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Last edited by SuperBek; 01/22/24 04:22 PM.
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“I'm glad you invited me for dinner, I . . . uh, I guess I'm confused by . . . what kind of dinner this is? I mean. . . .” He trailed off nervously.
She then spotted tentative hope in his eyes.
Oh. . . .
Bahahahhaaa, omg, I'm dying! That's an AMAZING set-up!

“Um. . . . Look,” she said haltingly, knowing she had to come clean now. “I, uh, overheard you and Jimmy talking.”
rotflol Oh, mercy - talk about not checking the water level.

Why was this even important to her?
She didn't know, but it was.
I feel for her! This is such a great way to express her inherent need for him to think well of her without knowing why it's so important that the guy she loves love her back. This really gets me!

Clark smiled, once again accepting her mood swings with grace. “Okay.”
If I didn't love Clark before, this line would have done it. This is articulated so well!

And threw the water onto the flaming oil.
OMG, no! shock

She wasn’t the only one breathing heavily.
Had this been scary for Superman too?

The arms around her had . . . normal sleeves.
Just full on gasp. I can't believe you did that! What a totally amazing reveal. And I loooove that it's because he was worried!

He took her silence as insistence to continue.
lol On a normal day, this is so the right move!

And the fact he had wanted to tell her counted for something.
YES. YES. YES. notworthy

Super takeout?
Laughing. OUT. LOUD.

He then whispered in joyful relief, “Me.”
AAAAAwwwwwwwwwwww. love This really feels palpable.

That was SO fun and SO sweet and SO perfectly them!! clap

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Ahhh, this set up is sooo Lois. Of course she would primarily cook for Clark to prove something. Loved the rescue, how Lois slowly realized that it wasn't Superman but Clark who'd saved her. Great kiss!

I'm guessing Toomi

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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“Jimmy was telling me about his uncle, Louis, and how he can't even fix proper meals for himself,” Clark explained, his eyes telling her he was telling her the truth.


Clark looked at the island covered with food and elaborate dinner prep with new understanding.

“You wanted to show me Jimmy was wrong, huh?” he questioned.

What a set up! Still, Lois owes Jimmy BIG TIME for saying that, because now she and Clark and together! (Swoons....) smile1



A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Ooh, another revelation fic! Are they all going to be that way? It'd be hilarious if we accidentally had a themed ficathon! XD

I like that Lois and Clark got together in the end .
The part where Lois set everything on fire made me feel alarmed on her behalf . The part where Clark was clearly scared for her was heart-melting.

Okay, now for guesses....My first thought was either Bakasi or Toomi, but it occurs to me that I don't have a feel for JadedEvie's style yet, so maybe it's JE? Then also, I'm probably going to have to guess myself for one of these, so I could probably burn that here... I'll come back to this.

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Okay, this is my first ever comment on here so hi smile

I actually got scared Lois was going to set herself on fire (like, duh, of course Clark would save her, lol)
And I loved the “Who did I perform the dance of the seven veils for?”

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This was hilarious! Lois being Lois through and through.
And the water on the oil.... YIKES eek
I LOVED the reveal. So epic. I'm not sure whose heart was beating harder, Lois' or Clark's grin

Now for my guess... hm. Toomi??

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I really really enjoyed this! I love how you set up the REASON for Lois' attempt to cook and then of course disaster ensued proving that even though she overheard them wrong, she is still a complete mess in the kitchen.

The reveal was adorable as well. Really well done.

I am going to guess: QueenoftheCapes

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."
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The rescue was great, as was the reveal!

Ack..... I can't decide between CarrieRene and Blueowl.... maybe even BlindPassenger?

Last edited by Toomi8; 01/14/24 02:22 PM.
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Hi Author!

Disclaimer: there’s guesses all throughout. If you haven’t guessed yourself yet, beware!

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Clark asked, honestly looking baffled at everything assembled.
Bring the fire extinguisher. And perhaps an oil fire blanket?
(I did not read ahead! I swear!)

Did he think she couldn’t do this? Granted, if he believed Jimmy, it was understandable that he would be uneasy about letting her cook them dinner.
JIMMY: That time I let her stay with me while Griffin was gunning for her? She offered to make dinner for me and my friends. Emergency room. All of them. And we didn’t even get to try Johnny’s karaoke machine.

