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KateSO Offline OP
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I promised myself I'd do a lot more reading before I even attempted writing something. And then the anniversary of Ficlet Friday sounded fun and potentially low key to participate in, so I casually started writing an outline. And then 24 hours went by and somehow 8,000 words tumbled forth. Not a ficlet! But a first fic dance

I got so much joy out of writing this! I'm so grateful for all the help and support I received to even attempt this, let alone be able to post it. hailAnd I'm immensely grateful to you for having read it and finding yourself on the feedback thread! I hope you got a few chuckles out of it!


The Dating Game: Super Edition (1/1)

Last edited by Darth Michael; 11/26/23 09:11 AM. Reason: Fixed post-icon

“I should’ve known better than to order chinese food from a place called Ralph’s Pagoda.”
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I'm glad you adopted this bunny. And you did a very good job with it, too. I tried my hand on it, but I certainly wasn't in the right mood. So thank you very much for writing this. Very funny.

Thanks for sharing

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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Beat Reporter
Beat Reporter
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This was a lot of fun! Superman gave Lois a big hint. I liked that he chose Clark to go on the date in his place and that Lois was more excited about going on a date with Clark than with Superman. It wouldn’t surprise me if Lois has the answer to Superman’s question before the date. Maybe you’ll get bit with a plot bunny to write a sequel about their date. Thanks for the laughs! It was nice to start my day laughing.

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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Very entertaining fic. I loved Lois' answers and the inner dialogue. I do hope Lois squashes this TV network though because they are clearly shady.

But anyway, Superman’s questions, especially the last ones, made me very happy and internally squeee.

This was truly a fun read.

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Ooh, that would be hilarious to watch. Great read for your first one.

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Omg, so good! Thank you for writing this! I found myself wanting to quote so many things, but it's hard to do that on a phone. This one line though:

One day they’re baiting you with a great TV show that tells a unique story with an amazing cast, and the next day they’re cancelling it and ripping it all away without so much as a half-hearted apology...
LOL! Superman, don't lean on the fourth wall like that: with your strength, you might accidentally break it! XD

Oof, Mayson...what was she even doing there?! I know, you implied it was a favor to somebody, but yeesh, that woman!

I'm half curious what would have happened if the audience had set him up with Cat. XD. Actually, wait, I don't want to know. o_O

Anyway, a lovely story with a lovely ending, and I like how it all tied back together with Lois preparing questions for her own Bachelor number one. wink

Most excellent! ^_^

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One day they’re baiting you with a great TV show that tells a unique story with an amazing cast, and the next day they’re cancelling it and ripping it all away without so much as a half-hearted apology...

Hmm, what shows might fit the bill here...? grin

Lois, Cat and Mayson? What a set!!

She may have mentioned it smugly to her fish.

Hahah, I loved this!

“Uh, okay. Final question. If I were an ordinary man with no superpowers, would you still be sitting here trying to win a date with me?”

Oooh, excellent final question!!

Loved what you did with Lois's train of thought, the revelation just there for her to reach at, if only she could straighten her thoughts!!

Great first fic! Congrats and keep writing! love

What we've got here is failure to communicate...
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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This is lovely! It's playful and snarky and made me laugh, even after several readings =) I especially liked these bits

' since she and Clark were getting closer...or working more closely, or well, working with their desks closer together, or well...'

' over-pigmented aerial taxi service'

And what an interesting solution for how the date will happen!

I applaud your first Lois & Clark fanfic clap

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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Hi Kate!

*yay* that you took the plunge!
This is my first ever fic (was just going to try my hand at a ficlet... but it had its only plans when I got started!).
Oh yes, I know that problem! My first (well, second) fic spawned from a nice 4-5 parter to 25 or so. shock They wanted *closure* if you can believe that.

I want to thank SuperBek for being brave enough to BR this story! She was instrumental in fixing readability by adding breaks, catching my outdated grammar formatting, and adding some really helpful sentence re-writes and additions! And the title!! I couldn’t have done it without her!
*Yay* for betas!

