Hi Blueowl!
Even though it had happened many years ago, it was still a story she told to anyone willing to listen –
Clark walked on the ceiling, either intentionally or sleepwalking.
In those days, she didn't bother writing down the names of her guests. If they could pay and didn't exude bad vibes, she welcomed them. She supposed, in the end, that had been a good thing.
Ohh, the inn owner put things together!
The man had headed out without announcing his departure, leaving the room key on the dresser.
Bit panicky, huh?
Tan and brown footprints of faint, dried mud were on the ceiling, directly above the path from the window to the door, as if someone in muddy socks had paced back and forth.
Aww, poor guy has panicked on the ceiling.
Eventually, the footprint on the ceiling of room 12 on the second floor led her to rename her inn: 'The Footprint Hotel'. It became the town's biggest tourist spot,
And later, it will become a historical site as the first recorded sighting of Superman. A theme park will be established and a monastery of the Superman Cult.
Few even considered he could have been with them in hiding for years.
Good thing Trask is already gone or he would launch an investigation into all new mothers who gave birth in the year following the flood.
So it was time for a road trip. O o O o O
Ho boy.
She had decided to go the most direct route possible of contacting Superman–without putting herself in danger, of course.
LOIS: I never put myself in danger when I need to contact Superman.
"Go to this hotel and tell them I sent you," he said before also taking out his business card and signing and dating it. "This will get you one night."
He's not going to put her up at the Apollo, is he?
Wasn't there rules on how close jets could fly near cities?
PILOT: Yes, but there’s a standing exemption for giving Superman a speeding ticket.
many times she had been asked to retell her conversation with Superman to her husband and daughter.
And she never got an autograph!
And they would continue to tell the story and show people the footprint on the ceiling. ~The End~
Aww…sweet little third part perspective