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#289922 11/03/21 01:17 AM
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AnnieM Offline OP
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That should answer some of the questions that were raised last time about how we got here. And give you a hint as to where we're headed. wink

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen
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This is so sad and encouraging at the same time. At the very least you've created an interesting reason for the divorce. Most stories I read about Lois and Clark being divorced it was because he didn't spend enough time with his family. Now they are divorced because he cared too much. I can actually understand Lois' reasoning, the way she felt trapped with an overprotective Clark. And this time Martha and Jonathan weren't there to save the day. Such a pity.

But the problem doesn't seem to be that they fell out of love and that is promising. Clark still seems to be trying to woo her back, albeit carefully, and Lois already regrets her decision. I love this story. Can hardly wait for the next part.

Thank you so much for sharing

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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“Oh, shoot! I keep meaning to reply. Sorry about that. I’ll be there. I have the kids that weekend.”

The truth was that she’d been hesitant to respond either way. Her relationship with Jimmy had been strained since the divorce, when he’d clearly seen her as the enemy. Though he’d managed to stay professional in the office, his eyes betrayed his disappointment and blame.

mecry mecry

Jimmy’s mentor that had been left vacant after Perry’s death

Gah! You killed Perry? whinging But I love that Clark kind of steps into the mentor role. twins

(I know I'm doing a lot of crying and complaining, but the interplay and dialogue and everything is just perfect... the fact that you're making me this upset means you're masterfully nailing the writing!)

“Lois! Can you-” Clark’s panicked voice began.

“GO!” she hissed, cutting him off.

This fills me with SO many emotions. Both sadness and relief, and...I can't even describe other than to say I'm crying actual, legit tears. And that'll be the second time you've made me cry real tears in as many parts. *sniffle*

“His staff meeting went late. He wasn’t going to have time to get you for dinner and get back in time for his class so he asked me to switch nights. He’ll take you to dinner another day this week.”

Ahh, kids don't know. And it does seem early for them to know, I suppose... I mean, what's the handbook say on when to tell them their dad moonlights in tights?

Mattie rolled her eyes as she climbed in the back seat. “Are you sure he didn’t suddenly remember he had a dentist appointment? Or an emergency dry cleaning appointment?”

Lois inhaled sharply. She willed herself not to panic, and then turned in her seat to face her daughter. “Mattie, I know it can be frustrating sometimes when your dad has to run off suddenly. But he’s doing the best he can. He’s a busy man with a lot of commitments, but there’s nothing in the world that is more important to him than you and your brother. You know that.”

“I know,” she muttered. Then she added under her breath, “You have a busy job too, but you’re here.”

Oh, ouch! Mattie is just so much like Lois, but with the maturity and emotions of an 11-year-old who's hurt by Dad being flighty. She's probably thinking horrible thoughts about how important to Clark she is, given she's undoubtedly heard about dads of friends who aren't around much after a divorce. frown

And poor Lois!!! Whatever her feelings are about Clark and the divorce...she not only has to play the "don't talk crap about the other parent" card but also with the added layer of Superman. Oh, I'm so sorry, Lois. frown mecry

“You’re not a family. You’re divorced.”

“There are lots of kinds of families,” Lois recited, trying to ignore the sucker punch feeling in her gut.

Ouch. I felt it, Lois. frown

That seemed like a lifetime ago. Mattie was not even a year old...

I was barely holding on when you started describing the deck... but then I read this and started crying again. whinging

Two chapters later, there was a familiar woosh-thump and a gust of air that ruffled her hair. She closed her book and looked up at the figure in blue silhouetted by the full moon behind him.

Oh wow... loved the detail of her memory... and then this. And I'm suddenly feeling a spark of hope. She's not startled by it.

...I really appreciate it. Appreciate you. I owe you.”

“I’m not keeping tally.”

I'm starting to feel like Superman activities were a big point of contention at the beginning of custody discussions...and possibly to do with the divorce itself??

She sat up and spun around to face him, the chairs so close together that her legs came to rest inside his.

This is okay? I'm even more hopeful!

“Have you…noticed something?” Clark asked. They had no idea if or when or to what degree their children might inherit his powers.

The writing is so beautiful, really. All of it, but loved this, that it doesn't all have to be said in dialogue.

When he didn’t respond, her eyes searched his face and found it filled with dread and fear. “We’ll do it together,” she continued softly. “We’ll get it right.”