Thank you, also to QueenoftheCapes for the “Lois and Clark on a Game Show” plot bunny
Oooh, that’s what this is? Wheeeee!

bakasi and Demi for fleshing out The Dating Game setting!
Don’t know if bakasi will see this, but I’m flashing to “Herzblatt”, an 80/90s dating show in Germany/Austria. Clark, Dan, and who knows for Lois to choose from evil

Thank you, also, brave reader!! I hope you like it!!
It’s been fun so far smile

Superman has agreed to be a guest on the show The Dating Game and Lois has pulled some strings to make sure she’s a contestant.
evil Do the contestants know who is looking for a professional caregiver? (My phone actually suggested ‘caregiver’ after ‘professional’ laugh guess there’s a pattern…) Anyway, will she be up against Mayson who does not know she’s in for dating a vigilante? And perhaps Penny Barnebedian?

. But she may not be as much of a shoe-in as she thinks when she sees who she’s competing with!
Blondes with prominent proportions? Or perhaps, yes, what about that stuffy brunette in the charchoal suit? She introduced herself as ‘Sarah, I’m looking for my husband’ like it’s one word.

Will they make it through the hour-long taping?!
Will there be an emergency?

“I am an alien from another planet.

“On our date, where would you take me to show me the true gems that this world has to offer? Bachelorette number 1?”
CAT: /raises hand/

Their voice, the distinct sounds they made as they shifted in their seat or tapped their foot absent-mindedly, their heart rate when asked certain questions or when speaking to certain people.
Yeah, he just needs to detect Lois. Then he can pick one of the other two to avoid any appearance of impropriety.

He really hoped all the prizes and proceeds generated from his appearance on the show were going to charity like they’d promised him.
BILL CHURCH: My new wife, Charity.

One day they’re baiting you with a great TV show that tells a unique story with an amazing cast, and the next day they’re cancelling it and ripping it all away without so much as a half-hearted apology…
laugh They even had a “to be continued” tag in the episode. You did read the fifth and six season fanfic continuations?

Lois thought she could see the mocking amusement in Bachelorette #2’s expression, as though she was thinking, She’s going to take Superman to a museum on their date?! How perfectly Lois.
Yeah, it did feel a tad nerdy /generic. She doesn’t even know him. Not really, does she?

I can show you way more gems than what you’ll find at any old jewelry store. Enormous ones too, by the looks of it…”
Ooooh a Cat in heat!

If they had, they would have known better. But as it was, they would be bent and bloody once she was through with them.
CAT: Claw manicure at seat one please! Can I get a claw manicure over here? Thank you.

He cleared his throat, as if the sound could dispel that last remark from who he knew could only be the former gossip columnist for the Daily Planet.
Season two. So number three could be Mayson, only why would she?

Bachelorette #3’s answer came in a sardonic tone. “I can think of a few gems at the Metropolis Hall of Justice I’d like to refer you to.”
jawdrop Did DA Clemons pimp Mayson out to raise his approval ratings?
DA CLEMONS: I would never solicit my female employees. You can get arrested for this sort of thing if there’s a paper trail.

“Never mind. Ca-can we just move on?” Bachelorette #3 scoffed.

So far, she had been the only one to offer real, and if she did say so herself, enticing answers,
Jason Trask did stipulate Superman’s here to procreate his species with halfbreeds. This would make Cat’s offer very competitive.

Regardless, she didn’t feel the slightest bit threatened by her competition in this race.
Yes, competition that’s playing a different sport is no competition at all.

There was the article she had promised to write about the completely fabricated “good deeds” this TV station was doing for charity;
The good deeds Superman was referring to earlier?

she would find a way to weasel out of that one, or better yet expose the whole station for fraudulent activities if she could!
Bought guests, bought contestants, contestants that take credit cards…

She hadn’t even bothered saying goodbye, and everything that had happened after that was a bit of a blur

Maybe then she could get him to explain just what he’d meant that night after he’d stopped Metallo. That was all still a confusing jumble in her head, and she was going to get answers.
Perfect timing with the other Metallo ficlet just out on the boards.

“I see so much of the violence and evil in the world. What’s one thing you could describe to me that would recharge my spirit and my faith in the good people of Earth? Bachelorette number 2?”
Clark. Lois should describe Clark.

“Hey, quiet from the peanut gallery, grown-ups are talking,” Cat taunted.

And you give so much hope to me. I’d be lost without you.”

“Can I pass? Yeah? Pass.”
laugh Mayson does not seem happy at all.

She thought there should be rules and that those rules should work in her favor. She was first, after all, so it was only fair.
Sounds reasonable?

Hmm, there were maybe…a few illicit tactics Cat might have used to get her way.
CAT: I would never. I… to even suggest that I would write a favorable article. I’m not for sale!

