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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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 Unfortunately, I had to vote '0,' not because I'm a dog person, but because of a certain gene that has been passed along in my family. But, honestly, I am both a cat person and a dog person, if that's possible. I love them both! Life is so unfair! 
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Well, I had to use this thread as an excuse to show my pictures too Everyone knows I love my cats. One of my riding students did a bronze sculpture for me (she sells them, but I got the artists proof) Here's my Chang with the bronze cats, he's my avatar and here are pictures of three of my cats, about 6 months ago...2 half manx and 1 old fashioned siamese ![[Linked Image]](http://www.dressagejudges.com/images/kittens.jpg)
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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My wife and I used to have one cat each, but after our first child, my cat went crazy. After six months, we were forced to give mine away. 
-- Roger
"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin
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We have two cats, Selena Kyle Spear and Colleen Calle Spear (AKA C.C.). Both names are based on comic book characters...one is Batman and the other Superman. Selena is the oldest and we've also had her the longest, so she's also known as Queen Selena. She doesn't claim to own us, but her attitude says, "This is my house. I just let you live here." When she goes flying from the coffe table to the chair, I usually call her "UltraKitty" much to my hubby's annoyance ("Must everything refer back to Lois & Clark?!?"). C.C. is more of the playful, cuddly lap-kitty of this family. She's definitely my "Writer's Block" when I'm trying to work on fanfic. I just wish I had pictures to show. 
Anne >^,,^<
"I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate." Lois Lane "All My I've Got a Crush on You 10/24/1993
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Does having an 18 month labrador who seems to think he's a cat count? Homer's cutest trick for interrupting me while I'm working on the pc is to put his front paws on the windowsill (which puts his back to me, beside my chair) then slowly lean back, turning his head to view me plaintively. This is my cue to give him a kiss, which nine times out of ten turns into a hug as he twists around and onto my lap. Works nearly every time. <sigh> When it doesn't, he'll resort to knocking several books off the bottom shelf behind me and then pushing them under the shelf. He thinks I'll never find them in there. :rolleyes: Generally, though, he learned when he was a puppy that when Mum is working at the pc the world does not exist,  and if he can't tempt me away from my desk he'll give up and curl up on my feet. LabRat  (relieved that, so far, he hasn't gone all the way of a cat and resorted to climbing trees and having to be coaxed down - which was a favourite habit of our last labrador, Patch.)
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
I couldn't vote. the thing is, I love cats, but I live in an appartment and I wouldn't keep them locked in it the whole day so I prefer not to own any than make one unhappy. Still, if you count photographs and stuffed animals...I have4 cats (2+2, one's a tiger  ) Carole
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Originally posted by LabRat: Does having an 18 month labrador who seems to think he's a cat count? Don't feel bad...both my cats sometimes act like dogs. Selena likes to chase her tail and C.C. loves to play fetch. At least she's playing it with a toy mouse, so it can't be all bad.
Anne >^,,^<
"I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate." Lois Lane "All My I've Got a Crush on You 10/24/1993
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Features Writer
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OK, I just voted, and I have a little complaint. I just voted for "0 - I'm a dog lover". Not that I don't love cats, I do, but I can't have them where I'm living now, and before, my mother never liked animals in the house. I LOVE dogs, cats, hamsters, any type of pet, but I just can't have one.  So, when I voted, I was voting for the zero cats, not for the "I'm a dog lover". Maybe an extra comment in the zero option should be posted: "...or can't have one". Just my thoughts. malu
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I love both cats and dogs. We used to have both an outdoor dog (back yard) and an outdoor cat (anywhere she wanted, but mainly front yard). At that time I liked dogs better. Our cat, Muffin, was getting old and wasn't "playful". She was older than I was and we had to have her put to sleep when I was about 13 or so. We got our golden retriever, Sunny, when I was 6 1/2. She was very playful. She passed away Christmas morning a few years ago, though. The next year my sister got a cat, Tobey, for Christmas and she's adopted all of us as hers. It's kind of funny because when my mom and my sister and I get home, Tobey will go to my mom or to me, not to my sister. Tobey's sister (from a different litter) lives with some neighbors, and she is one of the ugliest cats we've ever seen, while Tobey is really cute. She loves sleeping in the exact middle of the bed and laying on your hand or arm. My computer is positioned so I can sit on my bed and use it and I have a stand next to my bed that my cordless mouse is on. For some reason, Tobey thinks that it is just her size. I am constantly having to pick her up off of my hand and mouse (where she decided to lay) and depositing her next to me on my bed. She tries to lay on my hand when I am typing too...but she's so cute that I just can't get mad at her. :rolleyes: ok...one more story. She used to take naps on our old family computer monitor (different from my computer). We got a new computer and monitor two weeks ago...flat screen...now she sits beside the computer and meows in complaint with pitiful eyes. :p -Breanna (who now loves indoor cats)
