Hey all. I have been lurking around the Lois and Clark fanfiction archives for years, reading all the wonderful stories posted there. I had always contemplated posting some of my stuff, but it wasn't until I recieved a wonderful review of a current L&C story that I have up on fanfiction.net that I decided to give it a shot.

So here it is. I will post the first part, and see how that goes smile

Title: Revelations in Captivity
Part: 1 'Closed'
Author: tvnerdgirl
Rated: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own these wonderful people, and promise to return my toys once I am done playing with them

Summery: A 'revelation' fic that centers largely on the events that took place in 'That Old Gang of Mine' and Lois' reactions to them. Lois and Clark get locked in a department store by accident and a secret is revealed during a game of truth or dare...

Author's Note: Since I am Canadian, some of the spellings that you see in this fic are going to seem wrong to you, particularly that of: colour, favour, defence, pyjama, etc. These are the Canadian/British spellings of these words and are not actually wrong. Just thought I'd let everyone know wink

OK, on with the show:

“I can’t believe nothing’s open,” Lois Lane grumbled as she checked her watch for what had to be the fifth time in under ten minutes. “This is Metropolis! You would think there’d be some twenty four hour place that would sell camcorder batteries.”

“We could always go back to your house.” Clark Kent offered. Her partner had been annoyingly calm during the whole ordeal; considering they had just left a prime suspect on a stakeout that could, if handled properly, blow open the story of a decade. “You could charge your camera there.”

“I need batteries Clark,” was her testy response. “We go back to my apartment and we might as well be conceding the whole night. It will take hours to charge the camera and by the time it’s done the governor and his mob contacts could be long gone.”

“We’ve checked everywhere Lois,” Clark reminded her. “I don’t know where else to look.”

He knew how frustrated she was, and wished desperately that he could tell her that due to his super hearing he could keep tabs on the governor’s actions even from her apartment, but that was impossible. They had just gotten their friendship back to normal after she nearly married Lex Luthor, he was not about to jeopardize it by telling her he was Superman.

“We can’t go back Clark,” she explained in exasperation. “What if something big happens and we don’t have any proof? This is going to be huge! We can’t just hope people will take our word that the governor is up to no good. You know this wouldn’t be a problem if you would just step into the twentieth century and get a camcorder of your own.”

“So now it’s my fault?” Clark grinned at her, unable to keep the amusement from his face. She had an uncanny knack of turning any mistake she made around until it was no longer her responsibility. Sometimes it annoyed him, but tonight, it amused him. “Lois I’ve told you a million times, technology just isn’t my thing.”

“If you want to be a good reporter Clark you’re going to have to compromise.” She replied stubbornly. “I might not always be around to…hey, hey stop here!”

She pointed at a large department store to the right that seemed to still have their lights on. Clark frowned doubtfully, but pulled into the parking lot anyway.

“Lois I think they’re closed.” He said, doing a quick scan of the place. The cashiers appeared to be packing up their things and heading towards the staff lounge. Lois however didn’t hear him, as she was already out of the car and racing towards the building.

“Don’t worry Clark it will only take a second. I’m sure they’ll understand.” She reached the door and tugged on it. Surprisingly, it opened. “See? They can’t be completely closed. The door’s still open.”

“I’m sure they want to go home for the night Lois,” he attempted one more time. She patted his shoulder as they entered and headed straight for the electronics section.

“Nonsense…I’m sure they saw us come in. We’ll only be a minute. Besides, what’s one more customer?”

Clark sighed and went along with her, hoping that the staff of the store wouldn’t be too angry with them. Lois could be a little single minded when it came to a big story and he knew that nothing short of a massive earthquake or some other natural disaster would deter her from purchasing batteries for her camcorder so that they could return to where the action was.

It was one of the things he loved about her. One of the many things he loved about her. He could never tell her that, for he knew she didn’t feel the same way, especially after what happened with Lex. When he told her he loved her, he was certain he had lost her forever. She told him she didn’t feel the same way and then left, intending to marry another man. It still hurt even now, sometimes to look at her face and see only friendship in her eyes. He’d take whatever he could get, for he was completely lost in that respect, but he vowed never to let her know just how much she had hurt him. That’s why he had lied to her after they had gotten the Planet back. If she thought he lied to her about loving her, then some of his dignity could remain intact, even if his heart was in tatters.

