Three times? Did I? Really? ...erm... well, see, it just goes to show that the third time is the charm. (and, come to think of it, if it works for "Candy Man" and "Bloody Mary", maybe it would work for a "Clark in your closet", too?? Oooh! /perks up.)
Getting back on track....
Thank you, Paul!!!
Some of this I've told you before, but I forget which ones, so... sorry if I'm repeating myself.
The opening shot of Tempus with the glasses is a *very* cool addition!
Love the first shot of him, sitting in the jail cell, looking like he's totally looney-tunes. Cracks me up something serious. *g*
The shot of Clark screaming in the arctic and you made it look like he says "yes" instead of "no" is especially funny.
(Ooooh! And there's your 42, right there. See?)
The dance break is absolutely hilarious - an instant classic!!
The captions at the end are just too funny - and yay for poking fun at Jimmy #2.
And... and... Intercontinental Freeze Tag!! *still choking with laughter*
Counter was a really cool idea. I love the way you did that - very, very amusing.
Thank you!!!!
Ah, to vid the unviddable vid...
(and um... makes me wanna vid *that* song. Can I? *lol* I think someone needs to get me back into my straight jacket.)