I don't know whether to laugh, cry or kiss you all.

Thank you so much. These are wonderful, amazing, unbelievable compliments and I'm touched.
Tank, you know me so well.
I find it hard to believe that if this is only part seven, and half of Lois' time is up, we are going to make it to part 19 plus.
To me that says a lot of drawn out angst. Something which I know Wendy would have no part of.
Me?? Never.
And once more, to those of you who quote lots of lines and analyse in detail how this made you feel and where you think it's going... thank you feels so inadequate. But I do thank you, very much indeed. Your feedback motivates me, energises me and makes me want to write more.
And speaking of writing more... I've been writing, am now very near the finish and I think I can say that those nineteen parts... will probably be 20.

So Part 8 coming up right now.