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Not that she was particularly interested in football. She had never understood the appeal of watching a bunch of sweaty men fight over a ball.
lol I think it's the sweaty men part that holds part of the appeal. wink Then, again, Lois doesn't need to head to a football game for that.

OMG! This is TOO FUNNY! rotflol

It happened as it had to happen: they agreed to a bet.
I really adore the inevitability of this! That's very early L&C, and I love that we see it continued into their marriage!

It was the simplest, most practical solution.
Naturally. LOL. Why would Lois ever turn down a flight?

A mystery that had to be solved. Well, certainly not the pinnacle of her journalistic career, but you had to take what you could get.
"Lo-is, no." Clark, who had noticed the sparkle in his wife's eyes and had now known her long enough to know what she was about to do, tried to stop her, but it was already too late.
rotflol This is such a great interaction! She's all in and he's already resigned to it!

...It's not like you're Elvis putting Priscilla off because he has to socialize with other big shots in the music industry at an event..."
It's always a great story when we get one of Perry's Elvis anecdotes!

(which was more like lunch if you cared about the time change from Metropolis to Paris, but who looked that closely?)
OMG, awwwww. I love this!

What a super fun New Year's story! And they got exactly what they both really wanted, too! SO sweet!

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I like that Lois and Clark found a way to compromise, tee-hee! .
The part where the Smallville team's name turned out to be SmallBalls made me feel like a giggling middleschooler again . The part where the Metropolis team was mysteriously absent was intriguing.

Guesses...Hmm...Toomi? I'll say Toomi but I reserve the right to edit later.

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“But Clark, this guy knows something, and I want to know it too!"

Haha the essence of Lois! I just loved this wording. Generally their interactions. And the SmallBalls! Ok but seriously I wanna know it too..

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Lois competitive streak always gets her in trouble. It's fun to see how she's regretting her own decisions. Too bad, Clark returned so late from his rescue that they didn't have time for some shower action.

I'm guessing Blindpassenger

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This was really cute and very funny! The banter was perfect and the set up pretty hilarious. I can see Lois not caring one iota about a football game and at teh same time refusing to lose any sort of challenge. Really well done!

My guess: BlindPassenger

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Nice short, entertaining fic grin. I feel bad for that Manager lol and am curious about what the 'logistical reasons' involved...

Really enjoyed the interaction between Lois and Clark throughout love
I do wonder who would have won though.

My guess: QueenoftheCapes

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the SmallBalls


"I see you had some... fun and that's why you're almost late?" He grinned and pointed at Clark's inexplicably disheveled hairstyle. Which had to be solely due to flying...right? Not that Lois could tell Jimmy that. Darnit!


Will be back later to do some guessing...

The New Years title has me wondering if it's CarrieRene, but I'm going to go with Queenofthecapes.

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Hi Author!

Disclaimer: there’s guesses all throughout. If you haven’t guessed yourself yet, beware!

New Years Football Season
It’s a short one with a possibly funny title. This could be Queenie.

Lois Lane was, to put it mildly, frustrated. And the worst part was that there wasn’t really anyone to blame
Oh no, where is Clark in this universe?

It certainly wasn’t Clark’s fault that there were always some idiots on New Year’s Eve who couldn’t properly handle the fireworks they had bought.
/Does math/
Post revelation. She mellowed over the years—
LOIS: Hey!
--so season three?

And now such a situation had escalated again and there had been a small fire at first, but it quickly spread and required Superman’s help.
You don’t launch fireworks when there’s a dry season going on.

Which would have been fine if she and her husband
Oops! Now, who does possibly way after marriage fic. Hmm… also, football indicates an American author.

Not that she was particularly interested in football. She had never understood the appeal of watching a bunch of sweaty men fight over a ball.
You could get that from TV. Hmm, will need to see the prompts. If someone requested football, all bets are off.

The fact that her father was a sports doctor and was often absent during her childhood because he had to treat some stupid football player who had overdone it again certainly didn’t help fuel any potential enthusiasm for football.
Hey, it could have been a cheerleader who had overdone the splits!

And she could certainly think of…more pleasant ways to spend the last evening of the year with Clark than sitting in a crowded stadium and listening to her colleagues holler.
Sitting home alone while Superman is busy working the fires?

the SmallBalls.
Oh that’s funny!

And Clark, the lover of his hometown that he was, had made the mistake of publicly announcing in the bullpen that he would, of course, support “his” team.
Which means Lois has to support her team!

Obviously his competitive wife couldn’t just let that happen. She may not have cared about football – not at all – but she was a true Metropolis girl, born and bred, and there was no way a team from somewhere in the middle of nowhere was going to beat HER city. Which she had made clear to Clark!
I was only joking! But Lois is known to be tad competitive from time to time!

and (that had been Clark’s condition) had to publicly admit to the loser that they were in the wrong.
LOIS : I’ll win. No need to panic.

