LOIS: It’s perfectly understandable. I needed to express deep, personal feelings. You needed to save three dollars.
Perry tells Jimmy the story of Selina Judd and Billy Norcross. Got involved just before they got on the trail of a Pulitzer story and went bad. Judd ended up teaching Yoga in Alaska, Norcross became a televangelist on cable TV.
Favorite scene:
There’s probably two. The one with Lois and Mayson becoming fast frenemies. And the one with Lois and Clark bickering about her reaching for the explanation. It shows that Clark isn’t just accepting Lois at face value.
Diana Stride and Goon (Ralph, not a criminal) talk about tagging Superman while he’s still in the room next door. Nobody worries about him hearing them.
Diana Stride suggests Superman has a secret identity.
Diana was recruited by Nick de Santos, turned into a famous reporter so she could get close to politicians and tycoons and assassinate them.
Diana knows about Kryptonite, asks Intergang to supply it and has paste made from it.
Goon Ralph is portrayed as swinging both ways by making passes on both Diana and Superman.
Lois’s chess knowledge is brought up again. Last seen in Pheromone, My Lovely.
Lois asks Clark about their date. And Clark has to return a video, he even has one lying around. Lois blames herself first because she’s too smart and scares men off. Then it’s her men’s fault because she attracts creeps.
Clark has new glasses with a smaller frame. It comes up again in We Have a Lot to Talk About.
Clark hints he has had a good reason for leaving Lois in the middle of their talk. Lois calls him on it and Clark flames out.
Clark uses “chased the assassin” as an excuse for ditching Lois. She’s impressed. He starts to tell her it wasn’t dangerous, then reconsiders and embellishes.
Lois suggests Clark is humoring her theory about Diana Stride being the killer just because they found a pendant that looks like the one Diana Stride supposedly wore. Clark mimes to Lois that she’s reaching.
Mayson is back:
Lois borrows Mayson’s pager so she can get intel. It’s not stealing because she plans on returning it anonymously.
Mayson confronts Clark about leaving things up in the air.
Clark tells Lois he has her back with Mayson and then leaves on Superman business.
Lois admits she doesn’t like Mayson. Mayson doesn’t like Lois either. It’s not just jealously because of Clark.
Mayson softens towards Lois after Lois intercepts Diana at the hospital.
Clark being Superman is floated on live TV. Jimmy notes they look alike. Perry doesn’t buy it. And Lois is exasperated. And then she is fooled by his story.
Martha dabbles in holography
Fun: The background of the opening scene is set in LA (LA town hall in the background) and Diana watches Superman coming to the rescue with the San Fransisco skyscraper in the background. At least they’re inconsistent.
