AAARRRGGHHHH!!!!! What can we do with that... that... lunkhead, Marcy? He's been wandering around all over these boards, in and out of everybody's stories, feeling sorry for himself because he hasn't told Lois his secret!!!!
Maybe there is nothing for it but doing just what you have Lois doing in this part of your story.
Tell that lunkhead that you already know!!! And then make him say out loud what it is that you know already. And then kiss him? Okay, but you should make him stew for awhile, Lois. Don't you
ever let him make
you feel guilty for
him lying to
P.S. I
love that avatar you've got for yourself, that mugshot of Lois. Seeing that I've never gotten around to getting an avatar for myself, if you should find yours missing one day, I guess there is a likely suspect lurking around these boards!!!
P.P.S. Marcy, I've got to tell you, I just got the following text message: Luv him even if hes lunkhed. Lois.
Well, there goes our chance of straightening him out, I guess. What can we do if Lois isn't cooperating?