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Part 10 is up. Tell the troops to retreat! 
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Another great part SQD, I can`t wait to see more 
A friend is somebody that knows everything about you and still likes you
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Well, of course Lois knew him - how could she not? And you got your bomshell by saying the boy's name. it was, however a little odd, that Lois, who knew Conner didn't know it, didn't say it. Could the boy have a nickname? You could also then say his real name just now? Poor Clark, how wrong it is: Conner dropped his head and sobbed miserably. What was he supposed to do? How could he handle this? He couldn't bring a man back from the dead. He couldn't inflict more pain on those who thought him so perfect. They were better off without him. They didn't need him. They'd be just fine. Lois was just great! And Clark jr, also. It is real good that Dan is just an agent.
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Whew. As long as he's not Dan's kid Good stuff. This whole Conner thing is so great, I had to pick up the Count of Monte Cristo to read the real deal. Great book. Jen
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Lois: Can I go? Clark: No. Lois: Oh come on, Clark, why do we go through this? We both know I’m going to go. Clark: Then why do you ask? Lois: I’m trying to be nice.
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I made a terrible slip when posting this part and I'd like to rectify that now. I meant to post a very special thank you to my beta-readers. Avia went back and beta'd this section again after a tremdous amount of rewrites without ever complaining. I'd like to take a moment to recognize her efforts. She also took the time to send back additional comments on a future part and I have to thank her for that. I know how busy she is and to do this for me meant a great deal! I'd also like to extend a very special thank you to Jenni. It would probably more appropriate to recongnize her as 'special contributing author' on this section. She gave me so many wonder suggestions to help tighten this up and I couldn't allow that to go unrecognized. So, Jenni, thank you very, very much. I'd be lost without you! 
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Stopquitdont, this was soo good ditto others keep this coming quickly merry
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Scardino!  Yes, I know I suggested it a couple of sections ago, but I was just kidding... Really... Well, as long as there's really nothing between him and Lois, I guess I can handle it. OK, so Lois didn't recognize him instantly and throw her arms around him (which would have been interesting, mind you  ), but that wasn't totally unexpected - after all, she honestly didn't expect to see a dead man walk into the room. But she got that jolt, right away, just like I knew she would! I loved this, so I have to repeat it... Conner's eyes flashed to the hand, then back to her eyes. He couldn't touch her. If he did, he'd lose it. Not waiting for a command from his brain, his hands lifted to hers. He took the delicate hand in both of his.
<<Damn! She still feels wonderful!>
He could feel the electricity the moment he touched her. Did she feel it? Or was it just wishful thinking? He looked back up at her and was stunned by what he saw. And this was...well, it was just super... "Hi, Grandma. Yo, Grandpa." He smiled and gave Jonathan a high five.
<<Grandma? Grandpa?>>
Before Conner could roll that over twice, Lois was speaking from the podium. And still, SQD, you've managed to keep little Master Lane's name secret up until the last minute, even though I think we all had a pretty good idea what it was...all except for lunkheaded Clark, that is. Loved Clark Jr.'s speech, and when Lois realized that Clark was indeed alive. Loved the way that Clark launched himself into the air without thinking, and this... "Not anymore," he yelled out at the stars. "I can't be him again."
<<You will always be him.>> ![[Linked Image]](http://images.bravenet.com/brpics/smilie/love.gif) What can I say about the whole scene in the hotel suite? It was a beautifully emotional, poignant scene. You could see the pain in Clark literally oozing out of every pore. And Lois managed to keep just the right balance: not pushing too far, yet hanging in there like a terrier and not giving up.  The meeting between Clark and his son was so tender - that boy is definitely wise beyond his years. There were so many beautiful moments there that I probably can't go quoting all of them... It would be incredibly more painful to walk away from her now that he'd come this far.
And this wasn't far at all. They'd done nothing more than talk.
<<And already she's thrown you a lifeline in the form of her touch.>> Well, he's grasped at the lifeline and taken a mighty tug, but along the way is he going to stumble and let go a time or two? KathyM
"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5
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My oh my!!  this was sooo good so powerful so sad and beautiful at the same time!. I'm speechless! PS: Sorry if I don't comment on every part, just to let you know I'm reading it and I love it!.
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And still, SQD, you've managed to keep little Master Lane's name secret up until the last minute, even though I think we all had a pretty good idea what it was...all except for lunkheaded Clark, that is. Okay, I confess! I had no clue whose son it was until Clark Jr called Jonathan 'Grandpa'. Jen
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hey SQD Now that was a brilliant part 
Is it a bird?" "Is it a plane?" "No, it's just a guy in tights and a cape!"
