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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Ladies, I think part two was even better than part one -- and that's saying something! There were so many sentences and paragraphs that I loved, and many people have already highlighted a lot of those, so I won't reiterate. Wonderful descriptions -- the dance, the peanut butter incident, and the kiss, especially. There were some really hilarious parts, too -- a competitive, drunk Lois with her blue cup full of takeout water ('Get it, Clark? Takeout water, get it?' LOL), "Lucy-Goosey," and Clark being thankful that Lois had some bread without fuzz [g]. I love this story, but there is one problem: we've only had two parts so far! Come on, the weekend is almost over, so I need something to cheer me up. Part 3 would do nicely Great job, Annie and Kathy! Tracey 
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Hilarious!! Poor Clark, he is really the last good guy out there! I was loving those descriptions of Lois running her hands all over Clark's body..and that KISS..*WHEW* Let me just say I was cheering him on! Great story..can't wait for MORE! ~Liz
Lois: Can I go? Clark: No. Lois: Oh come on, Clark, why do we go through this? We both know I’m going to go. Clark: Then why do you ask? Lois: I’m trying to be nice.
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This is hysterical. Hopefully, Lois will remember (after she's over her hangover) that Clark was a gentleman and what he told her... Don't take too long for the next part. Nan
Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Annie & Kathy,
This is wonderful! And very hilarious. I'm enjoying this very much, so bring on the next part!
I tawt I taw a puddy cat!
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As I said, poor Clark, More! Jose (gathering his troops  )
"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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Features Writer
Features Writer
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Ladies, this is great ditto others let Lois remember in the morning more soon please merry
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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This story is awesome! Just one complaint, HOW could you have such a WONDERFUL kiss at the end & have Clark leave immediately?!?!!? You people are evil!! I hope you post part three SOON! Keep up the good work!
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Thank you Annie and Kathy. This is delightfully funny and hot! Wish I'd followed your technique, A, and waited until it was all posted, but "carpe diem" is better than nothing. claire
"Perfectionism spells paralysis." - Winston Churchill
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Wow, what a wonderful new installment. I like how Clark's first thought is that it's a stakeout, and the bar even seems to fit the usual scenario, too.
Takeout water in a blue cup? LOL! Annie, is Lois channeling you now? I'm pretty darn sure I remember a similar scene from one of my twin's latest drunken revelries. If only we could all have a Clark to take us home afterward and humor us about winning prizes for the biggest tab and getting blue cups of takeout water.
I'm glad Clark didn't give in at the end, though. Shows he has character (which we knew), but it still impresses me. But his parting line... wow. I just have to hope that Lois wakes up, remembers, and still wants him. *crosses fingers and reloads for next part*
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LOL, you guys are making us very happy! Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments. We are delighted you are enjoying it so much. It looks like the blue cup of "takeout water" (Annie takes the Fifth on that one, but is happy it made you laugh  ) and their kiss at the end and Clark's parting words (Kathy is similarly happy that it inspired so many wow's  ) seem to have been especially liked. Thank you!!! Hazel mentioned: I especially enjoyed Clark's confusion about what Lois was doing, and the way the shoe was on the other foot, with Lucy's boyfriend worried about Clark's good intentions. The whole thing was great fun to read, Thank you, Hazel! We had a lot of fun with that one, too. We think Lucy got a bum rap on the show and wanted to give her a good guy to go out with. Hey, maybe in this universe, she'll never hook up with Johnny Corbin! <g> And finally, the big question: I'm dying to know how much Lois is going to remember in the morning...
I can't wait to see what Lois remembers and her reaction.
oh please let her remember everything in the morning!!
But I admit I'm *dying* to see what Lois thinks, the next morning. LOL! Wondering about that, are you? Well, we'll just have to post part 3 so you can find out. Thanks, everyone! We're glad that everyone is having fun with the story, and we really appreciate you all taking the time to comment! Kathy and Annie 
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I just read parts 1 and 2 together. What Fun! javascript:void(0)
Very funny. Well written. And the build up to the kiss at the end was perfect. javascript:void(0) Loved Clark trying to make a sandwich and bring it to the table.
Can't wait for Part III.javascript:void(0)
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poor confused clark. poor assaulted clark. poor noble clark. poor abandonded takeout water. yay story! seriously, i've been loving this. some great introspection on clark's part here about how he can never "just have sex" with lois, etc. of course, "Experience had taught him that her refrigerator would be a lost cause..." is pretty good, too. and you write lois's seductive techniques very well... subtle (sometimes), but effective. really well done, but then, given the writers, that's no surprise. " "But what a way to go," she murmured..." just too bad "in vino veritas" isn't coming to clark's mind. well, hopefully they can get that straightened out when lois is done with the whole hangover thing. i mean, she could just apologize and wait for the awkwardness to settle down and go back to friendship, but you wouldn't do that to us, would you? looking forward to reading part 3 soon. Paul
When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.
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/me tries very hard to stop laughing... no such luck... they watched the bartender ... juggle bottles? Well, that was something you didn't see every day. LOL! Don't know why, but this really struck me as hysterical... launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Yay! Clark's here!" she exclaimed. "I knew you would come!" Thatta girl, Lois! Clearly, however, this wasn't what Lois had in mind. Once again, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to tug him backwards, leading him away from the bar. "I don't wanna go home yet," she told him. "I wanna dance." Toldja... Clarkie is definitely in trouble! "Um, because you needed a ride home?" he answered hopefully. HAH! Nice try, Clark... Of course, not enjoying it would have been a lot easier if she wasn't, at that very moment, tracing the tip of her tongue along the outside of his ear. Blue cup! Takeout water! I will never look at peanut butter quite the same way! And with that, he pulled open the door, and slipped out, desperate to leave while he still could. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.
- Under the Tuscan Sun