Okay, I played around with the blur function and it sort of worked. Of course, it requires a steady hand and with my drinking problem... Oh! Wait! I didn't say that! No drinking problem here. Nope, none whatsoever.
Anyway, I'm just glad that there is an 'undo' option under edit
. Anyway, I finally got it a bit better. I'll update the poster with the new edges when I get back home. Right now I'm in a hotel and the internet connection comes and goes here, so updating from here would probably be difficult.
Anyway, thanks for the help - and the feedback. I'll probably have lots more questions in the future
Oh, and when I get a chance, I'm going to look for something called 'shadow.' I tried the feather feature, but I made it too blury
So I'll have to play with it a bit more, too.