Hi Barbara!
Ooooh, sequel!
This is my second story for Ficlet Friday. I'm staying in the same AU. It's not necessary to read the other story first, though.
/Eyes this week/ A serialized epic?
. He looked down at his companion, who was wagging his tail and looking after a whole group of dogs going for a walk with their dog-sitter.
Aww, do Kryptonian noble dogs also get professional caregivers?
Houdini looked at Clark and deliberately sat down. His eyes seemed to say that he was going to stay, no matter what. The Setter was awfully stubborn.
That’s where Clark got his Lois-behavior from!
LOIS: I am not stubborn. And that’s Lucy’s picture in the encyclopedia next to ‘stubborn’, not mine. We just look a lot alike, because, you know, sisters?
. He'd rather see his name as a byline instead of plastered all across at least a dozen tabloids.
Let’s see how he pulls off that magic trick.
LOIS: I'll see his dog fly before he gets to be my partner.
I really wish I could work at the Daily Planet. But I doubt they'd be interested in any of my freelancing articles."
He could offer his skills as a research assistant for in-the-field work. Door opening, evidence gathering, observation, Lois-safe-keeping, etc.
Clark stopped and studied the dog's face. "Another hiccup? You sure?" Houdini barked. "Okay, then. Let's find a secluded spot." Clark fell into a light jog, Houdini right by his side.
/Squints/ dog having hick-ups or warning Clark of Clark’s hick-ups?
Clark forced his way back down and took several balls and pins out of the bag. He stuffed them into large pockets on his costume while he lost hold on gravity.
Distraction to stop the hick-ups!
The audience applauded and much to Clark's relief, the prickling in the back of his neck stopped. There would be no further power bursts.
/Squints/ red kryptonite?
Boy, he should really snap out of it, before he made a complete fool of himself.
Hey, dog owners and their pets often grow alike, so he could always blame his drooling on his dog’s influence.
/Psst/ ‘brava” is for applauding a woman and ‘bravo’ for applauding a man.
"Magical," she whispered. He couldn't agree more.
Good that ‘Winter Magic’ is already up. See you soon over there