She may have mentioned it smugly to her fish.
No more watching out for Cat’s paws.

Clark were getting closer…or working more closely,

“First Bachelorette?”

Smallville. Martha makes great desserts.

Paris? Hawaii? Fiji? Some remote island that no one’s ever been to but us…” That was enough flirt, right?
Clothing optional apparently an option.

Superman’s response was a dallying “Uh, yes, that sounds nice. It would be a busy night, for sure.”
SUPERMAN: The reader did suggest licking chocolate sauce off of Lois. It’s not my fault I got distracted.
READER: I did no such thing.

Lois’s toes curled as the audience cheered and wooed at Cat publicly soliciting Superman. Audiences were vacuous!
There *is* a theme.

Don’t want to go looking like a raving lunatic in front of millions of people on national television.
Yes, Lois screaming those thoughts publicly at Cat would not be very dignified.

“Watch out, Superman, you might be what’s for dinner with this one!”

“I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to go anywhere I couldn’t get to under my own steam.
Bread and water for the guest while Mayson sits opposite and asks some questions.

I don’t need some over-pigmented aerial taxi service to deliver me to some remote, albeit beautiful, dream-land destination.”
laugh what about Disneyland?

“…this… game show and this blatant display of arrogance and self-importance part of your do-good campaign?
No, that’s just because he’s lonely and they told him this is how Earth men find their women.

but notice the small reflection of the camera monitor in an audience member’s glasses, revealing that Mayson was gesturing with her arms to indicate the set.

“Oh, yeah, it’s real charitable to sit there all smug and self-righteous, letting senseless women fawn all over you.
CAT: Hey!

This one’s practically throwing her garter belt over the wall at your head!”

“Hey! Watch it blondie!” Cat hissed, her voice barely audible over Mayson’s continued tirade.
laugh Lois could by explaining that Cat’s always this way.

I don’t care if the president of the United States asked me to do this as a favor. I’m outta here.”
The host called out to her in an uncharacteristic, un-boomy voice, “Wait! Wait Miss...you...you can’t go before...”

she would be right there, looking at him with those luminous brown eyes, smiling at him with impossibly velvety soft lips…
He should be careful with his thoughts. He’s sitting front and center from a camera that takes in his entire posture.

Alright, Bachelorette number 1. If you were a superhero, what would you call yourself?”
Ultra Woman.

?” He began picturing Lois in a spandex suit like his. Pink, maybe?

He knew Cat’s answer would be nothing more than tawdry tripe, nothing that he had the slightest interest in
CAT: Catwoman.
SUPERMAN: Sorry. It’s strictly bros before cats with me.

Lois always did do her best work under pressure, he thought admiringly. So really, she ought to be fine with the pressure on now.
Very cute!

I’d want someone who held me in the highest regard to decide what name should define me, because they’d have the best perspective of my abilities and what name would comfort them most in their sincerest hour of need. Or would ring true as a bastion of hope.”
And yet he got ‘Superman’ after a burp and a two minute flight.

“I have to agree with you there, Lo—uh, sweetie. I am a superhero; my powers only activate in the bedroom though, and, uh, I have been called many, many names.”

“Yeah, Super Strumpet for one!” he heard Lois chide viciously. He groaned inwardly.

This is The Dating Show, not some salacious mudslinging talk show!
Yes totally dignified affair, this one.

you’ll both be disqualified!”
Would the date then go to Mayson? Or the host?

, “your final question for these two, uh, lovely... ladies.”
Pair of cat and dog?

Uh, okay. Final question. If I were an ordinary man with no superpowers, would you still be sitting here trying to win a date with me?”
LOIS: no!
CAT: same build? Not a sleazy criminal? Clean? Pulse? Sure.

“Would you still have those buns of steel?”

Of course it was Cat who chimed in first

Could she hear how he’d tried ever so subtly to wrap the “one” with warmth, to hold it so delicately, without giving too much of himself away?

He knew it was her, right? How could he not? He knew her voice. He probably knew the sound of her heartbeat so well by now… Was it discernible from Cat’s? From the people in the audience? God, she nearly forgot there was an audience. And cameras. What was the question? Her thoughts were all jumbled now.
Poor dear got overexcited there.

Uh, would I want to date him even if he was an ordinary man? Right? Well, duh, of course! Without question. I would just know it was him, she thought.

like no mortal man could smell.

