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#232455 10/15/03 12:49 PM
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I was just arguing with someone the other day about whether if it is better to use chatspeak or if it is better to use correct English on the Net. I want to know what you guys think. I myself prefer correct English (as you can see me using).

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)
#232456 10/15/03 01:24 PM
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Do you mean forums -- where the pace is slower and the posts can be seen for a long time? Or IRC/AIM/chat, where the pace is quick, and the messages ephemeral?

Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.

- Under the Tuscan Sun
#232457 10/15/03 01:48 PM
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I meant both, actually, but more adressing live chat.

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)
#232458 10/15/03 01:55 PM
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Ok. Based on your response, I voted for the second option. I need to be able to chat quickly. So I forgo capitals and only fix spelling mistakes that really bug me or make what I said indecipherable.

But posts on forums have far more permanence. I type them more slowly, and with more thought. I spell-check them, and will go back and edit errors that I notice after posting (which isn't really possible in chat).

OTOH, "chatspeak" like "wtvr" drives me 'round the bend. Just call me an old fogey. laugh

Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.

- Under the Tuscan Sun
#232459 10/15/03 02:28 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
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For the most part, my IMs look exactly the way I speak. I have a friend that I sim with who I know has the ability to write correctly, but for some reason he likes to talk like....oh, sample!: 'ur goin 2 g 2 da chat 2day neway?' Or something horribly along those lines. And he's British! And reasonably intelligent! And I know he can write properly, because I've seen him do it! But he has to speak like that! ARGH!

As I was saying, in chatrooms and IMs I am, for the most part, typing the same way I do here, fixing my typoes immediately. But I do say things like 'I g2g' or 'ttyl' or even an occasional 'cya.' And of course I say stuff like 'lol' and use smilies. But I really try to stay correct.

Lois: "Kent is a hack from Smallville. I couldn't make that name up."

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#232460 10/15/03 05:33 PM
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I'm a big fan of correct English. I don't care if people capitalize or not. I don't always do it. Acronyms are cool, though. When it comes to posting, I take the time to type correctly and spell everything out. Live chats are fast and furious sometimes, but to me posting tends to be a reflection of how much you care about getting your point across to people. I'm more likely to read posts that have actual words instead of stuff like ne1 wuz up peeps or whatever.

JD smile

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#232461 10/15/03 05:50 PM
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Correct English, please! I truly dislike chat speak - one of my friends uses it in emails and I already have a very hard time understanding it in French. In English it's mission impossible. wink For the sake of all non natives among us (though I'm sure that it's for the sake of many natives as well), correct English... or else I'll start writing fanfic such as: "U r not gonna b-lieve it: Lois luvs Clark 4 ever." Ick. razz

Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

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#232462 10/15/03 05:56 PM
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or else I'll start writing fanfic such as: "U r not gonna b-lieve it: Lois luvs Clark 4 ever." Ick.

English isn't native to me either but living in Canada helps a lot. smile BTW, you are so lucky living in France. I visited it 3 years ago and ever since I've wanted o go back (I was around Paris).

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)
#232463 10/15/03 05:59 PM
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/me reads Kae's threat
/me runs screaming from the room, gouging out her eyes along the way

Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.

- Under the Tuscan Sun
#232464 10/15/03 06:41 PM
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I voted for correct English, but I think of that as more of an ideal than a requirement. When I'm chatting, I'm typing fast and may or may not fix (or even notice! goofy ) my errors/typos. But I do use real words for the most part, apart from stuff like re, cya, afk. Of course, I'm a pretty fast touch-typist. I prefer for everyone else to use correct English, too, which 99% of us do, I think. At least of my regular and semi-regular chat buddies. Hoewever, I have goten fluen tin raeding "typo"! goofy


#232465 10/15/03 07:02 PM
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Chat speak makes me sick. It's the reason I don't talk to my little sister online. She drives me nuts! I wondered if it was an age/generation thing, but she is 20 and still does it while teenagers on this board use perfect English. Then I thought maybe it reflected on a person's intelligence . . . but, no, my sister is pretty smart. Finally, I decided it is lazyness. How much harder is it to type you instead of u, and how much harder is it to type anyway instead of neway. I mean, my gosh, it's only one more letter! The one that makes me laugh is my best friend's sister (who is 19 and is my sister's friend) uses sum=some and a very similar c word =come . . . and both words have different meanings that she didn't even realize! I noticed that when I am on IM, I tend not to capitolize things. However, when I am posting, I write complete sentances always. I think chatting is more like a conversation rather than a soliloque trying to show your opinion.

