Donating, as in donating their work to the dvd. If someone has issues with this idea, anyone who has their name on that disc could be liable.
I think that's a shift from the previous point you were making, DS, rather than the same one, but let me address this one too:
Is there a risk there? Absolutely! Just as there is in every single area of fandom that everyone involved in fandoms practises daily. No more, no less than that. Strictly speaking, we could incur the wrath of the great exec gods by writing fanfic, by posting pictures from the show, by letting people know where they can dl episodes, by making music videos, by quoting dialogue in the Hangman game...the list is endless.
Most of us are fandom veterans, we've been involved in more than one fandom for many years, in some cases for decades. So you're not telling us anything we don't already know, DS. We know how it all hangs together, the legal ins and outs, the risks, such as they are, that are taken every day and the line we walk - the way the world we operate in works. And, most especially, the way that our own particular fandom works. We're fully aware of any and all risks and are capable of using our experience in fandom to evaluate which ones we should be concerned about.
So, to reiterate Pam, many thanks for the warnings, but they're really unnecessary. We understand the point you've been making very clearly, but it's not something we feel we need to worry about at this time.