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Jen wrote: Okay, I confess! I had no clue whose son it was until Clark Jr called Jonathan 'Grandpa'. That's OK, Jen! As far as I can tell, that's still before Clark figured it out.  He seems to have done kind of a double take when he heard the Grandpa bit, but he doesn't seem to have actually taken it in until Clark Jr. was announced as the guest speaker... Lois smiled brightly and glanced toward her table again. "Tonight I'm pleased to present a very special speaker. He came to me a few weeks ago and asked if he could say a few words tonight. I was unsure if he was ready for this, but he was quick to remind me that it was time for him to publicly thank his hero for making such a sacrifice for his father."
Conner froze, stunned by her words. What had she just said?
"Ladies and gentlemen, this year's speaker is Clark Kent, Jr."
Breathe! Breathe dammit! Conner was seeing spots dancing before his eyes and his ears were ringing. KathyM
"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5
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Hi, Beautiful! They need to talk and work together to clean Clark name.  Lois should stop calling Conor, Clark very dangerous for all of them. "It was my dream that he would someday return to us, to the world and the city he loved so dearly… But he sacrificed his life here for the sake of a friend. By leaving to uphold the integrity of Clark Kent, Superman proved beyond reason, that a real friend is one to be cherished."  Beautiful!  Clark Jr. speech was brilliant. More soon, please. MAF 
Maria D. Ferdez. --- Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age. MAF
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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My goodness. What can I say that the others haven't already said? This is a very powerful piece, wrought with very strong emotions among all three people involved. This is the best part yet. Lois smiled brightly and glanced toward her table again. "Tonight I'm pleased to present a very special speaker. He came to me a few weeks ago and asked if he could say a few words tonight. I was unsure if he was ready for this, but he was quick to remind me that it was time for him to publicly thank his hero for making such a sacrifice for his father."
Conner froze, stunned by her words. What had she just said?
"Ladies and gentlemen, this year's speaker is Clark Kent, Jr." It took this much to make the lunkhead figure it out. We were all ready to 
-- Roger
"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin
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I'm with Liz this was the best part and I loved all of it too! I am so glad the way it turned out. I can't wait for his parents reaction. More soon. Laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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He was sure if he didn't keep doing that, his dad would slip back into the sad mood he'd been in earlier and the few times he'd seen him before. Tonight he'd managed to make this larger than life man smile -- a real smile, which had brought a twinkle to his eyes. He'd much rather see that sparkle than the dull expression that had been there previously.
Clark had to drop his gaze to the table for a moment. It appeared his son was as much like Lois as he could get. Reminding him of them becoming friends was something she'd definitely do. Finally he looked back up at the boy. "You're right. Friends do things together all the time."
Clark Jr. smiled up at his father, receiving a smile in return.
Lois had watched the entire exchange in silence. This was a moment she never imagined she'd see. Through all the long years, she'd prayed things could have been different. And she'd always ached for Clark, dying without ever knowing his son existed. She'd kept the man alive for her son. Not a day had ever gone by that he was not mentioned in their home. The younger Clark had prayed every night, from the time he was old enough to speak, that his father was taken care of. Clark had been part of his son's life in every way he could have been but the most important one.
Now it seemed that could change. Though she wanted nothing more in her whole being, she was also scared to death. Clark himself had warned her that he had a long way to go to come back home. Could she and Clark Jr. and his folks be the support he needed to heal? It certainly appeared the process had begun. Father and son were smiling at each other. And she could feel the admiration pass between them. She was almost certain that one small touch from the boy would tumble the rest of Clark's defenses. That's moving. However, I wish wou remember that a father should be for his son, not vice versa. It's very dangerous if a child begins to take a care of a parent, then he is absorbed by his needs and has no room for his own feelings and development.
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"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
Hey Stopquitdont, I know I missed the Purgatory 9 FDK but, as this is the part 10 FDK folder, let me just say that, part nine got me catching my breath. I couldn't wait to see Clark's/Conner reaction to his meeting with Lois... Though I'm glad she was quicker at finding out Clark Kent was hiding behind Conner faster than she did about CK being Superman (or was it the other way around?  ) oh, and  (couldn't resist this! As for part 10...what can I say? Each part you're posting beats the previous one. Carole
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SQD WOW! A very moving part! I can't wait to read the next part. Please post it soon. Tricia 
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I must nag some more. Even before Lois, wouln't Clark jr., being a well-mannered boy, introduce himself because he knows - via Conner's letter - that Conner didn't know his name? This is a great line: "Ladies and gentlemen, this year's speaker is Clark Kent, Jr." It tells so much: by naming her son after his father, Lois declares openly that she is proud of Clark and their love. No hiding or shaming here - and of course, she has no cause of it.