Though I do wonder if she will accidentally say ‘Clark’ on live tv.

“Unequivocally,” she managed to choke out after what seemed like a miles-long pause. “I would know it was you; there’s no doubt in my mind that I would. I’d be here, holding my breath and hoping against hope that you’d pick me.”

and no doubt created fully detailed character profiles on them.
Yes. Right.

Which woman should the Man of Steel choose?”
They probably will go with the one whose couple name is ‘Super Strumpet’.

Maybe she could still be an award-winning journalist for the Borneo Gazette
Mating season! Three knobtailed geckos have been discovered on the same branch! Read the whole story about their illicit affair on page two.

“Well,” he started. “Being me, you understand, there are no guarantees that I will be available the day this date is meant to occur.” This is not where Lois saw this answer going. “And, I understand that, as a celebrity on this show, I can choose someone to go on this date in my absence.”
Bait and switch? Really? They do that?

“Great,” Superman continued, “then I would like for Clark Kent to take my place. So, I’ll be picking this date based on who I think he might match best with.”
He sure wiggled out of making a public declaration.
MAYSON: Hey! Unfair.

She didn’t want Cat back in their lives to start fouling things up all over again. Lois needed Superman to pick her. She needed this date to be her and Clark!

What if his perfection was all in her head, wrapped up around a symbol and an idea and a costume?

, “It’s my business to look beyond the external.”
CAT: wave

“Bachelorette number 2, if you could come out here and say hello to Superman? Show him what he’ll be missing on his date.”
Cat handing Superman a portfolio of her artistic nudes, isn’t that a bit tacky?

No matter how many times they had been this close, he could still take her breath away.
He needs to learn to not suck in all the air when she’s close to him or touching him.

She had work to do, and she did her best thinking there in her trusty old desk chair with a cup of hot coffee and a view of her partner.
Does sound perfect for her to contemplate said partner.

And with a flash of his cape, the Man of Steel was gone. He had to go find Lois and figure out the particulars of their date. She would have a lot of questions, and, though he knew in the end how little good it might do him, he wanted to give himself ample time to prepare his answers.
I like this episode closing with Superman getting ready for his own being a contestant in The Super Dating Game.

Wonderful debut, Kate!

wave Michael

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You never could tell with these TV networks. One day they’re baiting you with a great TV show that tells a unique story with an amazing cast, and the next day they’re cancelling it and ripping it all away without so much as a half-hearted apology...

Ahhh! Omg right??

She trailed off in a soft but aggressive purr.


Bachelorette #3’s answer came in a sardonic tone. “I can think of a few gems at the Metropolis Hall of Justice I’d like to refer you to.”

Hahaha! OMG! I'd been thinking, "Oh, Mayson would obviously be one of them... but no, wait. This is for Superman, not Clark, so really she shouldn't be." HAHA! I love it, it's perfect! lol

Regardless, she didn’t feel the slightest bit threatened by her competition in this race.

Although…when she thought about the less-than-admirable way she’d secured this spot, she felt a mere modicum of shame... There was the article she had promised to write about the completely fabricated “good deeds” this TV station was doing for charity; she would find a way to weasel out of that one, or better yet expose the whole station for fraudulent activities if she could!

I don't want to quote the WHOLE scene, but gosh, your Lois is SO on point in here! clap

Cat’s eyes did a dance, her toothy smile gleaming in the stage lights. She didn’t skip a beat with her answer. “Oh honey, I know a thousand ways I could recharge your spirit,” she replied in her most bedroom-y voice, finishing by blowing a kiss into the microphone and winking at the camera.

If the winner of this contest was determined by an audience vote, Cat was sure to be the fan favorite by a landslide. Lois was very glad it wasn’t.

HAHA!! This one made me LOL irl lol Oh, Cat!

“And I...” Superman began, but then caught himself. “Uh, thank you, Bachelorette number 1. That is...great...to hear.” His voice was heavy with bit-back emotion. And I’d be lost without you, too, Lois, he wanted to say, echoing all the emotion she had delivered her words with. However, he stayed quiet for a moment.


She’d thought that no Cat was a definite upgrade; not that she told anyone at work that. She may have mentioned it smugly to her fish.

lol That second line kills me! LOL!

Cat gleefully shared her kittenish musings. “Ooh, maybe Japan for some sushi? Or Mexico? Could be reeeally spi-cy!” She did a shoulder shimmy and shot pointed fingers at the sky with the last word. She was really playing it up for the audience.

rotflol Cat is just killing me...