Awwww! Gah!!! I love that she’s trying to be so understanding with him... he’s got to be thinking back to how he handled things with Lois finding out. And then there’s the guilt of knowing Lois has the job of not only covering for him but also managing the kids’ feelings about his absences, which we all know he feels guilty about in the first place without knowing that Mattie is hurt by it. Gah! So many good, sad things here!

Clark nodded silently for a moment, his hand still resting on her forearm. His thumb began to rub slowly. “Thank you,” he said finally.

Lois scooted forward until she was perched on the edge of her chair and slid her hands onto Clark’s thighs. He leaned into her, his bowed head resting gently against her forehead.

Ohhhhhh! This gave me chills! How...how...why are they divorced but can maintain this level of intimacy?? I have to know!!

“Maybe I could just put off telling her until she figures it out for herself,” he joked, sitting up and smiling ruefully.

“I...don’t recommend that method,” she replied, arching an eyebrow playfully.

Love, love, love it!

Her heart fluttered at the sound of his familiar laugh and her eyes fell to his mouth.

For a moment, none of this made any sense. How had they gotten from there to here? After everything it took for them to come together, they had thrown it all away.

GAHHHHH! Chills and waffs and almost tears...is it...I mean, part of me suspects that it’s something Superman related that’s keeping them apart...because why else would Lois let Jimmy (and ostensibly others) think she’s the “bad guy” in this situation? But then you say “...they had thrown it all away...” GAHHHHH!

“I can stay,” his voice was low, offering her this chance to give words to what they both felt. “Just a car accident. Police are on their way.”

For a split second she allowed herself to imagine it. Asking him to stay. Not just for the moment, but forever. Confessing how wrong she had been. Begging him to fix their family.

And then she came back to reality.

ACK!!! Ack!! C’mon... what’s wrong?????

“It’s late. I should get to bed anyway. Go save the world.”

Oh. I gasped out loud. Oh... it’s Superman activities that got in the way, isn’t it? It all came to a head or something about priorities and...I don’t know. I don’t know. How does that equal divorce? *whimpers*

She would never admit it, but Clark’s braiding skills put hers to shame.

I love this detail more than I ought to...

Do not believe him if he tries to convince you he’s malnourished.”

Lois grinned. Their son’s appetite was legendary.

LOL!!! I’m assuming he gets it from his dad!

She popped the lid, immediately recognizing her favorite salad from the deli around the corner from the field. She looked up at him, and he shrugged in response. “It was on the way.”

GAHHHHHHH! I can’t handle it! He still knows her so well and loves her...... Oh, Clark, you had to have done something galactically stupid, right? Like break up with her for her own good like Contact?

Kate’s divorce was the stuff of legends. Lois adored Kate, and their girls were close friends, but the drama in their household reminded Lois of everything she didn’t want for her kids. When Mattie had returned from a sleepover at Abby’s house last spring asking Lois what a “golddigger” was, she made a mental note to host playdates at her house for a while.


She and Clark had done their fair share of damage to each other in the waning days of their marriage, but they’d always done their best to hide it from the kids.

Noooooo mecry mecry

That time was so painful and dark, Lois hated to think about it. In the span of a year, they’d suffered back to back early miscarriages bookended by losing first Perry and then Jonathan. Perry to a breathtakingly fast cancer and Jonathan suddenly and without warning to a massive stroke. And then the long-awaited pregnancy that should have been something to celebrate after the worst year of their lives was instead plagued by dangerously high blood pressure that ultimately resulted in an emergency c-section at 32 weeks to save her life.

Postpartum depression, a baby in the NICU, and her own feelings of guilt and inadequacy as a mother left her drowning. And like any drowning person, she clawed at those who tried to rescue her, bringing them down with her. Clark, traumatized by his inability to protect the people he loved most, threw himself into saving those he could and controlling everything around him.

Oh. Oh. That’s a lot. Oh, so much. Crying again, those real tears. Oh, so much pain. mecry mecry mecry mecry

Every time she turned around, he was there. Faster than a speeding bullet, he was pulling the crying baby from her arms, whisking the clingy kindergartener off for park outings. She never had a chance to catch her balance or find her rhythm as a mother of two.

