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Wanda Detroit is my real name. Really. *giggle* Okay, okay... you caught me. :p I usually use an alias online, and like to pay homage to L&C by using Wanda. I don't hide my real identity or anything... I mean, I gave myself a cameo in "Ace is the Place!" using my real name. Those FoLCs who have BR'ed for me and/or talk to me on AIM or Yahoo!Messenger also know and/or use my real name. I have to admit, though, that Zoom's MBs have a "WandaD" who was there before I was! I feel pretty bad about that, because we're often confused for one another. On other websites, I'm LoisLane216, or MarilynM216... (216 being a VERY insignificant number--it was my freshman dorm, what? 5 years ago?! But it's stuck around...) Lois is self-explanatory, and Marilyn M. pays homage to Miss Monroe, another of my favorites. Very cool quiz--very interesting! In all things Super... Wanda Detroit!
"He's a man. I'm a woman. Do you want me to draw you a diagram?" -Lois Lane, I've Got a Crush on You.
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Hmm... let's see  Stopquitdont? What do you think? SQD
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Well I use my real name although when I was 10/11 years old I kicked up a huge fuss about just being called Sarah as I thought Sarah-Jayne was not “cool”  enough for high school, so now I’m know as just Sarah to everyone apart from family and these boards, as my Mum, Dad and fiancé use both names interchangeably, which is a shame as I kind of like Sarah-Jayne a lot more than I used to! Sarah-Jayne 
"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." Christopher Reeve - Still Me
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Originally posted by Vicki: I was so bored, I started making up names like Sandy Beach, I will never forget reading an article about a couple who lived on the beach in Florida and named their kids Sandy, Rocky, Coral and Pebbles. 
Anne >^,,^<
"I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate." Lois Lane "All My I've Got a Crush on You 10/24/1993
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Well, normally I'd say the name I use on boards like this one is made up, for it is. But since there is at least one person who has "Sira" as their first name, I voted "looks real".
The story behind this is that a friend of mine has a homepage dedicated to short stories. And since she got so few in the first place I wrote some under a pseudonyme: Sira Thiel.
My friend looked up that name and found someone actually has that name!!! But since I intended it to be one word (sirathiel) in the first place, I kept this nick. I like it a lot and have no trouble we people calling me that.
Well, the first time I write you an e-mail you'll find out what my real name is anyways. Stupid Outook. That's what gave me away to my friend. Adding that I had her beta reading a story where a race of people was calles Sirathil, I was surprised that it took her so long to figure it out. but in the end she didn't mind too much and we both laughed over it.
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Boards Chief Administrator Emeritus Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Well, the first time I write you an e-mail you'll find out what my real name is anyways. Stupid Outook. Can't you ditch that eddress, Sira, and use one of the others to give yourself one that matches your nick? I think it's five eddresses you can have with OE - isn't it? Could be wrong as I only ever use the one. But sure it's around that anyway. I guess I've always been lucky - in the first days of getting online I changed ISP's a few times, but never had any trouble keeping the same 'labrat@' eddress wherever I went. LabRat 
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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Actually, the number of email addresses is based on your provider, not your email client. I haven't checked to see how many accounts Outlook Express can hold at one time. Check with your provider to find out if 1) If you get free extra accounts, 2) if they're not free, how much, and 3) how many extras you can get with your account.
Or just sign up with a free host -- hotmail, yahoo, email.com, etc.
However, if your email address doesn't reflect on your real name, you can change your "real name" in Outlook. Just go to Tools -> Accounts -> Mail -> Properties, and it's right there on the general tab.
Karen -- who struggles to remember exactly which hosts she's signed up with sometimes
"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited
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Boards Chief Administrator Emeritus Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Actually, the number of email addresses is based on your provider, not your email client. Slip of the keyboard finger, Karen - ISP was what I meant to say. LabRat 
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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LOL AnnaBtG: AnnaBtG. (who, although in RL always thought her name was too common and simple and boring, is happy that she doesn't have to confuse the FoLCs with a 'seriously Greek' name like the ones she actually likes - Polymnia, or Amaryllis, or Glykeria... [[Smile]] ) How about Artemis? I picked a name that isn't mine but is a real name, if an uncommon one in the U.S. It is related to my real name and those who attend LAFF know me by both. Like LabRat (a name I love BTW), I have several reasons (see, if you say "several" you don't have to count beforehand) 1. I'm a security nut. No names, no addresses no pictures on the internet. 2. I have a career as a scientist under my real name. 3. I wanted to break free from said career and channel my humanitarian side (vs. scientific side) 4. I could never ever sign my real name to an nfic. I'm too embarrased. (See #2 above) This has no relationship to the fact that in a group I can swear like a sailor and tell dirty jokes. 5. Initially I wanted a gender-free nickname. (Remember Artemis Gorden in "Wild Wild West"? The TV series, not the Will Smith movie.) Now I don't care so much. 6. I like using the same nick all the time. This crowd then knows who I am. At the last Kerth's I had a little trouble figuring out who some of the posters were. "TopHatMan" is a clear riff on "HatMan", but I kept saying to self "Where's Yvonne"? Till finally the penny dropped on "EvilAuntY". That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Artemis
History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
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Another name I like very much I wanted a gender-free nickname Well, this much worked, for when I first saw you, I wondered: 'Is it artEmis (thus male) or Artemis (thus female?) [capitalized is the strongest vowel.] Since I'm here, I'll add something else: When I first joined, I thought about using the nick 'Anouk', which is my school nick, by which I sign scrapbooks and stuff. But decided against it. And you know why? Because I'm such an egoist, that I wanted everyone to know that it's ME, IT'S ME OVER THERE!!! You can throw your tomatoes now AnnaBtG.