Lois was…less enthusiastic about that in particular, but eventually agreed.

Anything else would have been far too close to conceding a possible defeat, after all.
/squints/ Queenie did challenge me to a bet over a ficathon guess. She might be angling to get fic out of it. Will have to wait and see. I also need to check who else is short and funny…

. “Clark, where
Are you?” she murmured to herself.
Oops, extra line break! But it’s too short for KSaraSara fic. And no touching or heartbeats so far. And no sweet kids. Nah, I’ll keep KSaraSara in the other fic. Good thing I read that one first.

she heard the familiar “swoosh” sound,
Need to search who does that one.
/edit: many a FoLC/

And he clearly needed a shower. Damn it!
So did Lois! But it’s way too short for other Sara!

Damn it! And she couldn’t even come join him because that would inevitably mean a massive delay.
I did mention this.

Well, I’m afraid we won’t be able to do it with the car anymore.
/decides to mentally edit ‘with’ to ‘in’/

We’ll probably have to resort to the air alternative, if you don’t mind…”

Lois didn’t. It was the simplest, most practical solution. She agreed – which had nothing at all to do with the fact that she was able to snuggle particularly close to Clark’s chest and bury her hands in his hair for the next few minutes. In no way.
Wheeee, Lois is adorabs!

Clark refrained from commenting that it wasn’t really fair to pit a big city against a small one whose fan base was on the other side of the country, but oh well. That's life.
I would worry more about talent.
SMALLBALLS coach: we got Superman!
CLARK: Mo-om!

“I see you had some… fun and that’s why you’re almost late?”
confused how… oh, windswept hair! evil

Okay, who is the one shamelessly doing allusion to dark side stuff. Can’t be Sara Two because she’d just turn off the lights. Sara One would have them touching until Clark hears a heartbeat. Michael’s not playing. And Queenie, she’d lock ‘em in a dungeon. Hmm… who else is there…?

He grinned and pointed at Clark’s inexplicably disheveled hairstyle. Which had to be solely due to flying…right? Not that Lois could tell Jimmy that. Darnit!
Also, who’s using ‘darnit’?
/edit: no one in recent years/

At least Jimmy dutifully wore his Meteors shirt. An ally in her corner, good. So she would let him get away with that sassy comment – just this one time.
/imagines egg on face after not nominating this for Queenfic/

Almost the entire top squad of the Metropolis team didn’t show up.
It’s beneath them.

Ladies and gentlemen, I, um, unfortunately have to inform you that today’s football game unfortunately cannot take place for…logistical reasons!”

”Lo-is, no.”
Another thing not every author does. Telling Lois ‘no’ I mean.

“Excuse me, Lois Lane, Daily Planet. May I ask what “logistical reasons” these could be that lead to the fact that the Meteors’ best and most successful players are not on the field, but everyone else is?”
The Smallballs brought homemade hootch and shared with their hosts. It turned out be a tad strong.

But Clark, this guy knows something, and I want to know it too!”
Oh, very cute. But not queenstyle. The rest of the mischief I trust Mary to do, but completely changing her speech style… eehhh…

Another clue. Not everyone still does that oldtimey style these days.
/edit: Blind Passenger!/

“Hrmph!” Lois grumbled
Also to search for.
/edit: Blind Passenger!/

“Oh man, if I had known that, I could have spent the evening with Penny. She wasn’t happy when I told her I had a work-related commitment,” Jimmy whined.
Football with friends. Why didn’t he bring her?
JIMMY: It’s best to be less than forthcoming with facts when in a relationship. I learned that from the Chief.

PERRY: Now wait a goddarn minute!

“Well, son, I wouldn’t describe attending a football game with co-workers as work-related. It's not like you're Elvis putting Priscilla off because he has to socialize with other big shots in the music industry at an event..."

until Lois suddenly realized something horrifying.

“Clark, what do we do now?”


“Well, we agreed that whoever’s team wins would get to decide how we would ring in the new year together
Lois has no proof that she won (it’s a pre-concluded fact) and while that’s not worse than lo-, not winning, it’s close.

“Well, it wasn’t my team’s fault, so…”

“Don’t you dare, Kent!”

“Calm down, it was a joke Lois!”

Lois glared at him. “Not! Funny!”
It was!

So it happened that the Lane-Kent couple enjoyed dinner together in a nice restaurant and a good glass of wine (which was more like lunch if you cared about the time change from Metropolis to Paris, but who looked that closely?)
That’s a cute way to place the setting of their dinner! Now, who messes with time zones like that. I noticed a mention of time zone ignoring in a summary or a remark a few days ago. So either on Discord or in an AO3 story. #nothelpful

And then they moved on to, let’s say, activities that showed the respective other how much they valued and needed them and would continue to do so in the coming year.

