********This Poll is Now Closed*******After the First Poll:
Ten Votes:
"It's a Fanfic Thing, You Wouldn't Understand."
"LnC: The only triangle with two sides."
Nine Votes:
"Psst: I have a secret identity. I write/read FanFiction."
"Fans of Lois & Clark are good FoLCs."
Eight Votes:
"I'd rather be writing / reading fanfiction."
"Will write for FDK"
"Real Life is overrated. I'd rather live in FanFiction."
"FoLC FanFiction: 20 years long and still super strong."
"A strong woman can rescue herself, but it doesn't hurt to have a superhero on speed dial."
"Chumpy--it is a word!"
Seven Votes:
"You tore me out of my story for this???"
"Through fanfiction, the story continues..."
"FanFiction: I spend my free time saving the world. What do you do?"
Coming soon, Fundraising Swag Poll #2, narrowing it down further.