No matter how much she begged for space, he was always there. Even when he wasn’t there, he was there. Listening. Hovering outside windows. Spying on her through walls. She was trapped like a rat in a cage.

oH. Yeah... that makes so much sense. And fits everything so squarely into character that now I’m the relieved kind of heartbroken, if that makes sense. I’d been holding my breath, trusting, *knowing* that you would make this in character for them somehow. And there it is. Beautiful and heartbreaking.

same old whispered arguments morphed into passive aggressive comments and a nuclear cold war, a sickening realization formed in Lois’ gut. They had to stop. She couldn’t do to her children what her parents had done to her and Lucy.

She was desperate not to repeat the mistakes of her parents, desperate for her children to grow up in a home -- or homes -- filled with love and respect and peace. If she and Clark couldn’t live in peace together, they had to find peace separately. She didn’t want their children to become pawns, damaged by the dysfunction of their parents.

So, so sad but makes so much sense!!! whinging

Clark had been stricken when she told him she wanted a divorce. To this day, she didn’t think he ever imagined it would come to that. He begged her to wait, to give him time to prove that they could put things right. But she was convinced they were fire and gasoline, and she refused to burn their children.

Love this. whinging

But it was too late for their marriage. By the time the fog had cleared and they’d understood trauma responses better, their own and each other’s, the divorce was final. Clark had begged her until the end not to do it. But it had to be done.

Did it? Really, really? whinging

But Clark had visibly blanched. “This is our home, Lois. I don’t ever want to live here without you.”

Ohhh that made me gasp sharply! GAH!!!

Lois shook her head, perfectly content for the moment.

Yeah, those 5-year-old snuggles are harder and harder to come by... at least with my active kiddo.

“I’ll walk you.”

She smiled and rolled her eyes good naturedly. “Don’t be ridiculous, Clark. I’ll be fine. There are a million people here. Nothing is going to happen to me between the field and the parking lot.”

Awwww so sweet!!

Gahhhh!! Well, Annie... you’ve definitely made me feel more better than worse, so yay!! I did NOT think I’d comment quite that much... hell... yeah, I probably did think I’d comment that much. Like riding a bike for me, I suppose? LOL

Anyway, I managed to finish this part juuuuust under the wire, and now I’m off to therapy...and she’ll be wondering why I’m so upset and have red, puffy eyes. <g> But also, I’m smiling, because there’s hope. Oh, so much hope!! (And my therapist is cool, so I didn’t have to explain what fandom and fanfic was... and she’s very happy that I’ve rediscovered folcdom fanfic reading and writing and community because she can see that it’s a balm to my soul. <3

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Aaaaagh, the scene at the balcony just about killed me.
No reason is good enough to keep those two apart!!!
Absolutely need more!!!
(The above is fannish for "Great work!!")

Take care,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...
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I see this situation in some of my contemporaries (and unfortunately, my kids). He wants her back. She'd rather go back. Neither of them cheated on the other, not even after the divorce (when, technically, it wouldn't have been "cheating"). The issues that drove them apart don't seem to be issues now.

So what's the problem?

My knee-jerk reaction is that Lois is hitting the brakes on a reconciliation because of pride and inertia because she's comfortable with the current situation. But it can't be that simple. It has to include a lot of deep-seated emotional and spiritual wounds that haven't healed. This quote:

“I’ll walk you.”

She smiled and rolled her eyes good naturedly. “Don’t be ridiculous, Clark. I’ll be fine. There are a million people here. Nothing is going to happen to me between the field and the parking lot.”

tells me that there are also trust issues involved. Not that Lois doesn't trust Clark to be honest and faithful - she doesn't trust herself to depend on him emotionally. And that's what he was asking. He didn't think she needed protection, he wanted to be near her. And maybe that's one of the sources of her still-open wounds.

She didn't want him near her. And there are still issues to resolve that she hasn't discussed with Clark.

This is both compelling and painful, Annie. Please help them work through this whole "separate parents" thing. If not for their sake, for the children's sake, because telling yourself "The kids will be fine no matter what!" is simply not true. What happens to the parents happens to the kids. It's to their credit that they have the peaceful coexistence thing going on and that Lois still covers for Clark when he has to be Superman. But the kids know things aren't right at home. They know that Mom and Dad have problems, and the kids also know they can't do anything about them. Lois doesn't want her family to become like her parents' family, and that's good, but she doesn't see that they already are like her parents, just without the vitriol. It's good that Clark and Lois support each other, but if they're not living together it still grates on the kids. Maggie's snark won't go away by itself, and this isn't the last time the girl will ask angry questions.

