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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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So far the best emotional post of this story!!!

"He couldn't save her..." hyper

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Oh, Wendy!!! I love Lois! I love Clark! I love you!! They did it! They told each other how they feel!! And now they're getting married! He said yes! YAY!!! I knew he would! This is so good. So happy! It's like a fairy tale (except for the part where she's about to kick it, and he'll be a widow, but then again, as a wise man once said , "how long do any of us have... it's the moments that count"... and what a moment this will be!) laugh Marriage, cure (still have faith in you on that one, Wendy), love FOREVER!! thumbsup notworthy

Wendy, so much to love here! Mostly I love the love!!!! I LOVE THE LOVE!!! laugh

I am dying here, waiting for the wedding (and cure, but of course!!) so that Lois can see that he got her a ring!! So PLEASE more sooon!!!!!!

~NICOLE smile

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Oh no, oh no, oh no... almost forgot!! I have to comment, because I really loved this:
“Lois?” Something in his voice made her look up at him. He was going to be serious again. Well, they didn’t have a lot of time left for serious conversations...


“Are you... disappointed in me? Do you think I’ve let you down?”

She stumbled, and he caught her, held her steady. What was he talking about? Let her down? How?
I was waiting for something like this, but I still teared up at this part; caught off guard! So nice how you did it! His uncertainty, her confusion was so great thumbsup In character, especially at this point, in these circumstances... WONDERFUL! This whole scene just broke my heart in two... ahh.. blush okay. Done now.


~NICOLE laugh

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Thanks to Nicole, I see that there is one more thing that I absolutely must say about this chapter, and it is that I totally, totally love Clark here. And that is important, because I hardly liked him at all in Wendy's previous story, "You Don't Know Me". In that story, I thought Clark was being angry at Lois and feeling sorry for himself because Lois hadn't been able to see through the lies about himself that he kept feeding her. And that self-pity on Clark's part, as well as his readiness to blame Lois for what was both their fault, didn't endear him to me at all.

But if Clark was selfish and full of hurt and anger in "You Don't Know Me", he is so absolutely altruistic and so full of love for Lois that he is, well, like a mythological icon of love who doesn't understand what a miracle he is to the woman of his heart, as he completely selflessly shines his love and warmth on her. This part of the story just choked me up:
That was what she wanted? For him to be able to take the place of his parents - make the decisions for her, be the one who acted when she couldn't? That was why she wanted him to marry her? Not because she actually wanted him as her husband?
A quickie marriage, in a tacky chapel somewhere in Las Vegas. Far from the kind of wedding he'd dreamed of.

And yet...

Her reasoning made sense. And, more than that, it was appealing. Because she was right. Once her parents got involved - as they had to - he'd be pushed aside. Without even any right to be with her. Chances were he wouldn't even get to keep his promise that he'd stay with her till the end.
Besides, Lois was asking him to do it. And it was probably the very last request she was ever going to make of him.

How could he possibly say no?

"Yes." Why didn't his voice sound like him? He cleared his throat. "Yes, Lois - if that's what you want, then I'd be... be honoured to marry you."
Clark, you make me cry and I love you! mecry mecry
Hell. She was hours from death, and they were fighting. He closed his eyes, tried to push away the hurt. "I was thinking of you, Lois. Of what you'd want."

"What I want, Clark, is for you to take me to Vegas. While I'm still able to talk."

"Lois." Her name came out as a sigh. I'm sorry." He enfolded her against him again. "I didn't want to fight... I just... I want you to be sure that this is what you want, that's all."

"I want it." The words were muffled against his chest.

"Okay." He caught her shoulders and gently put her from him. "Just give me a minute." And he whirled, coming to a halt seconds later in the Spandex. "Let's go."
Oh Clark, I love you! It has been practically your life's ambition to get Lois to love you, and you wanted to confirm that love with a true, heartfelt wedding, and now you are throwing all of it away on a tacky parody... because you love Lois so much! Because you'll do anything for her!!! mecry mecry

Well, I gotta run now. Maybe I'll come back and comment on how much Lois can see what a terrific guy Clark is here, even if she'd always denied it!


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Perfect! They finally admitted how they feel. This is one area where Lois would have - should have - figured out how he felt from the way he was treating her, except that so much of her energy, emotional as well as physical, is focused on what is happening to her. If she were healthy, she'd have tumbled to it already. ...Of course, then there'd be no story. Can't have that, no matter how much this angst is tearing us all up!

Clark had a few less clues about her feelings for him than Lois had about his feelings for her - he might not have figured it out without her telling him explicitly how she felt.

That bit at the end was wonderful. He calls her his love, his life - she is, and he's losing that. They both think so, feel so.

It will be very interesting to see how you wrap this up, with so little time left. Even a quickie wedding and a Superman flight takes at least some time, so how many hours will she have left when they return to Metropolis? For that matter, are they even considering returning? They both think Lois is doomed.

And really, even to a dying person - if you've acknowledged you love someone, and you are getting married, what do you do after the ceremony? Do you really just straighten your lapels and go back to the city or the hospital? She's not getting married from a hospital bed. I don't mean they'll do anything physical, necessarily - she's awfully weak - but wouldn't they just want to hole up somewhere and cuddle, and grieve? Or grab as much togetherness as they can, while they can? Shut out the world?

And of course, Griffin said 24 hours. How could he predict that so precisely? Did he mean about 24 hours? This is just so down-to-the-wire. What happens at 23 hours? At 25 hours?

If she's saved in time, what about irreversible effects? If it were only GB, there'd still be up to months of recovery ahead. With the unknown added in... hmmm. Guess you'll just have to post again as soon as possible.

She asked him to take her away from the Planet. If they do return, I guess the logical place to go is to Clark's apartment. And of course, she does have to tell her parents. After all, she promised Clark she would.

And right now, no one knows where they are. Other than yelling for Superman and hoping he knows where they are wink , nobody can contact them. Like, say, in the case of a last-minute identification of the poison, and a cure... (hint, hint)


TicAndToc :o)


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Oh Wendy!!

You're breaking everyone's heart, including mine!!

They really love each other!! I just hope that love (after they're married) will make them fight harder to find her cure and to fight for their love and future together!!


More soon!!


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Okay, I have to come back here and write some more for the third time. But since I don't feel any quotes of mine can do justice to the the heartbreakingly beautiful way this chapter ends, I'm just going to ask everybody to get back to Wendy's story and read the last 58 lines all over again and consider I quoted them.

And while this chapter didn't take us all the way to the wedding between Clark and Lois, it did bring us the most exquisite marriage of LC angst and WAFF. FOLCs, when have you ever read such an unbearably sad and wonderfully poignant and romantic Lois and Clark relationship story? If you know of another one, please tell me, because I want to read that one, too!

Soo... While I can't improve in any way on what Wendy has already said so masterfully, consider, nevertheless, the way Lois begins to feel guilty about dragging Clark into a marriage which will only force him into
sorting out her estate, tidying up her life, dealing with everything she was leaving behind.
So because she realises she shouldn't saddle her best friend with what can only bring him nuisance and trouble, she offers him - with chattering teeth - one last chance to back out. But then - oh, I said I wouldn't quote, but I just have to!!:
"Lois." Suddenly, he was looking at her. He reached for her other hand, holding both tightly as he gazed at her. His expression was intent, his eyes blazing with... something she couldn't quite recognise.

Speech just seemed to burst out of him. "Lois, I... I have to tell you this. Before we go in there. It... it just doesn't seem right that we do this without you knowing."

Knowing? Knowing what?

He didn't give her a chance to ask the question. The words tumbled out, like water over rapids. "Lois, I love you. I've loved you since the moment I met you. Marrying you... if this was under any other circumstances it'd be a dream come true. I... today's been a nightmare, not just because I hate to see you suffering like this, but because I can't bear the thought of losing you. You... it's breaking my heart. If... when you die, it will break my heart. I love you, Lois. So much that... oh, just so much."
"The words tumbled out, like water over rapids." Yes, indeed. Clark just wanted Lois to understand that he wasn't unwilling to marry her in any way. But when he was trying to tell her that, the confession of his true feelings for her came tumbling out as if the sluice-gates of his ironclad control had suddenly burst wide open. Oh, Clark. Lois couldn't believe you loved her, and she so, so needed to hear you say it:
"Do you know, out of... everything you did for me today... that - what you just said - probably touched most of all." She raised her hand and, even as it shook, managed to bring it to his face so that she could touch him with her fingertips. "And... I asked her to wait in case I don't get time to tell you this later. I... I love you too. I think... I have for ages. Just too... too stupid and stubborn and blind to see it."
And now, folcs, just read the last few lines of the chapter, too, and consider the way Clark is holding Lois, and the way he is kissing her. The incredible longing he is giving in to, and the incredible tenderness of what he's doing.

But, Wendy and everybody else, I do want to bring up one of my RL concerns here, and that is the mistreatment of women. Just a few weeks ago there was a UN report saying that more women die of male violence than of poverty, starvation, diseases and war put together. And I think we Lois and Clark fans, who are interested in fiction, should perhaps ask ourselves what we think about the expendability of male and female characters in the world of Lois and Clark. Personally I found it quite interesting as well as depressing that Mayson Drake was killed for trying to get her hands on Clark, while none of the potential Lois-snatchers, Dan Scardino and Lex Luthor, suffered a similar fate.

And now that Wendy is telling a story where Lois is dying, and where she might yet actually die, I'd like to remind you that there really is a whole genre out there where fictional women die for our entertainment. Madame Butterfly. Carmen. Aida. The woman dying of cancer in Terms of Endearment. Little black Sarah, a dying little girl in Africa whom I read about as a child, and who was so happy that she was a Christian, because now she was going home to God. A heartbreaking tale by famous Danish storyteller H. C. Andersen about a poor little beggar girl who freezes to death on Christmas Eve.

What makes many of these stories a part of a genre is that the death of the girl or the woman is seen as something beautiful. I do think there is no corresponding genre where we are asked to see a fictional male character succumb to disease or poverty or something like that and somehow feel good about it afterwards. To me, this suggests that we are somehow encouraged to accept, even like, the idea that fictional heroines may very well be struck down by the hardships of life. And I can't help feeling this is very much in line with a much, much broader consensus almost everywhere in the world that women are more expendable than men.

Phew! This got heavy. What I'm trying to say, however, is that if Lois dies in Wendy's story, I'm going to hate it for more than one reason. I'm going to think that this is one more story which treats women as a sort of natural resources whose passing can be mourned, to be sure, but hey - when we've chopped down one rain forest there is always another one waiting for us, isn't there? If we kill Lois then Mayson will be waiting for Clark - oh, she's dead already, but then there is Lana, or Chloe, or - well, there can never be a shortage of women out there, can there?


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Hey, just a quick note in response to Ann's comments -

if Lois dies in Wendy's story, I'm going to hate it for more than one reason. I'm going to think that this is one more story which treats women as a sort of natural resources whose passing can be mourned, to be sure, but hey - when we've chopped down one rain forest there is always another one waiting for us, isn't there? If we kill Lois then Mayson will be waiting for Clark - oh, she's dead already, but then there is Lana, or Chloe, or - well, there can never be a shortage of women out there, can there?
Ooh, a few things here smile While I too would prefer Lois to live in this story, if she did die, I would first of all cry like a baby for a month!... but still love the story... it's so beautiful and heartbreaking! It's about life, IMO, and how fragile it is, how quickly you can lose everything, and how you shouldn't waste a day or ignore the messages in your heart, because that day wasted could have been the day you got everything you ever wanted! I do understand that Lois dying might just make other people not like the story at all. That was just my opinion on that.

I agree that Wendy is using Lois's potential death here as a means for entertainment, but she is writing a story - she's got quite the following because we're all on the edge of our seat waiting to see what will happen, if she'll live... it's very entertaining, but more than that, it's so heartbreaking and just realllllly good! And the actual writers on the series did things like that for ratings, too, all the time ("The Witness", "Don't Tug on Superman's Cape", "Battleground Earth", "HoL", "TOGoM")... death or possible death is angsty and entertaining, and often is a means for bringing buried feelings rushing to the surface, a way of putting things into perspective for the main characters. I don't think any writers that write stories involving the issue of death are exploiting the characters - if done as Wendy's doing with this story (with care and concern and complete respect for the issues and feelings the story/characters deal with), they are merely telling an important story through them, and again if done as Wendy's doing, it's so real, that is why it can break a reader's heart!! Also, as I'm sure you know, Wendy's written a bunch of stories that deal with Clark's mortality (all her "TOGoM" stories, "For the Greater Good" to name a few), and the mortality of other principle characters (male and female). But yes, writing is about entertaining (hopefully wink ), so I do believe she is using death here to "entertain" so to say, and keep us reading, but I don't believe she's viewing Lois as expendable or anything. I'd say in this fandom, it's pretty even across the board, stories that involve the death or possible death of Lois and Clark. I'd say they each get their turn on the "deathbed" equally, not necessarily Lois more because she's the woman or expendable or anything...

Also, just have to point this out - I wouldn't worry about Lana (after loving Lois, Clark would never go back to her or even cast her a backward glance- she's in his past), and at the time Wendy's setting this story, he hasn't met Mayson and she definitely isn't dead yet (that happens mid-season 2). Lois & Clark are soul mates, and if Lois were to die in this story, I believe Clark would miss her forever, not date anyone else.

Okay, that was more than a quick note blush , sorry. Ann, I'm glad you voiced your opinions on this - that was just my two cents, just an opinion on what you've said. I'd be interested actually to read that UN article you were talking about. Thanks for sharing your thoughts~


On topic: MORE, WENDY, SOON, PLEASE!!!!!

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Okay, I feel I'm really making this veer off topic, but...

I don't think I could ever dislike Wendy's story as such, no matter how it ends. The story has been heartbreakingly lovely and beautiful so far, and not for a second do I doubt Wendy's ability to show us Lois's death in a way that makes it a celebration of life, of the heartbreaking fragility and wonderful, unique preciousness of the life of every person.

And so many of the other stories about the death of a woman are beautiful and lovely too. I really like most of them, considered as individual stories. I love to watch and listen to performances of Carmen and Aida, by the way - it's just that near the end, when we have to sit through the inevitable death of the heroine, I get this urge to get up and leave. The "death of a woman" stories are often beautiful in themselves, but they do get depressing when you start seeing them as a genre.

The most important rule of this genre is that the woman should die a relatively "passive" death - she should be the victim of the circumstances. That's not how fictional men generally die. They go down fighting, performing heroics. There is no doubt that Lois is primarily a victim in Wendy's story, which is why I think it is unlikely that a similar story would have been told about Clark, or for that matter, about Jimmy Olsen.

But Nicole is absolutely right that there are stories in the body of LC fanfiction about Clark dying, too. By far the best I've ever read is Stopquitdont and Jenni Debbage's A Gift For Life. Those of you who haven't read it, make sure you do.

So, Wendy. If indeed you kill Lois in the end, I'm going to think of your story the way I think of Carmen or Aida - it was a most wonderful experience to take it all in, except that I got this urge to get up and leave in the end. But I honestly don't expect you to kill Lois this time, because I don't remember you posting any sort of huge WHAM warning at the start of it. And I do think of you as a woman who likes to honour the rules, including the rules of WHAM warnings!

I'm so looking forward to the rest of your story!!!


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There is indeed a WHAM warning about this story in the WHAM warning thread. I won't quote it, in case someone doesn't want to see it, but I understood that WHAM warnings are supposed to go there. Besides, the very first thing that happened in this story was Lois getting injected with poison. People who are injected with poison are ALWAYS in danger of dying.

I read the warning. I'm reading the story. It's fantastic! I can't wait to see how Wendy resolves this one.

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This really does reach a point where I barely know what to say in response to your so generous feedback. I read and re-read your posts, and you leave me in awe and grinning like an idiot. It's impossible to thank you enough, but I'm going to have to think of a way to do it.

Sorcha, Sorcha... that you would say this...

I have to tell you, Wendy, I think I'm just about finished here. A broken-down shadow of someone who once quite liked angst, thank you very much. Sitting in a dimmed room with a damp Kleenex crumpled loosely in a slack hand
ROFL!! goofy

Seriously, to all of you who told me that this section made you cry, I thank you, I offer my shoulder and I buy you all a month's supply of Kleenex. [Linked Image]

And I'm very, very relieved that the final paragraph of this section seems to have worked. I was very unsure about that one, and it was only after I tested it on a couple of people on IRC (thanks, Sara and Dave!) that I even left it in the file. Sometimes it's very hard for me to take an objective line on my writing, to know whether something works or is just clichéd or weak. So thank you!

There's a debate here, I see, on the role of women in fiction, in particular the tragic female death for the sake of emotional trauma. I think Ann and others have expressed views on that very nicely and clearly - and I entirely agree that where it does seem to be only the female characters who are killed off in that way, where men die as heroic sacrifice rather than for dramatic impact it's uneven, sexist and very unfair.

As far as the ending of this story goes, naturally I'm not going to give spoilers. wink Terry quite rightly points out that I posted a WHAM warning for the story in the appropriate thread; if anyone's especially concerned, it's there and can be read. Caution: it does say something about the ending of the story, so if you really don't want to be spoiled don't read it.

Anyway, there are only three parts to go, including the one I'm just about to post, so we'll be all done by Saturday night. Not that much longer to wait!

Thank you all so very much indeed once more. Your comments and feedback all mean a huge amount to me.

Wendy smile

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“Do you know, out of... everything you did for me today... that - what you just said - probably touched me most of all.” She raised her hand and, even as it shook, managed to bring it to his face so that she could touch him with her fingertips. “And... I asked her to wait in case I don’t get time to tell you this later. I... I love you too. I think... I have for ages. Just too... too stupid and stubborn and blind to see it.”

Her voice gave way on the final word. It didn’t matter, though. She’d said what she needed to. What she’d promised herself she would tell him before it was too late.

With an inarticulate murmur, Clark wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly against him. His chin rested on her head briefly, before he began dropping tiny kisses against her hair, her cheek, her neck.

Then, with a sigh, he said, “We should go in.” Releasing her, he took a step back and held out his hand to her. “Ready to marry me, my love... my - ”

He broke off suddenly and looked away, and her breath caught as she heard him finish, under his breath, “- life.”
Are you kidding me? mad

This is sooooooooooo sad whinging

I have to read the next two parts but I just can not stop crying.

My god Wendy whinging


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