“You are a sideshow, not an enforcer of the law. I’d like to see you take off the cape and go after these guys, then we can all see what you’re really made of. Maybe here is right where you belong, finally. You know what, I can’t sit here anymore. I don’t care if the president of the United States asked me to do this as a favor. I’m outta here.”

Ouch, Mayson!! (Excellent characterization here!)

“Alright, Bachelorette number 1. If you were a superhero, what would you call yourself?” He began picturing Lois in a spandex suit like his. Pink, maybe? And he quickly dismissed the thought. Stay focused, dream all you want later. This thing is almost over.

LOL!! Maybe someday you'll get to see that, Clark. wink

Just like she did for me, Superman thought, his reverence clearly showing in his momentarily unguarded eyes. He never would have come up with Superman on his own, giant “S” or no. No, it had been much better that she had named him; it had given him purpose and created an image to uphold. She was responsible for so much of who he was, who he had come to be. He had so much to be grateful to her for. And he could listen to her words all day; it was clear how brilliant of a writer she was. He couldn’t help but be in awe of her, again reflecting back effortlessly the emotions that she had delivered her answer with. Her words struck him with such force, and she was so close...

GAHHHHHHH!! I love this!!

“Uh, okay. Final question. If I were an ordinary man with no superpowers, would you still be sitting here trying to win a date with me?”

ACK OMG! I didn't see this one coming and now I'm on the edge of my seat...

“Would you still have those buns of steel?”

Of course it was Cat who chimed in first. Boy, she just wasn’t going to make this easy for him. And not that he had any clue as to what Lois’s response would be. A sweet one, like her others, or a bitter pill for him to swallow? He’d had an easier time swallowing C-4 than he’d had with swallowing the bitter pills Lois had handed him in the past. But he had to know. He just had to push past Cat’s incessant pestering first.

“Uh, yes,” he responded reluctantly, adding a nervous laugh.

1. LOL! OMG Cat!! And then the line about C-4 and Clark's answer! rotflol

2. Gahhh!! Love that bit of poignant introspection from Clark about what Lois's answer will be!

Uh, would I want to date him even if he was an ordinary man? Right? Well, duh, of course! Without question. I would just know it was him, she thought.

There was no mistaking him. Not his face, his incredible musculature, the indescribable way he smelled—the way the wind and clouds seemed inextricably tied to each strand of his hair...like no mortal man could smell.

But, most importantly, there was no mistaking the way he made her feel. She was sure she would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was him; there was this electricity between them, after all, this magnetic current pulling them towards each other. She could feel it now, sending pulsing waves that sunk deep down into her skin, straight through to her core. Her very essence called out to him. Every cell in her body screamed his name and demanded to connect with his, in even the slightest touch of her hand on his arm. Every step closer she took towards him invited another and another, no distance seemed acceptable to keep. And she would take ten thousand steps, halving the distance every time, if that’s all she could do, until there was no possible way they could ever be separated. Not by space, not by time—those things didn’t exist when they were together.

Ahhhhhhh I love this!! GAHHH!! Very beautiful here!! But will she lead herself to a revelation????

But, he’d also seemed so adamant about Clark, like he had some stake in that, too. Like that’s what he really wanted.


“Care to drop me any hints?” she asked, trying deliberately to bring her senses into clarity. She would force her body to cooperate.

“Are you suggesting that I haven’t already?” he countered. He seemed so perfectly composed to her. So sure of himself.

GAHHH OMG OMG... I haven't been able to stop and comment on all the amazing lines and tension between the last quote and here but... THIS AHHHHH I love it!!

AHHH this was soooo good!! Thank you so much for writing and sharing with us!! Can't wait to see your next story!! wink

Sara smile

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Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
Omg, so good! Thank you for writing this! I found myself wanting to quote so many things, but it's hard to do that on a phone. This one line though:

One day they’re baiting you with a great TV show that tells a unique story with an amazing cast, and the next day they’re cancelling it and ripping it all away without so much as a half-hearted apology...
LOL! Superman, don't lean on the fourth wall like that: with your strength, you might accidentally break it! XD

ROTFL!!! rotflol

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
She introduced herself as ‘Sarah, I’m looking for my husband’ like it’s one word.

LOL! OMG what a great sentence!!

Sara smile

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