What we've got here is failure to communicate...
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Hmmm: Well, this much worked, for when I first saw you, I wondered: 'Is it artEmis (thus male) or Artemis (thus female?) [capitalized is the strongest vowel.] [[Smile]] In the States they pronouce both *ART* emis, so there is no verbal distinction I know of. Artemis Gordon, who was a guy, was prounounced ARTemis. OTOH, it's seldom heard aloud at all. Well, as my grandmother used to say, a little mystery is a good thing. Artemis
History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
Great poll. I'm faintly surprised there are so few of "us" - people who use made-up names. Well, coun't me among the 'us' too, Meredith! I don't often get the chance to go on IRC, but I usually use Cyad there as well. Cyad doesn't stand for 'Cyber Ads'. it's a completely made up name. It's a sum up of my real name initials -the same as my mother's- and the initials of the first real-name-sounding-pseudonym I used as a byline for the first article I published.This second set of initials I share with my grandmother. it's all in the family! <g> Cyad is also my official pseudonym and thus, registered as such. I discovered that I had french and international homonyms so, it did come in handy once or twice. I don't use it much to sign articles but it's okay with fics and on internet forums. I also use it to sign my artistic achievements, such as ceramics, glass or cristal creations, stained glass and/or jewels design. No need to mention that I don't sell and that those creations are mostly for my relatives and friends entertainment. Carole PS: Now you at least know what the 'C' stands for.
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Well, Nan Smith is and isn't my name. My real name is Nancy (my husband still tries to spell it Nanci, which I won't let him do because it looks silly) but I chose Nan for my name on the boards because it's quick and easy to type and I wanted something a little different than the name I've always been called. My alternate is simply part of my email address which I use because it's different but easy to remember. Nancy Smith is an incredibly common name, so it doesn't bother me that people I don't know see it or read my writing. There are a lot of suspects out there!<g>
Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
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Well, I started out with Shadow in the beginning because my mother has been trying to brainwash me for years that people who hang out in chat rooms and message boards are all really axe-murderers and such. But the way I figure, if you can even find the town I live in (because no one ever knows where it is), then a major congratulations to you, and I'll leave the door unlocked for you. But come on. I think you guys have better things to do than stalk me.  So my name is Jen. And I'm right in there with the 'I-hate-my-name' crowd. Jennifer is too ridiculously long and ordinary for me. But most people call me Jen or JD anyway, so it's all good. I doubt anyone knows my last name, and I'd like to keep it that way. But it's a strong Italian name, I'll tell you that much. Jen
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Jen, you've sent me email, so I know your last name. But that's ok -- the reverse is true as well. 
Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.
- Under the Tuscan Sun
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I use a nickname for these boards, but I sign all my posts with my real first name (Lauren). My nickname comes from years of my best friends making fun of me and telling me I am the "Queen of all the spazzy." (Which basically means I am a energetic, hyper freak. And it is completely true, but I will NEVER admit that to a single one of them.) The numbers of my screen name come from a long standing joke between me and my best friend having to do with certain sports (it's best not to even ask).
I suppose it would just be easier to use my real name instead of a nick, but I guess I just like it this way. ~Lauren
Clark: Lois, you're kinda babbling. Lois: I know. See, I never babble. Clark: Are you kidding? You're a brook.
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Hi Jen: Believe it or not, I have been to most of the Gulf Coast of Alabama! Artemis
History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Well, as some of you know, Bethy isn't my real name. Nothing to do with my real name. Basically, I was another one of those "paranoid about the scary people on the internet" types. And by the time I got to know all these people so well, I liked being Bethy. So Bethy I will stay. Bethy PS Oh, yeah -- the name comes from Little Women. I played Beth, died, and was nicknamed "Dead Bethy" by my friends. So when I got online, it became my nick. Which was later shorted to Bethy.
I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.
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Take one guess as to whether this is my real name or not. I like using nicks because it's fun. On the archive, though, I use my real name (although there are two stories which were uploaded using my nick, so those of you searching for the 1st two Marth & Lara stories must look under Q). It's a very common name, so I can get away with it. (My middle name, though, is one-of-a-kind so I won't disclose it.  ) On most forums, I like to be known as Batgirl1. I guess this is a little bit of nostalgia for a Batman fansite I used to be a member of. One day the site moved, and now I can no longer find it! Ah, well.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Thanks LabRat and Karen, for your tips, I'll try if that works.
In fact my mail is sirathiel@gmx.net (it's also the address I used to sign up to these boards...) What happens when I send a mail is that the receiver of the mail gets to see 'real name' <sirathiel@gmx.net>.
So thanks for the help, I'll see what I can do about my little problem...