- LaUrA ;)nEwAy, KaEtHeL, iF u WrT uR fIc lIkE tHaT, IlL wRt MiNe LiKe ThIs (omg (oh, that's an abreviation I use because some people might be offended by the entire phrase that I mean) that was so hard to do! It took me like 5 minutes to write that sentance making sure I was capitolizing the right letters in the right pattern -- and I see I missed one!)

- Laura smile

PS I can't spell at all -- those people that have chatted with me know that smile . Add that to the fact that I don't touch type, and often you have me writing things that look likeI am crazy.

PPS I am done studying for my exam dance However, I have to be up in just under 4 hours. We'll see how good I feel in the morning wink .

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

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#232466 10/15/03 09:32 PM
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Hah! We just had a big thread war about this on samandjack (YahooGroup for SG1's Sam and Jack shippers) - one very educated college student, smart, from the sounds of it, insisted that we all try to decipher her 'netspeak', as she called it, and a lot of people tried to pursuade her that it's just not right on a mailing list - maybe for online chatting in real time with your friends, but not when you are trying to communicate ideas and have time to edit yourself. Agh, it's a closed archive, so I can't send you there to see the thread... oh well...

Melisma (shutting up for a while, here under her Rock - maybe it will help her laryngitis?)

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#232467 10/16/03 12:06 AM
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Chatspeak drives me nuts when I see it on a messageboard forum and I'm in sync with Kaethel and Pam on it being used in chat channels.

Typos are a different thing, I think - those don't bother me at all. And I'll use various abbreviations at times. But wholesale chatspeak just fogs my brain.

Course, just recently, when I actually had to text a message to someone, I realised what a dashed awkward, time-consuming, fiddly thing it is - and began to be a little more understanding of why chatspeak developed in the first place! I cannot believe that millions of kids up and down the world do this for fun all day! goofy

So, I guess it's tolerable in its original setting of mobile phones. But it irks me when I see it too much elsewhere.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers
#232468 10/16/03 01:51 AM
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I use english with fewer capitals, usually. I always capitalize certain words, but more often than not, it's too much trouble to hit the shift key. I don't mind typos or abbreviations, like lol, rofl, bbl, etc. I abhor chatspeak, though, no matter the context. I've yelled at friends and family on ICQ for using "u" and "ne1". And things like l33t sp34k gives me the absolute willies, and unless it's used in a joking manner, I *will* go off on that person.

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited
#232469 10/16/03 01:54 AM
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Why on earth 'no capitals'? Personally, I find it much more difficult to read text written this way, and I just don't see why it's a problem to use them. Sorry, Paul, I know you write like this, and I'm sure you have very good reasons for it, so I'm not having a 'go' at you. smile Otherwise, you write very nice, easily read English, which makes up for the lack of capitals.

To be honest, though, I have had to backtrack when reading no-capital text when I've realised I missed that tiny little full-stop nestling in amongst all those same-size, same-spaced letters. <g>

(defender to the bitter end of good grammar and punctuation, even if she doesn't always get it right herself <g>)

PS: I was still writing this when you posted, Karen, so although it looks like a slightly cranky response to your comment, it's not meant to be! smile

#232470 10/16/03 04:38 AM
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I voted for Correct English, but there is a middle ground, as others have mentioned. Maybe I should have gone for your second option, English but no caps, but that really didn't fit what I mean.

I personally use proper capitalization/punctuation most of the time on IRC, but I also use acronyms common to FoLCdom -- LOL, ROTFL, re, OMG, brb, afk, etc. Not to mention the acronyms we all use for episode titles.

That said, I agree completely that chatting quickly on IRC is a different thing than making posts to the listserv or message boards, and different rules apply. I have been known to edit my posts several times on the boards, in order to make sure I'm saying just what I intended to. But if someone corrects my spelling on IRC, I'm going to be annoyed -- it's kind of an unspoken rule on the channel that the occasional typo is to be expected in chat. The only time I might retype on IRC is if I think my meaning was unclear -- leaving out a "not" before a verb, for example. But otherwise, I figure if people can figure it out, there's no reason to restate it.

