85) Great Books of the Western World Volume 43: American State Papers, The Federalist and J.S Mill once at a car boot (trunk) sale, the Lions Club had a stall selling books. At the time my intention was only asking how much was it for the book on the top which was Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace, but the lady said I could take the whole box for $10 so naturally me being the hoarder I am I bought the entire box, having only glanced at a few, of which I was familiar with and realised that I had a good set of the Great Books of the Western World a collection is heard about, but never actually had seen. This is one the ones I didn’t even notice initially and so I decided to read it. Admittedly though I certainly found it interesting, I did struggle to get through it as I found it rather too dry even for someone who’s reading taste is usually fairly dry in the first place.
Last edited by Crazy_Babe; 12/26/20 06:23 AM.