New Season!
Wrong Trilogy, Book 1: Another Dimension, Another Time, Another Lois has a strong Arianna arc in it. Other than that, I can't really say. She isn't the most omnipresent character in LnC

Paper Cut is a fun adaption.
Plot Bunnies
Paper Cut gave me "What if Arianna was actually Lex's Madame?" and the Kryptonite bullet hit the same spot where Lex was hit during Fly Hard. With the premise of Paper Cut where the healing takes some time, Lois could try to close the wound using citrus juice and chewing gum.
LOIS (about her chocolate bars in her desk): those are for emergencies
LOIS: How did you catch him?
CLARK: He got tired. (literally caught in a tire)
JIMMY: What's really weird is when they asked _why_ they didn't like Superman, half the people couldn't even give a specific reason.
LOIS: I swear, we're witnessing the dumbing down of America. People with opinions who have no idea why they even _have_ an opinion.
LOIS: I was home eating Chocolate. Cottage Cheese. Chocolate flavored cottage cheese. It’s a new flavor. I was doing my laundry.
CLARK: I think you are brilliant. But there is a fine line between brilliance and lunacy.
Opening credits contain images from Clark’s Kerth award in Episode 2 as well as Lois’s Kerths. That could be considered a spoiler. Of course, nobody knows what they are at the time…
Perry recounts stress symptoms – anxiety, short fuses. Clark gives Lois a meaning full look. She looks back – annoyed.
Clark mentions Lois has candy bars in her desk drawer. That’s a new thing since the wedding fell through.
Minute 11:30: Lois gets her candybar shipment (Double Fudge Crunch Bar)
Lois is confirmed to be right handed.
Another Fruit Fly Spraying is announced.
Perry confirms Lois has joined the Daily Planet about five years ago. (1994 – 5 = 1989) (Minute 13)
Minute 14:30: Superman reads while flying, bends a radio antennea
Minute 16: Lois unloads her feelings. Lois was attracted to Lex’s power.
Sheldon Bender makes his first appearance.
Lois is angry that Lex lied to her about being married before.
Lex married Arianna Carlin 10 years ago on October 8th, 1984
Minute 23: Clark wears a particularly loud tie.
Lois rips out a phonebook page.
Lois has a habit of picking up loose change.
10 years ago Lex wasn’t a known figure (wasn’t anybody then). Which means he made it to third richest person within 9 years.
Lois again mentions her hair is bouncy.
Giant discovery: triple-sized first letters of each paragraph spell out a message. It does take Clark a bit to see it.
Superman takes several minutes to get to Lex’s penthouse after the call. That’s…convenient.
Clark, shot with Kryptonite can still use his heat vision. After the bullet is removed, he can still fly and heal but isn’t strong enough to stop a car when run over.
One street over from central Metropolis, there’s warehouses and personal homes with picket fences.
