Here is the master list of ficlets posted for Ficlet Fridays! I’ll be updating it each week with the TOC links for each story. Need to know more about Ficlet Friday?
Click here!Inaugural Week: November 18, 2022 Wish Upon A Perseid by ToomiThe Interviewee by ToomiSpare A Smile For Me by KSaraSara (story 1 in the
When He Cheats…At Bowling series — because I apparently can’t *really* do short…

Bowled Over by KSaraSara (story 2 in the When He Cheats…At Bowling series)
A Lucky Strike by KSaraSara (story 3 in the When He Cheats…At Bowling series)
A Striking Revelation by KSaraSara (story 4 in the When He Cheats…At Bowling series)
Head Games by Carrie ReneA Family Tradition by lovetvfanThe Name of the Wolf by Queen of the CapesConned by SuperBekWeek 2: November 25, 2022 I Ain’t Worried by Carrie ReneWhisper of Hope by SuperBekThere Is No Such Thing As Magic by bakasi (the 1st story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Not Exactly Heminway by Queen of the CapesPlaying Pretend by KSaraSara (part of the
Sweet Kid Stories)
Week 3: December 2, 2022Magical Hiccups by bakasi (the 2nd story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
The New Adventures of Zooperman by SuperBekWeek 4: December 9, 2022Winter Magic by bakasi (the 3rd story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Holiday Baking by Carrie ReneLive to Fight Another Doomsday by SuperBekTeachers’s Pet by KSaraSara (part of the
Sweet Kid Stories)
Week 5: December 16, 2022Wish Upon A Star by SuperBek (the 1st story in SuperBek’s
Wishes Series.)
New Year’s Season 1 by Carrie Rene (the 1st story in Carrie Rene’s
New Year’s Eve Series)
Houdini Unleashed by bakasi (the 4th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Week 6: December 23, 2022Wish Heard From Afar by SuperBek (the 2nd story in SuperBek’s
Wishes Series.)
Wish Straight From the Heart by SuperBek (the 3rd story in SuperBek’s
Wishes Series.)
New Year’s Season 2 by Carrie Rene (the 2nd story in Carrie Rene’s
New Year’s Eve Series.)
Magical Encounter by bakasi (the 5th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Coffee with Clark by KSaraSaraWeek 7: December 30, 2022New Year’s Season 3 (the 3rd story in Carrie Rene’s
New Year’s Eve Series.)
Circus Magic by bakasi (the 6th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Week 8: January 6, 2023The Magic of Words by bakasi (the 7th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
New Year’s Season 4 by Carrie Rene (the 4th story in Carrie Rene’s
New Year’s Eve Series.)
Ficathon: Hot Cake Contest (for Queen of the Capes) by SuperBekDestined: Prologue by SuperBek[title pending] by KSaraSaraWeek 9: January 13, 2023The Once and Future Interviews by bakasi (the 8th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
How to Change a Lightbulb by SuperBekWeek 10: January 20, 2023The Limits of Magic by bakasi (the 9th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Family Road Trip by KSaraSara (part of the
Sweet Kid Stories)
Week 11: January 27, 2023That Forgotten Journal by SuperBekSmoke and Mirrors by bakasi (the 10th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Week 12: February 3, 2023Hidden Magic by bakasi (the 11th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Destined: Empathy by SuperBekOne Day Together by Queen of the CapesWeek 13: February 10, 2023Magical Assignment by bakasi (the 12th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Week 14: February 17, 2023It's A Kind Of Magic by bakasi (the 13th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Week 15: February 24, 2023Magical Distraction by bakasi (the 14th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Martha...She Just Knows by KSaraSara (the 1st story in Sara’s
Martha... series of vignettes.)
Week 16: March 3, 2023Magical Interview by bakasi (the 15th story in bakasi’s
MagiKal AU Series.)
Martha... A Heart So Big by KSaraSara (the 2nd story in Sara’s
Martha... series of vignettes.)
Inside a Stiff’s Mind by bakasi (Part of the
Inside Out Series.)