Hi Mary!
”There’s no bed!”
Clark looked up from the cameras he was repositioning in front of the window. “What?”
Did the Lexor not have time to repair it after Cat’s last stay?
Clark shrugged, replacing his glasses. “I guess the last guest wanted to keep it as a souvenir?”
Lexor staff: Never again will we provide a matrass for the deprived Daily Planet reporters. We never got all the spots out from the last two stays. And that’s not counting the one we had to burn.
“Do you know what will happen if they find out there’s no bed in here?!”
Clark shrugged. “They’ll probably just give us—” Oh! His eyes darted back to the window and the freshly repositioned cameras.
. He even had experience “roughing it”. It would be fine.
Unless he has a ‘rising’ experience in the night. Wonder how he’ll explain that to Lois.
A startled scream woke him out of a sound sleep. He was nose-to-nose with Lois,
She gaped at him. “You were floating!”
Nooo… He was just crawling up to her, studying her face and considering kissing her.
For a moment, she seemed to contemplate the floor. “So, did that spray affect you, or not?”
*That’s* where you’re going?
“Because you don’t feel that way about me.”
Her eyes bored into his. For a while, the only sound in the room was the soft, rapid thudding of her heart. Then, her lips were on his.
Which means they now do need that bed.
After a long, exquisite moment, she pulled away with a frustrated groan.
Her forehead came to rest against his chest. “I just remembered: there’s no bed!”
Another cute little viggy!