LOIS: I can get into any door in this city.
CLARK: I know. And that’s what worries me.
Plot Bunnies:
What happened to Clarkie bear? Is her new white teddy bear a new model or did she have to wash Clarkie bear and the black color got washed out?
Starts with Mayson’s funeral. Was a day or two after her death.
The resurrection pill’s dose is tricky to get right
Jimmy met new girl at the funeral. Angela (2x09 and 2x13) is no longer in the picture. She dumped Jimmy for a guy with a Ferrari. Which is interesting given how she fell for Jimmy because he was a nice guy and was put off when he tried to cheat at the Secret Santa.
Lois is now proficient at lock picking.
Lois carries a pocket knife with her in her purse
Daniel Scardino shows up.
Minute 8:30: Lois and Clark describe Scardino for a phantom drawing. The artist is the Daily Planet’s editorial cartoonist.
Lois thinks Scardino is cute when she still thought he was a criminal. Clark was less impressed.
Scardino was on probation a lot at the DEA. He’s also most decorated.
Scardino rescues Lois before Superman can.
Scardino gives Clark the impression that Lois and Scardino had sex since she was in her pajamas and had wet hair.
Lois just had two great dates with Clark and kissed him. Now she’s mooning over Scardino without Clark ever standing Lois up at their date. She’s now juggling three men. She asks Clark if she’s yesterday’s news, date-wise. It’s been a week since their first date and then their first kiss. Clark hasn’t said a word about it.
After the case, Clark asks Lois on another date (they could head to the movies right after work) and checks what movie is playing. Scardino shows up and asks Lois out. Lois considers it right in front of Clark. Lois might not have acted worse than Clark has when Mayson was still around, but that was before their date.
Lois made some rumaki with curry. They are so spicy even Clark coughs. Scardino likes the spicy rumaki.
Mayson had a diary with steamy details about Clark. According to Scardino, it reads like an Emily Bronte novel.
Professor Hamilton is mentioned again.
Spike and Angel make their appearance.
Lois went to the prom during her junior year and didn’t bring the car home. Someone (her father) called he ’young lady’ then. We know it must have been her junior year because she moved out in her senior year.
Lois is sleeping with a white teddy bear. Clarkie-bear was black and white. Intentional change or props error?