As for full "chatspeak", as an adult, I find it childish and very annoying, though luckily it's not something we've had to deal with very much in FoLCdom. As something fun between teenaged friends, it probably does little harm, but I think the danger is when it becomes a habit. Like swearing, it might be something that doesn't raise eyebrows amongst your peers, but if you slip and use it in a professional situation (that college internship, your first job interview), you are going to find yourself very embarrassed. I did recruiting for several years, and trust me, people *do* talk about you when you screw up like this.

Kathy (who could tell some amazing stories about new employees' faux pas)

#232471 10/16/03 05:13 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
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Correct English!
I have to go with Kaethel & the cheerleaders here; Chatspeak: razz

I was reading a little from the Delta Goodrem forum the other day, and there were so many that wrote like that and it really, really bothered me.

And they even had nick names like that: ~~Buttafly~~, MeLuvsDelta, DeltaForeva, Deltagurl etc.. dizzy

Personally, and I can't really explain why, but whenever I see people write like that, I tend to take them less serious...does anybody know what I mean?

Anyway, I have to admit that whenever I chat, and everything's going so quickly, I might end up writing 'gonna' instead of 'going' before I can think it over, although it doesn't happen that often, but I know I've done it sometimes...although maybe it doesn't fit to be a part of 'chatspeak', I don't know. Other than that, I don't write that way at all.

Pelican smile

Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

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#232472 10/16/03 08:07 AM
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Jumping on the bandwagon here with my vote for proper English. Those who know me well know that this is one of my biggest pet peeves. I always use full sentences and proper capitalization and punctuation on message boards. When chatting, the atmosphere is definitely more informal, but still, it's only relatively recently - within the last year or so - that I've even started using common internet abbreviations. And I'm still more likely to type, "That's so funny!" rather than "lol". Typos and the occassional misspelling or dropped capitalization doesn't bother me at all. There's no need for correction as long as the meaning is clear. I actually tend to drop capitals sporadically because one of my shift keys sticks and I'm not about to retype every single time it doesn't work. But I think that is far removed from dialogue like, "C-U L8er" and "OIC". Like many others I don't think that there is anything inherently wrong with this, I just think it makes the speaker (or typist, I guess) look immature and uninteligent, which is unfortunate given that this is far from true most of the time. Also, I tend to react differently depending on who does it. When my friend's little sister (who's 16) does it, I roll my eyes good naturedly. Kids these days. <G> When my 45 year old aunt does it, it makes me cringe. The woman worked as a receptionist for years. She types at least 50 wpm, and I'm the only person she's talking to online. There is no reason she's in such a hurry that she needs to type "oic" rather than "oh, I see." And I was NOT pleased when my reporters would IM me like that when I was their editor. I know we are students, but this is a professional paper. Don't ask me about your assignment with a message that makes me wonder if you even speak English. Please.

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#232473 10/16/03 08:32 AM
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Coming late to this thread, having been away from a PC all day - and all I can do is echo everyone else, really! smile Actually, I'm somewhat surprised, but also very pleased, to see how many of us feel the same way about this.

I hate 'chatspeak' and 'txt-speak' with a vengeance. As others have said, what is so difficult about writing 'anyone' instead of (the version I've seen) N E one - which actually takes longer to type?! razz

But the reason I was surprised is that we have had in recent years a few younger FoLCs - and at least one not all that young - who seemed to like 'txt-speak' and even used it on message boards - I remember one person telling us that he used it because he was 'young' (in his 20s, I think) and it was 'kewl', unlike writing in proper English. I think we were meant to assume that we were not young and not cool... goofy

At the same time, though, I probably shouldn't be that surprised. A couple of people have mentioned fanfic - and I think lots of us recognise how far superior L&C fanfic is to fanfic in many other fandoms in terms of its presentation: spelling, grammar, syntax etc. Sure, Archive GEs help, but in my several years as a GE I've very rarely seen stories as poorly presented as I've seen in other fandoms.

Wendy smile

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#232474 10/16/03 08:49 AM
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There is no reason she's in such a hurry that she needs to type "oic" rather than "oh, I see."
blush I'll try not to use that one anymore . . .

Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.

- Under the Tuscan Sun
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