“Lois I really don’t think…”

“Clark do you want to nail this guy or not?” She interrupted impatiently as she went through various types of batteries searching for the right one. “It will be fine, now help me find the right kind please?”

He shrugged and began to look with her, trying not to let it show that he thought the search was futile. He hated being rude, and felt that if they approached the registers now, all they would get for their troubles was a way out of the department store, escorted by a security guard. Not to mention that they would become this evening’s story for the cashiers to tell their families once they got home. He could hear it now. ‘Honey you won’t believe the jerks that came in after we had closed!’ He sighed and looked down another isle. Glancing up quickly he felt himself smile despite his better judgment as he watched her searching through various packages of batteries, biting her lip in concentration as she did so.

It was a familiar trait that he had learned to recognize as being solely and completely Lois. It was these times when he wanted nothing more than to lean into her and kiss her lower lip so softly that she would forget whatever frustration she was feeling at that moment. Then again, he always wanted to kiss her. Sometimes he would dream of her, dream of what it might feel like for her to kiss him back of her own volition and not because they were trying to maintain their cover as a married couple or about to die. He dreamed of what it might feel like to see her eyes looking back at him with the same desire that he felt on a constant basis for her. What it might feel like to take her in his arms and…

“Oh this is so annoying!” Her exclamation brought him abruptly from his thoughts and he looked back to her. She threw her hands up in what looked to be a gesture of giving up. “Where is a sales person when you really need one?”

“I’m telling you Lois I think they’ve…” it was then that all the lights in the store switched off at once and a humming noise suddenly took over. Clark felt his stomach drop as he finished his sentence, “gone home.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Clark,” she replied in aggravation. “Someone saw us come in, they would have had to. C’mon, let’s go find someone who works here.”

Ten minutes passed as they searched to no avail for an employee. Clark had a sinking feeling that he had been right. They hadn’t seen the two of them come in, had locked up and gone home. Lois however refused to believe that.

“We’ll just check in the back. I’m sure that’s where they are.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think we should just pick up one of the phones, call the police and ask them to get us out of here.” Clark sighed, knowing his words were pointless.

“Are you insane?” She turned to face him. “Even if we are locked in, the only thing calling the police will do is get us arrested. Do you really think they will believe this was an accident?”

“Given who we are, the fact that we haven’t taken anything and the fact that we’re calling them ourselves?” Clark pointed out. “Yes, I think they would believe us.”

“Even so, we’ll have to spend hours filling out a report, answering questions…” She trailed off and sighed. “The governor could be having that meeting right now.”

“Lois we’re locked in.” He took her by the hand and led her toward the exit. “Look.” He pushed on it lightly enough to show that it was indeed locked.

“Oh all right!” She burst out, ripping her hand from his. The anger in her eyes at possibly losing the story was evident. She chewed her lip again, trying desperately to think of a way out of the situation. Suddenly her face lit up. “What if we called Superman? You know…yelled for help? I’m sure he’d open the doors for us without setting off any alarms and then we could leave the money for the batteries here and get back to our stakeout!”

Clark felt his stomach drop at the mention of Superman. There was no way he could ‘show up’ to help them without Clark being absent somehow and he didn’t see how that was possible, given he was trapped with her. Neither was it possible to somehow open the door without her seeing either what he did, or not buying whatever lame excuse he would surely give her if she didn’t.

“I’m sure that Superman wouldn’t appreciate us yelling for help over this,” he pointed out calmly. “He’s a hero Lois, not a locksmith. He’s probably got real lives to save. What if he thought you were in real trouble and someone else died as a result? He comes whenever you call Lois, but you can’t abuse that. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Clark Kent, always the boy scout,” she sighed. “You’re right. Let’s try the phone and call the police then.”

He watched as Lois picked up the phone and attempted to dial the number, then set it down. He grew confused as she stared at him for once looking worried.

“They’ve coded the phones for the night Clark. We can’t call out, and nobody can call in. I think we might be stuck here.”

-End part 1

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."