Hi Mary!
Huh. How bad must the angst be to deserve a warning. /Checks author/ oh because it’s not comedy, there’s a disclaimer required. Although…
LOIS: What do you mean, my pining over Cla- erm Superman is funny? Because it’s NOT! Also, I do not pine over Superman. And there is no reason to talk about Clark. Why did you bring Clark into this?

Clark looked around, bewildered. “Uh…where are your parents?”
Yep. He’s gonna end up with a 300ft restraining order and mandatory visits to all his neighbors.
His wife appeared from somewhere just behind him, holding a squirming baby in her arms. “Right here.” She freed a hand to rest on Clark’s shoulder and sat down beside him. Her name dangled on the far side of a vast chasm. “Jenna's ours.”
Eeeeep! Is that an entry in the existing amnesiverse or a new one? Also, he has trouble holding on to new information, too?
The girl’s heartbroken look nearly destroyed him. “You forgot me again?”
Oh boy.
His wife reached for the girl and tugged her closer. …Lois! His wife’s name was Lois. Clark seized that fragment of memory and held it as tightly as he could.
Awwwwwwww… he needs to get a tattoo with the pertinent information.
Clark blinked. He was in Centennial Park again, though he wasn’t sure why. The playground his children loved was several yards away and completely empty.
A man smirked at him. “You’re going down, Kent!”
I’m thinking sports.
“Clark? Clark, it’s okay. This is Barry Allen. He’s a friend. You play sports together.”
See? Also

“Wait, what? We were just talking a few seconds ago!”
Yes, I’m Barry, and all you need to remember is that I just beat you twelve-to-one.”

”Yeah, I think so. Um…what are we playing?”

She was crying. “Just shut up! I can’t lose him again! Do you understand that?! Just crawl back into your cave and leave us the **** alone!!!”

His concrete island was surrounded by a sea of grass, deserted except for himself, a distraught Lois, and someone in a strange, black costume.
CATWOMAN: Forget it. He can’t even remember that he wants me, so how can he help someone else remember their wife?
BATMAN: You’re a villain. How is my not loving you related to me helping Clark? Also, stop following me around like a lost kitten!
His hand found the small notebook in his pocket. It held everything his brain could not. “It’s…it’s front page stuff,” he remembered.
The stranger immediately pulled her out of the way of Clark’s jerking limbs.
Oh boy.
The article waxed poetic about a noble hero who was tragically killed in action in the depths of outer space.
Sounds like Amnesiverse!
”I know.” He brought their hands to his chest and smiled at her. “I remember it in here, just fine.”
You sneak! Also, given the rest, the “I know” is much more powerful.
Thanks for giving us another entry
