LOIS:Smallville University with a graduating class of ten farmers and a cow.
LOIS: Old friend tried to murder me. These things happen. Okay, they happen to me.
LOIS: You don’t have to get snippy with me. I’m not the one who dated a psycho. (She probably forgot she was engaged to Lex Luthor)
CLARK: People can have two sides to their personality, Lois.
LOIS: Clark, do you think I'm judgmental?
CLARK: No... not really.
LOIS: Am I self-absorbed?
CLARK: No... not often.
LOIS: Do you think I always have to be right?
CLARK: Well... not always.
LOIS: Noticed how I didn’t say anything about myself?
CLARK: I did.
LOIS: But you could?
MOLLY: Same old Lois, still can’t admit she doesn’t know everything.
LOIS: That’s not true, is it Clark?
MOLLY: Slowing the aging process by calming the organs. You might want to try some, Lois.
PERRY: Judas Priest, the phone lines are dead.
PERRY: First rule of journalism. You publish or you perish.
Plot Bunny:
Molly has a ton of crystals, what if there’s also Krytponite?
The assembled reporters are impressed by a standard minigun.
Molly is flirting with Clark, while she’s actually happy in a relationship with her dead fiance. Good actress or genuine flirt?
Clark mostly doesn’t hold the door for Lois, or guide her walk through it.
Lois takes out leftover Chinese from the fridge, sniffs it and puts it back inside because it’s no longer appetizing.
Lois has underground parking for her car. She uses a security card to open the gate.
Lois’s college year book: To Stretch, no one swings like you do. (Lois was in gymnastics in college. That’s tennis and gymnastics now.)
Jimmy reads a magazine while crossing the street. Nowadays, he’d be playing with his phone instead.
Superman delivers a baby.
Goof: Lois is falling many more stories out of her apartment window than one or even five floors.
Superman is quite glib when he rescues Lois even though he only managed to save her due to sheer luck.
Double Fudge Crunch Bars are mentioned again by Jimmy and confirmed by Lois.
The Hawkeye satellite is a) a space weapon which is illegal. And b) located thousands kilometer away from earth, instead of just a couple hundred like the ISS.