He was likely worrying about how dinner would taste or if indigestion would follow.
CLARK: I have seen kitchen fires take down half an apartment building before…

“You sound hesitant. Do you think I can’t cook?” she asked, trying to sound light but really wanting to know as she got the cutting board out.
She did mention that she can only make pasta salad and three kinds of chocolate things.

And I guess I’m . . . just a little . . . confused?”
/squints/ hmm… /goes hunting/ those ellipses, they look like BlueOwl’s style.

I’m glad you invited me for dinner, I . . . uh, I guess I’m confused by . . . what kind of dinner this is? I mean. . . .” He trailed off nervously.
Hehehe. This reminds me of Coupling, Susan inviting Steve to her place to cook dinner for them means “let’s have sex and I’ll cater”.


She then spotted tentative hope in his eyes.

Oh. . . .

/Points at previous remark/
Also, loving that reaction!

She had bulldozed so quickly into wanting to prove what she wanted to prove that she hadn’t even thought about how it would look. . . .

Inviting Clark over for dinner.

Just the two of them. . . .
It’s still time to poison Perry, too!

No wonder he had responded the way he had when she had asked! Though happy, he had been flabbergasted. She had thought it was because he had been thinking about what Jimmy had told him!
Poor dear. He worried that she had run out of patience with his patience!

“A few days ago, about . . . my cooking,” she admitted.
One could still infer cooking to mean something else. One room over.

“–Lois is a horrible cook!” Jimmy said. “Trust me.”

“Surely, things can’t be that bad,” Clark argued.
One guy she dated, he fled across the ocean back to France because of her cooking.

LOIS: No, he fled because I showed him my cooking *knife* and what I can go with it to a carrot.

Perry had called them soon after, so fortunately for Jimmy she hadn’t heard his rebuttal.
Nice implication there on what she’d do to Jimmy if she had heard it.

Primarily, because she was afraid he was right.
Poor dear!

“Your cooking?” he asked, before his eyebrows went up, realization dawning. “Oh!”

Lois looked down, expecting pity or a deflection.

“Lois, we weren’t talking about you,” he said gently.
Oh, that’s a nifty redirection clap

Why was this even important to her?
A decade of Ellen Lane imprinting?

“I want to, really.”
And she gotta succeed, right?

“Um, I’ll be right back. Sorry, bathroom,” Clark suddenly said.
I don’t know what’s funnier: Clark’s bathroom break right after watching Lois drink a glass of water or him getting a Superman interruption.

She poured in some more, but then her slick fingers dropped the bottle of oil
Oh dear. That’s how Deep Water Horizon started.

hit the counter and bounced, flipping end over top and flinging the flammable liquid all over the stove, on the floor, and on the electric burner.

It all instantly ignited.

Screaming out in horror as tall hot flames licked at her apron and shot high into the air, she instinctively grabbed hold of her glass of water beside her as fast as she could.
A) This is extremely vivid!
B) peep

And threw the water onto the flaming oil.
What followed was the last thing she expected.
I did mention peep

The slapstick funny could also be Queenie, but the cadence of the paragraph structure is wrong for her style. And unless Lois’s hair burns off, it’s not Tank either. So far BlueOwl remains a safe bet.

In less than a blink, the fire was out, leaving frosty white and black smudges all over the stove, pan, floor and beyond, even covering the microwave on the kitchen counter straight across from the now ruined island.
New way to assassinate Lois Lane: have Superman deal with some function hundreds of miles away and send Lois a gift basket with a self-prepare meal. She won’t survive the cooking session.

Doing her best to collect herself and wondering where Clark was – because surely he had heard her from the bathroom? –
Nice touch!

She wasn’t the only one breathing heavily.

Had this been scary for Superman too?
Duh! He had just been to the bathroom so he can’t demonstrate how scared he was, but let’s say, yes, he got wee bit upset.

“Thank you, I don’t know how you got here in time, but–” She glanced down, expecting to see blue fabric on well toned arms.

“Clark!?” she rasped. “B-but—the fire! You–you blew out the fire? You’re—? Wha–?”
Yes, he’s Batman.

destroyed a planet destroying asteroid a few weeks before.
Ah, there it is placed.

He had saved her from some real serious harm. What could compete with that? Did he think she was going to be angry or something?
Well, she would have been, if that had been a couple of years later during their kids’ Christmas pageant.

