great characterization, great, great dialogue and, of course, great plot with enough waffiness for all!

My greatest fear was the reset. I knew it had to happen, but I kept hoping that it wouldn't. I feared a Wellsian slip back minutes before the actual time-travelling. It seemed, in my mind, so contrived. But you, the master storyteller, didn't do that; instead, you gave Lois and Clark the opportunity to understand why the reset button had to be pushed and have them accepting, grudgingly, but accepting nontheless the inevitable. As I read that, I thought that it was so right. It couldn't have been any other way.


hail hail hail hail hail hail hail hail

gerry ( who is honoured to have been a teeny-tiny spark in this whole process) blush

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notworthy notworthy notworthy

Jose hail hail hail

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Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Sigh.....As satisfying as a Snickers Bar. Thanks for the wonderful ride CC.

Hey, what if Lois comes back pregnant? Oh, never mind. We've been there already. laugh

Gosh that was great. thumbsup


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Well, I've spent the last couple hours (on and off) trying to come up with some kind of comments that do justice to this, and, well, I've finally come to the conclusion that it's beyond me.

Wonderful ending to an absa-smegging-lutely brilliant story.

Don't thank me for my comments. Thank you for the story!!

Oh, and ditto Sara about where it all came from. The most jawdroppingly good story I can remember reading, and it came from idle curiousity about a continuity glitch. Amazing!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about religion in the comments to the last part. Don't think I have anything to add at the moment, but I appreciated reading them.

Anyway, I need to get going now (and I can't seem to find a proper smiley for this), but I just wanted to say it one more time.



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I'll throw my nickel or so in here:

Risked the wrath of my IT department today (they track which web sites we visit, and I'm certain this one is not on their approved site list!) and scanned quickly thru it at work.

The subconscious mind never forgets.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Knowing they're going to end up together at some level, even subconsciously, is a self-fulfilling prophecy!

I see that Andrus first appears in "Meet John Doe" and I thought it was hysterical, the first meeting between him and Tempus:

Citizen Tempus? I am Andrus.
Utopian Peace Keeper.

No? _Really_?

I have a warrant for your
extradition. I will recite from (X)
the list of charges: Citizen
Tempus, for crimes against
humanity, vicious deeds

... blatant disregard for human
life. Blah, blah, blah. Can we

Andrus raises something that look like a TV remote, zaps it
and now a FAUX TEMPUS materializes -- a perfect double for

I leave in your place this
replicant... a synthetic Tempus,
who shall keep the people of this
primitive time from asking
questions better left unanswered.

Oh, god -- it's all starting to
come back to me ... they all talk
like you in the future, don't they?
Well -- let's get it over with.

The Faux Tempus takes Tempus' place. Tempus and Andrus step
into the Time Window. They both stand there, regarding each
other... and just before the window disappears, Tempus seems
to spot something behind Andrus --

Oh, look -- what's that?

Andrus turns his head and -- BAM!, Tempus clubs him on the
back of the head. Andrus drops to Tempus' feet -- just as
the WINDOW COLLAPSES and both Tempus and Andrus disappear
along with the window. Off the slack-jawed Barrett ...
Ah yes, he was destined to be a klutz.

And we know that Lois and Clark will meet Andrus again:

Clark registers recognition. Lois appears on the stairs,
looks at Andrus.


--page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 48.


Ohmygod... you're...

My name is Andrus. I'm from the
future. And I need your help...


Lois and Clark sit with Andrus.

I can't tell you what an honor it
is to meet you. You two.... You (X)
don't know how many people your
lives have touched. If it weren't
for you two, there would be no
Utopia. Whole generations would
never have had a chance. Men of (X)
peace such as myself wouldn't (X)
exist as leaders. Yes my world
is extraordinary. A true Utopia. (X)
The world your love made possible. (X)
Lois takes Clark's hand.

But now both our worlds are in
danger. Yours and mine. I've been
naive, I'm afraid. Thinking that
since Tempus is a Utopian held see
reason... but Tempus sees nothing
but himself.

I'll do whatever I can to help.


Andrus produces his Time Window...

I have the means to take Tempus
back -- but not the strength. That
much is clear. Will you come with
me to the future, Superman? Help
return Tempus to justice?
Of Course, Clark says "yes"

And later, more screw-ups:
Have you nothing to say? No

What would you have me say?

It's just as well -- Superman?

