Hi Bek!
In this companion story to Wish Upon A Star, Clark returns from New Krypton on Christmas morning to find an unexpected and precious gift.
That very same day, he’d said his goodbyes, programmed his single-man vessel to transport him back to Earth, and set out on the four-day journey home.
Hmmm…2414 is roughly the 7 years since he’d left. So, no protracted detour to the Phantom Zone?
Somehow, those four days had seemed almost as long as the preceding two thousand four hundred fourteen.
So much can go wrong in four days. For instance, Lois was clonenapped in four days.
and he closed his eyes and opened his mind to it. “Merry Christmas, Daddy. Someday, we’ll meet. I know we will. Until then, I love you.”
Awww the little one’s strong in the Force.
But as he re-entered Earth’s solar system after his second and last hyperspace jump, an overwhelming sense of hope flooded him
Why you go visit the facilities prior to launching in an escape pod on a multiday journey.
Clark buried his head in his hands and held back tears. He’d been gone, held up on New Krypton because of their terribly outdated laws and customs, and Lois had, what? Gone through pregnancy, given birth, and raised his child, alone?
That’s nothing. Just wait till he hears the story she’s concocted to explain his absence.
LOIS: He ran off to Cat in LA. Not much to tell.
So why did eleven hours sound like an eternity?
/Points at earlier remark on facilities/
Thank you for calling me home, kiddo. Merry Christmas, and I love you too.” The End.
Off to part 3!