It appears that you've chosen to show this part of their lives from Lois' point of view only. That's not wrong - that's entirely your choice - but I hope our favorite couple have a heart-to-heart talk where Clark opens up and allows Lois - and us - to see and hear his wounds.

Wow. I guess I'm invested in this one. I suppose my personal history is part of that (my wife and I just celebrated our 45th anniversary but none of our children appear to be on that road) and it's hitting close to home. But keep it coming! If Lois and Clark and work through this horrible time in their lives, then others can too. I want to see what comes next!

Even if it makes me sad.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing
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AnnieM Offline OP
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Thanks so much for all the wonderful, thoughtful feedback. I genuinely forgot how amazing this fandom is in terms of how deeply readers get involved in stories and how generous they are with their time writing feedback. Truly, these comments made my day. I’m so glad y’all are so invested in finding out how we got here and whether this is fixable. You pulled out some of my favorite quotes and details, and I’m so happy those made an impact.

If you’ve read any of my work in the past, you know I’m not one to torture our favorite couple needlessly, so you can be assured that it’s not all angst. If you haven’t listened yet to the song that inspired the title and epigraph at the beginning of the story (Come to Me by the Goo Goo Dolls, I highly recommend doing so if you are feeling sad/worried about where this is going wink )

Last edited by AnnieM; 11/05/21 10:10 AM.

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen
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Oh my stars and garters, it has been awhile since my heart was in my throat over a story. I will make it a point to comment on each entry as soon as RL allows.

The truth was that she’d been hesitant to respond either way. Her relationship with Jimmy had been strained since the divorce, when he’d clearly seen her as the enemy. Though he’d managed to stay professional in the office, his eyes betrayed his disappointment and blame.

When a marriage ends in divorce, many feel the aftereffects, not just the husband, wife and children. Jimmy has known Lois longer and is like a younger brother to her, but he still 'sides' with Clark, because Clark was more of a mentor to him than Lois was. It is to his and Lois' credit that they kept things on a professional level at the job. Clark, ever the gentleman resigned rather than allow the divorce to turn the newsroom's environment toxic. One can only imagine how much pain this matter would have been for Perry to watch.

Mattie rolled her eyes as she climbed in the back seat. “Are you sure he didn’t suddenly remember he had a dentist appointment? Or an emergency dry cleaning appointment?”

Ouch! She is just as sharp as her mother. But I am betting that JP, the quiet one has figured is out already.

That time was so painful and dark, Lois hated to think about it. In the span of a year, they’d suffered back to back early miscarriages bookended by losing first Perry and then Jonathan. Perry to a breathtakingly fast cancer and Jonathan suddenly and without warning to a massive stroke. And then the long-awaited pregnancy that should have been something to celebrate after the worst year of their lives was instead plagued by dangerously high blood pressure that ultimately resulted in an emergency c-section at 32 weeks to save her life.

Postpartum depression, a baby in the NICU, and her own feelings of guilt and inadequacy as a mother left her drowning. And like any drowning person, she clawed at those who tried to rescue her, bringing them down with her. Clark, traumatized by his inability to protect the people he loved most, threw himself into saving those he could and controlling everything around him.

ONE of these events would have been enough to set even the strongest of people on edge, but all three? Not to mention Perry and Jonathan were quiet pillars of strength to this young married couple who so desperately needed their strength, guidance and love. Hey, where is Martha in all of this?

He winked at her, making her stomach flip in a way she would definitely not admit to anyone. And then he turned and made his way back to his car.

These two still love each other. A couple I know went through some hard times and divorced. They remarried again after thirty years of being apart. They are in their late sixties and after ten years of marriage, love each other all the more. Time to wake up and smell the coffee people...


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I know, I know, I’m late. But here, right? So hopefully that counts! I do want to say that I read each part as soon as you post it (often with the baby in my arms!) so bless you for posting early so that there is a part waiting when I check the boards!

I loved this part - giving us the background was going to be so pivotal to this story. What happened to them has to be believable to us as readers because if not, there goes the rest of the story, right? But I have to say, as gut-wrenching as it is, I can see this happening. Lois’s past was never far behind her and I can see her panicking when she thought her kids would get a repeat of what happened to her and Lucy.

Love the interactions with Jimmy and that Clark took over that mentor role for him. So sad that Perry and Jonathan have passed, but I can see how the loss of those relationships play into the background of this story, too. I’m curious what Lois’s relationship with Martha looks like now - what did Martha think of the whole divorce?

Great part, Annie! Off to part 3…


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