Did you really go to the restroom earlier or did you hear something?” she suddenly asked.

“You really need to work on some of the excuses you give,” she pointed out.
In the future, Lois can send him for coffee, chocolate, or donuts.

He playfully winced. “Yeah, I suppose I do, but now . . . maybe you could help?” he asked hopefully.
Atta boy. It’s not like she’s a consummate liar, but it’s a fine line between truth and creative reality.

“Superspeed certainly comes in handy,” she added.

“It can,” he agreed, relaxing slightly.
Yes, but according to Mark Spencer (Love and Capes), doing boring stuff at superspeed doesn’t make it any less boring.

“About dinner.”

“Yes?” she asked when he didn’t continue.

“Shall I. . . ?” He then did a swooping motion with his hand and it only took her a second to figure out what he meant.
He’s cute when he’s being coy.

moved by how nervous Clark was while (she hoped) asking her out.

leaned forward, her face close to his. “Who was I making dinner for? Who do I call outside of work? Who do I let edit my copy?” Then she blushed. “Who did I perform the dance of the seven veils for?”

She eased into the kiss, wanting to draw out the tenderness as much as possible.
/squints/ I think you win first kiss of the year!

though maybe he was super sensitive?

She smiled between kisses, suddenly imagining certain, ehem, things.
Well, there is certain tropes about how long certain, ehem, things will take the first time around.

“You,” she said, before kissing him again, this time fully allowing herself to be swept up by how amazing Clark was at kissing.

Dinner would wait.

O o O o O

The End
Awwww, very waffy! Also, that section break is also BlueOwl’s style. /Checks BlueOwl fic/ Looky there, the cadence matches.

Great work on the prompts clap And while prepping the FDK for posting, I noticed this very nice build up from cute togetherness to suddenly having chaos and an emergency, and then the big reveal. Very well done indeed.

My guess:
(or a really good copy cat wink )

As for the prompts - nope. Sorry!

wave Michael

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Sweet little tale. Lois in the kitchen is never a good idea as that will inevitably cause mayhem, didn't you know Clrk? Also the "misunderstanding" parts are hilarious. And the reveal...neat. I really enjoyed this one.

Guesses...So, let's see, we have: Short paragraphs, Clark valuing Lois' safety and honesty over his wish to protect his secret, and a very specific paragraph seperation marker that, as far as I know, only one perosn here uses...yep, 100% Blueowl!

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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That was perfect. Love that Clark was too worried to even think about spinning into the suit before saving her. Amd her slow realization of who exactly was holding her... Just amazing.

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This story was great! I think Blueowl wrote it! I'll be back later with better fdk!

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“No, it's not that, I just didn't think you liked cooking. And I guess I'm . . . just a little . . . confused?”

“Confused?” she asked, preparing an onion.

“I'm glad you invited me for dinner, I . . . uh, I guess I'm confused by . . . what kind of dinner this is? I mean. . . .” He trailed off nervously.


She then spotted tentative hope in his eyes.

Oh. . . .


“I'm fine with whatever you were thinking,” he added quickly. “More than happy, really! I just didn't want to assume and. . . . ” He blushed and she quickly realized she was blushing just as much.

She had bulldozed so quickly into wanting to prove what she wanted to prove that she hadn't even thought about how it would look. . . .

Inviting Clark over for dinner.

Just the two of them. . . .

AWWWWW Love this scene!!

Beautiful story!

My guess: Blueowl cool

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Ahhhh, I love this misunderstanding!! It works so well! And gahhh! Love the fics when he has to reveal himself in the moment! And sweet kiss at the end! Great job!! 🥰

What made me guess Jess? I wasn’t quite sure at first! And I was suspecting things when we got to the “action” scene because you’re so good at those. And then . . . that scene separator at the end sealed the deal. wink

Sara smile

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Great reveal and a fun story! Clark being scared for Lois was touching. He just reacted and gave up his identity. That is so Clark. I love this story!

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What a way to reveal the secret!!

Lois is definitely a danger in the kitchen, although in the end everything turned out very well.

I must thank you because this story made me think... and I ended up explaining to my son the dangers in the kitchen and what to do in case the oil catches fire. We even looked up videos and I have to say, after watching them, the scene in Lois's apartment became scarier in my mind.

Thank you very much for sharing your writings. I love them.

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