I've been holding off doing a rewatch on this episode partly because I was so far behind, I thought I'd get caught up (

), and also because I wanted to dive in a bit on a few things for my own fic writing purposes.
How long has it been since the bombing at the Planet? Perry states he heard from Jimmy 'about a week ago' and he was fine. Clark lets Perry know that Jimmy's been kicked out of his apartment for not paying the rent. Lois mentions not talking to Clark for 'weeks.'
Lex lives at the top of his LexCorp headquarters doesn't he? He mentions moving the exercise area to the 'ground floor.' Or are they building/renovating a different place?
Jack's been in juvenile detention for all this time!!!
Jack learns that he was framed while in Juvie. He says some 'kid' was brought in about a week prior, bragging how he and his brother did the job. Pete and John Black. Pete was in Juvie, John was still free. Jack says Pete was put into Juvie to look for him... why? Who put him there?
Perry assigns Jimmy and Jack to contact John Black, Clark to find out anything about 'The Boss,' and he would be digging into the Daily Planet finances. (Why? Was there something earlier said, other than the comments the Planet was in financial trouble before Lex blew it up?)
Bank test is two days before the wedding.
Perry can't get any of the board members to talk to him, but did manage to get a transcript of the meeting where they agree to sell the paper to Luthor, but suspects something is fishy.
During the montage:
Clark visits a pawn shop. Is discovering that many (I think he says all?) of the criminal element in Metropolis is paying protection money to someone named 'The Boss.' No one is talking about who this Boss is.
Perry visits Bigelow and Fuller accountants. He learns there was additional insurance on the Planet building through a company called Lexell (Lexel? LexEl?) investments, a subsidiary of LexCorp.
Jimmy finds John Black.
Jack discovers that the board originally voted to not sell to Luthor, but then all change their minds. They have new cars and Jack gets video of one member schmoozing with a young blonde woman.
Clark guesses that the Boss may be Luthor. He proposes that Luthor manipulated the board to sell the Planet, then arranged its demise to collect the insurance.
Clark then runs into Lois and tells her that there was an extra insurance policy and she needs to ask her fiancé about it. Lex finds out because of the bug, but Lois doesn't ask until the night before their wedding.
It takes two days from the Kryptonite test to having the cage painted.
The wine cellar has an ornate table, complete with lit candles. Does he entertain in his wine cellar? Would Lois have had dinner down there?
Superman seems to react to the Kryptonite before Lex electrifies it (?).
Jimmy learns John Black will do anything he's paid to do. He was paid by Mrs. Cox to place explosives.
Jack learns Simon Trusdale, a former board member, has changed his mind and is now willing to state he received compensation for his support of the sale of the Planet to Luthor. Jack bribed him with the video tape.
Lex walked away with $75mil from the extra insurance. Jimmy points out that it's motive.
Perry remarks they're waiting for Clark before going to the police. If I've got this right, it's been two days of investigating from the three of them to gather the information.
Lois and Lex are out for dinner and Othello, while Superman is left alone in the cage.
Perry goes to see Mr. Stern after dinner to ask him to buy the Planet (or what's left of it).
Lex says he'll 'take care' of Lois' independence. Leaves the keys to the cage on top of a barrel at the bottom of the stairs.
Henderson has a warrant for Luthor's arrest. Would Perry and co have gone to the police the night before? Or would that morning be enough time to get a warrant?
Favourite scene.... I'm not sure I have one. I think John Shea is fantastic in this episode. He's brilliant with his facial expressions and the delivery of his lines.
Fanfic.... The favourite fic I've written so far is
Aftershocks which starts as the wedding ends. There are other fantastic fics out there but at the moment I can think of none!