Superman takes Tempus by the arm. Tempus offers no
resistance. Superman steps with him into the SWIRLING TIME
VORTEX...Andrus is about to follow....but reacts as the (X)
Tempus with Superman DISAPPEARS, like a TV being shut off. (X)
And in that split second -- the door bursts open and (X)
there's Lois, pushing past Secret Service men -- (X)

What? No! That was the
replicant! (X)


The DRAFT from the door blows the draped cover from the
object where Tempus was sitting ... it's the statue of the
RAISED FIST from Clark's dream ... and the symbol of Tempus'
reign. Superman sees that. He tries to break free of the (X)
window, but can't as -- (X)

Lois! Get out! Get out now!

--page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 52.


emerges from an adjoining room. (X)

No. Let her through -- she should
see this.

Lois stumbles into the room. The Secret Service guys pull
the door shut. Tempus shoves Andrus aside. (X)

56 TEMPUS 56

raises his hands, reaching for the frame of the Time

57 ANDRUS 57

lifts his head, reacts in horror.

No! If he touches the window
Superman is doomed!


Tempus lays his hands on the frame of the Time Window -- it (X)
begins to break apart, the VORTEX no longer being contained.


Superman, caught in the time vortex, reaches out to Lois --
their hands touch. It's the dream, alright, but now it's
really happening ...

Now the AIR SHIMMERS, THICKENS with an electrical force as
the energy from the Time Window starts to implode on itself.


of Lois disappearing from Superman's view as... (X)


--page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 53.


as it implodes, sucking everything in the room forward for
an instant, then blowing it all back. Everyone and
everything is flung against the four corners of the room.
Absolute stillness. Superman is gone.

Tempus shakes his head, sits up. He stands, brushes himself

Time to get on with the country's

He exits, cackling. Lois crawls over to Andrus, shakes him.
He opens his eyes, looks at her.

Where is he? Where is he?!


What do you mean gone?

He travelled into time without the
window... he's in eternity, now.

You have to help me get him back --

But he's suddenly wincing, then a look of utter peace comes
over him.

I feel... strange... it's not
(he looks at her)
Everything's changing. I... I no
longer... exist...

And now he VANISHES. Lois just stares, then looks to the
room, devastated as the awful reality sinks in...
Now, one has to ask the question: why did Andrus disappear, but not Tempus? Is Andrus a family member??? HMMMMMMM

Now, Nan has her Lori Lyons series, and now we can have your series: the "Utopia" series, which begins with WTWFO, part 2 is = In a Better Place, and part 3 could be: Silas and Petal: The New Adventures of Superman X (insert the correct Roman Numeral here).

Since you have brought these future characters alive to us FOLCs, we need MORE. Does Madge end up dating Tempus? Does Andrus get his due? How long does it take for him to find Wells in the locker? How long does Petal string poor love-struck Silas along before admitting her attraction to him?

The possibilities are ENDLESS.

Wonderful, uncharted territory. I'm going to have read those message boards more thoroughly from now on. Apparently there are lots of story ideas out there.

I don't think we actually need to vote for the best story in 2005. It's a done deal!


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Top Banana
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Well CC, coming from your #1 fan ==> THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU for the most fantastic fic ever.

Here is your standing 'O':
clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap

Brilliant and totally CC-like down to the inspiration for the story in the end notes. Won't quote all the best bits here but I think my favorite part was Lois realizing (and Clark belatedly) that Petal was Silas' 'one'. I like her top banana comment the best, it made me literally lol and shake my head.

I sniffled at their declarations of love before the jump, and I really didn't mind the wipe at all, I am just focused on the HEA. It will truly be a love worth living life for so I can hang in with the fact that the wipe was necessary.

So now what will I do without a fix every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday?? I can read WTWFO again, ooo now that's torture!

Oh and CC? One more thing sloppy sloppy


Lois: Can I go?
Clark: No.
Lois: Oh come on, Clark, why do we go through this? We both know I’m going to go.
Clark: Then why do you ask?
Lois: I’m trying to be nice.
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Joined: Apr 2003
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Just popping back in to say that I just finished reading "When The World Finds Out". And it's good. Really, really good. But you guys all knew that already, since I was probably the only person here who hadn't read it. blush

So thanks to the FoLCs who reassured me it wasn't really an angsty story. I definitely enjoyed it. (Especially the part where the kids are all talking about how they knew to stay out of the house whenever Superman had a tough rescue because that's when the love-in would start. And as much as I was laughing at that entire conversation, I almost fell out of my chair when one of their girls almost killed her father by mentioning how sex is healing ... um, or so she's read. OMG, I'm still laughing about it! You are the queen of dialogue, CC Aiken!)

CC ... I'm so glad you joined our little fandom! laugh

Kathy (singing, "Can you feel the love tonight ...?")

Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 605
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 605
Hi CC,

Just wanted to thank you for the great read.

Although I haven't had time to comment frequently, I've loved every part of it. smile

Yours Jenni

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