_________________________ Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers? Lois: (blushing) I hope not.
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Does having an 18 month labrador who seems to think he's a cat count? lol. i grew up with a golden/cocker spaniel mutt. great dog, but she thought she was a cat, too. in a different way than yours. i mean, puppies are affectionate, love to get attention, and will poke and prod you until you pet them (or until they realize it's hopeless and give up and lie down at your feet). that's normal. amber, otoh, had some odd reactions. whenever she saw a dog, she'd wag her tail and act all friendly... until that dog came within striking distance. then, all of a sudden, she was all teeth and claws. had to do whatever we could to hold her back. otoh, the people across the street had a cat. for no reason we could fathom, amber habitually shared her dinner with the cat. mom had to start giving her extra food so that she'd get enough. i'm intrigued by this dog of yours that could climb trees. very interesting. of course, the thing i find most interesting in all this is the discovery that labrat owns a lab. Paul
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i mean, puppies are affectionate, love to get attention, and will poke and prod you until you pet them (or until they realize it's hopeless and give up and lie down at your feet). that's normal. No kidding, eh. Mine was disloyal, growled at me and I probably lost skin at some point. I was seriously thinking about giving him away, then by the time he turned two, he was all affectionate, pet me, play with me sort of thing. He's a lab-retriever.
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Boards Chief Administrator Emeritus Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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i'm intrigued by this dog of yours that could climb trees. very interesting. I have no idea why he got into the habit. But he was a real character and it was just something he seemed to have fun with. He was astonishingly good at jumping. We have a six and a half foot wall that separates our garden from a small road on the other side and the first time Patch leapt over it, after a carelessly thrown ball, we just stood and gaped. After that he'd do it regularly if you didn't watch him. One leap and his front paws were on the top, a quick scrabble with the hindlegs and he'd be up and over. He was an adverturer, was Patch. Nothing delighted him more than skipping out and taking off for the day on some adventure or other. We learned to live with it. He'd come back 24 hours later looking extremely smug and not a little guilty, sometimes beaten about as one of his great joys was scrapping with other dogs. I suspect he was up to other things too as there were a suspicious number of dogs in the neighbourhood in later years with a distinct resemblance to our maverick. But I digress...trees. He'd find one that had a low slung limb and jump onto it. Then work his way to the top. It wasn't unusual for my brother or I to take Patch out for a walk and then come back wearily some time later to get Dad to go fetch him down from a tree. Dad was the only one he'd listen to and come back down for.  "Dad! He's up a tree again!" was a familiar cry during my teen years. of course, the thing i find most interesting in all this is the discovery that labrat owns a lab. ROTFL! LabRat 
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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I love all animals. Seriously, I do. Insects, reptiles, furry friends, all of them. I only have 8 fish, 1 hamster, 2 dogs, and 3 cats though. 
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I've owned nine cats at various stages of my life, but unfortunately only one of them is still with me (two had to stay back in Cape Town with friends.) I mostly wanted to say... cats that don't come when they're called? Good heavens! *All* my cats have come when they were called, and that includes the current one, who is a scaredy cat - his mother was feral. And one of my cats used to come for walks, too, though she wouldn't let me leash her. Mere
A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge