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Julie S Offline OP
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Right, just two parts left to go (including this one, I mean). Let's dive in.

She stretched up and kissed him. Whatever was going to happen would happen. The important thing was that he would be with her regardless. Her husband. The man who loved her more than she’d ever dared to dream she could be loved.

“Clark? The hospital just called. They want Lois there as soon as possible.” It was Perry.

“Did they say why?”

“No. Just that they need to see her.”
So at this point it's about the cure, right? Right? You have to stop taunting us at some point... /me moves to the edge of her seat

But nothing could chase away the sight of Lois, pale, shaking, in pain and terrified, pleading inarticulately with him not to leave her.

But she was the one who was going to leave him.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww. frown frown frown I love that... mecry

“Lead! It was lead.”
Ha! So simple. I think that thought occurred to me when I read about the metal shavings, but it was out of my brain a minute later.

Poor Lois! Clark's inner turmoil is just heartwrenching. frown

One more part!! One more part and she lives! I feel like I just climbed the Everest. <g> Fantastic part, Wendy. And great ending to the part. wink

Julie smile

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)
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Wow. Eeek. Get back here! That's a really terrible place to end the section... but it's a fabulous cliffhanger goofy

So... one more section? You sure?


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K
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Come on, come ON! Get the lead out!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Wow! This is a real roller-coaster. Assuming Lois survives, will she have short-term memory loss as one of the side effects? If so, will she remember (1 being married (2 that Clark is Superman (3 that they love each other more than they love breathing?

One more post? Can we get it quick? Pretty please with strawberries and cream on the side?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Wendy, you are still so cruel! But again I'm not going to tell you how touching this chapter was and how sad it made me and beg you finish. That would just be so...degrading. dance

I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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Woohoo! Clark finally connected all the dots, spelling out the one component they were missing. About time! And it can't be false hope, because unless you're going to kill Lois, it has to be right! hyper I can't wait to see the ending, and the results!

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited
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Only one part left? I don't see how you're going to wrap it all up that quickly! I knew those shavings were important...about time Clark figured it out too. I expect to read about a Lois on the way to recovery and happy WAFFY kissing in the conclusion. smile Susan

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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"Do you think I've let you down, Lois?" Isn't that what he asked her in part 18? Because, as he thought to himself in part 19, he hadn't been able to do a damn thing to save her. But now he has figured it all out, connected the dots, as Karen pointed out, and given the doctors the answer they absolutely have to have if they are to have any chance at all of saving her. Clark, you used your brain, not your brawn, and you came through for Lois.

If only it's not too late!!! If only she can get really, really well again! Please, please don't give her some kind of memory loss, Wendy! I mean, so that she doesn't remember that - well, how can I possibly put it better than Terry Leatherwood just did - that she and Clark love each other more than they love breathing? You can't do that to us!!! AAARRGGHHH!!!!!

No, she is going to get well. She is going to remember. Yes, I think so. Yes, yes, yes. But they made her take off her wedding ring. NOOOOO!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!! Wendy! HELP!!!! I'm going NUTS!!!!!
help help help help help help

Only one thing can cure me - the final chapter of your story! So until you post it I may be walking around wild-eyed up and down the streets 'til they come to lock me away. Please, Wendy, hurry!!!!
help help

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Another fantastic chapter. Again with my heart in my throat when Lois was telling Clark he had to get a good partner. Anger and frustration at the thought of Lois slowly slipping away. And then finally, hope and exhilaration as Clark chanced upon the lead. What a rollercoaster ride. Can't believe it's about to be over.

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."
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“Do something for me. Make sure you get a decent partner. Don’t let Perry fob you off with someone who’s not good enough for you.”


He almost dropped her.

How could she...? How could he even think about working with anyone other than her? As if she were as replaceable as a... a pair of socks!

And yet, something about the way she’d said it... He glanced down at her. She was fighting back tears again. She actually thought that he would work with someone else. And she wanted him to know that she was okay with it. Wanted him to know that he deserved the best.

He’d had the best. There could never be anyone else.
Insert crying.

When were you ever ready to lose the one you loved?
Annnnnd some more tears.

Plus a little hope.
Can't wait for the final part.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Lead. Of course. grumble

If I didn't have a final tomorrow morning at 8, I'd post more, but organic chem awaits.

I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
~Dr. Seuss
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Top Banana
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Clark's flashback, thinking back to the time in the toy factory, metal shavings.... recalling bits and pieces... with the present surroundings in the background... SUPERB!!!

thumbsup thumbsup cool

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria
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yay!! hyper

I wonder how are you going to handle their situation wink

Jose wave

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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where are you going?

COME BACK HERE NOWwwwwwwwwwww mad

I want to read the last part....nowwwwwwwwwww whinging

I can not believe I have to wait more time to read the end...because it will be the end....right?

Moreeeee ASAP pleaseeeeeeeeee grovel

I love this story, you are the best hail


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Great part. hyper

Get back here! hyper

More ASAP, please.

MAF hyper

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Oh, Wendy.

“Clark? The hospital just called. They want Lois there as soon as possible.” It was Perry.
Here I was, thinking I was so smart because everything HAS to be smooth-sailing from here on end, right? Wrong! goofy

Do something for me. Make sure you get a decent partner.
I thought she meant for him to marry someone else. :p

At least now, though, no-one would dispute his right to be with her, by her side, right up to the end and beyond.
The "beyond" says so much to me...it so clearly means that he'll love her forever and probably end up depressed over her death for as long as he lives, and that he'll never be the same again. whinging

I don’t want another partner. If I can’t have you, then Perry will just have to understand that I’ll work alone from now on. Or I’ll quit.
He can't just quit and drop everything in his life! How do everyone else in the world get by and survive after they experience something like this?

“Be careful,” he hissed at the staff member in question.
I love how his gentle farmboyness fades into protective lover-mode when it comes to the well-being of Lois. This is a side to Clark we rarely get to see.

“God, Lois!” Desperation seized him. He covered her lips with his, tasted salt and realised that he was crying.

Not now. Not yet. Please, not yet...

There was so much he hadn’t told her. So many things to talk about. So much to show her. It couldn’t be over, not now, not yet...
whinging whinging whinging

A few more minutes. That was all. Please, just a few more minutes, an hour...
Begging for just a few more minutes and then an hour...that must be exactly how someone feels when they're watching someone they love die. frown

Holy cow. I will not be able to function properly until I read the last part of this.


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Oh boy, you know when the FDK folder is called "Poor Clark, I'll marry you if she dies", that you are about to read something... well... that can't possibly end well. I check the site thinking, "two more parts, surely things will be looking up up up! Hurray!" But then I see the FDK folder, and begin reading while biting a nail and pinching my arm. Hard.

Wendy, I have to say, I honestly thought this story would be angsty for about, I dunno... 15-17 of the parts, then she'd get well and we'd have all these pages of kissing and sharing and her long recovery from the long-lasting effects. But nooo... I underestimated you!! Or overestimated. Depending on how you look at it, really goofy You have us guessing and going crazy until the very last section! All I have to say to that is thumbsup
“We’ll keep it safe for you, don’t worry.”

Clark stepped forward. “I’ll hold onto that for my wife.” He extended his hand, palm upwards.

He’d just closed his fingers around the ring
“Cl... Cla...” She could barely articulate his name, though her gaze never left him even as she grunted and mumbled in an attempt to answer the interminable questions.

“Lois, I’m here, it’s okay,” he murmured.
All of this is killing me! I love the intensity of this scene! I love when Clark's talking to the doctor but won't take his eyes off of Lois... and then:
“Lois... sweetheart, I’m here, I won’t leave you... talk to me, tell me you can hear me...”

She wasn’t responding. Couldn’t hear him. Wasn’t seeing him. Wasn’t aware of anything. Doctors prodding her, poking instruments near her, talking about her as if she wasn’t even there.

“God, Lois!” Desperation seized him. He covered her lips with his, tasted salt and realised that he was crying.

Not now. Not yet. Please, not yet...
The clincher. Lost it completely here. You've written a masterfully emotional and intense scene, and this just did me in! A painful finale, sort of.

I have nothing but blind faith now. I am hoping this:

“Lead! It was lead.”
... will lead to the next and last FDK folder saying "Yesssssss! She lives!!!!!!!!!!!" or something like that! please... grovel
If we’re wrong... well, administering an antidote she doesn’t need won’t really make any difference.”

Because she would be dead anyway. Clark swallowed.

He had to be right. It had to be lead. Had to be. Because being wrong was going to cost him everything in the world that mattered to him.
Please, Wendy!!

Final part soooooon??!??

~NICOLE smile

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I am still waiting for the final part.

When are you gonna post it?

Karla wildguy

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I'm impressed. Having the poison be revealed as lead at the last minute not only provided a logical contaminate for Lois' symptoms, but it also gives Wendy the means to undo all that unnaturally rapid progression in the 'relationship' of Lois and Clark.

Short term memory loss is a handy way to put the 'toys back in the chest' in exactly the same manner in which they were taken out originally.

What Wendy won't do to make the gentle readers happy.

Tank (who wonders if Clark can get himself some of that lead so he can 'forget')

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Well, it was lead poisoning that I was hoping I was wrong about. Won't Lois have some permanent brain and/or nerve and muscle damage from such a high exposure? I suppose it's possible that she might escape, especially as adults aren't as vulnerable to permanent damage from it, but this worries me. Or is Lois so smart that she can lose some IQ points and still be smarter than the average bear? smile But what kind of antidote would one have to lead poisoning? From research on medlineplus.gov, it seems that usually a high lead overdose is ingested, and so they pump the stomach or something of that sort, but how would they get it out of the bloodstream? Very complicated. I hope she survives! Wouldn't it be sad if she died now, when the cure is in sight?

This was a well-done section. I liked the wedding, and I'm glad that Clark argued Lois into needing to see her parents. And, of course, there are the wonderful tantalizing hints that Lois might live just before you kill her off in the last section (or have her turn out to be the Lois-clone, substituted for the real Lois in the very first section, and then tell us that part 21 is actually 21 of 84 parts). Can't wait for the next part!

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Lead! Let it be Lead! whinging More soon. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
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