/me peeks into the folder and shakes her head.Nicole, Nicole, Nicole...
I find it verrrrry hard to believe that these cliffhangers are unintentional.
But I swear! I just go into the file, count out a certain number of pages and then find the next section break!

This section, admittedly, was a little shorter than I'd ideally post, but the next break wasn't for about four pages and I didn't want to go that much further. You
really think that I'd
deliberately leave you somewhere nasty?
Well, I will admit to being... happy

...when posted parts end somewhere... intriguing.
As an aside, I was amused by how many people thought that Henderson had killed Edwin Griffin. Since Griffin's the one who injected Lois with the poison, this suggests you all think that Henderson is in on it and wants Lois to die. Hmmm... now, that would be a diabolical plot, wouldn't it? And fun, too. I might have done that, mightn't I?
Okay, I'm being yelled at in IRC as ever, so I guess I'd better hurry up and get Part 16 ready. Thanks again for all your wonderful, kind comments!