Awwwwwwwww! Also laugh

-Football (US)
-Married life
-A Mystery
Okay, with the prompt it can be non-Us FOLC, too. Need to check Blind Passenger more thoroughly.

Don’t want:
Which is the reason this isn’t about the pro-football player Lex The Great and his wife Lois getting a divorce.

Okay, with all the indicators, it looks like
Blind Passenger

The only thing to worry about is, I did not find anything that jumps out at me as native German speaker. Hmm…which makes me worry about my own style laugh

As for the prompts:
Gah, I’m sure “Football” came up on Discord. /looks/ hmm… I might have missed it in the scroll of the search result

Very funny story, in case the comments didn’t make this clear. If anything I did pick up on was unintentional, I truly was just looking for clues smile1

wave Michael

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Fun little story. My favorite part is probably the banter between Lois and Clark. I miss these interactions i newer shows like S&L, even SMallville was better in it. I think Perry and Jimmy were a bit shortcoming, like they were there but only had like two lines each. Also I would hav eliked to see the mystery of the vanished FB players resolved...although I do understand this one was probably more focussed on this evenign in particular.

Guesses...The new year's setting and title cry CarrieRene...but wouldn't that be a bit to easy? QueenOfTheCapes was also an option I had in mind, but...IDK...something doesn't fit their either. I'll stick with one of these two and let it at that for now.

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I saved this one for last because I, like Lois, do not care for football. Five seconds of play to ten minutes of waiting around while they set up the next play? No thank you.
That said, I haven't been guessing because I haven't been on the boards long enough to really get a feel for everyone. But I will say (possibly to help others who are guessing) this feels to me like someone who is not from the US. Just a few football details that stood out as being off. Like the comment that this year's football season was in the winter. I'm pretty sure the football season is at the same time every year. I mean, the super bowl is always right at the start of February. High school and college football definitely always start in the fall. Pretty sure Professional does too. Also, i could be wrong cause I don't actually follow football, but I don't think they hold games on New Years Eve - Thanksgiving, yes but not New Years. And I can't see Smallville having a professional team. Other option would be college football but Smallville doesn't have a college so either way, they wouldn't have a team to play against Metropolis.
So yeah, all of these details make me think this author does not live in the States because they know less about football than I do - and I know very little.
Fun little story though. It's nice to see them as a married couple still bantering and loving each other the same as ever. Also love that the mystery remains completely unsolved.

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This story was great! I think BlindPassenger wrote it! I'll be back later with better fdk!

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And he clearly needed a shower. Damn it! And she couldn't even come join him because that would inevitably mean a massive delay. Life simply wasn't fair.

OMG SO NOT FAIR! pulls up Clark in the shower gif from It's a Small World... /crisis averted!

Fun story!!!

My guess: BlindPassenger cool

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Yay for married L&C!! I so often hang out in pre-dating/early relationship land when I write that it’s nice to have the “comfort” of reading them married. 🥰 And lol! Just like Lois to not let go of a bet that had no winner, especially when she had been expecting to win. 😆 Cute story!!

What made me guess Nick? Gosh, this one was tougher, honestly. New Year’s was a bit of a red herring to try and make us guess Carrie! I did think it might have been Toomi’s at one point. I think I might actually have saved this one for last for the process of elimination!

Sara smile

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Hi Evie,
Originally Posted by JadedEvie
Not that she was particularly interested in football. She had never understood the appeal of watching a bunch of sweaty men fight over a ball.
lol I think it's the sweaty men part that holds part of the appeal. wink Then, again, Lois doesn't need to head to a football game for that.
Haha OK, that might be the case, As a (straight) guy, I wouldn't know... And right...I'm sure there are enough of those in the bullpen whenever Perry roars through the newsroom that time's up in five minutes for the newes stories to be sent into his office...
OMG! This is TOO FUNNY! rotflol
Haha good to know you liked that one. I honestly didn't think too much about it, I just needed a name and than that silly idea popped up, but apparently it was quite the hit here so that's a nice bonus.
It happened as it had to happen: they agreed to a bet.
I really adore the inevitability of this! That's very early L&C, and I love that we see it continued into their marriage!
Well, just because you're married, doesn't change your core character. And Lois has proven to be still quite...erm...competetive even post-marriage (Stop the presses for example) so there. Plus, it was fun to include!
It was the simplest, most practical solution.
Naturally. LOL. Why would Lois ever turn down a flight?
There's realy no good reason to, after all.
A mystery that had to be solved. Well, certainly not the pinnacle of her journalistic career, but you had to take what you could get.
"Lo-is, no." Clark, who had noticed the sparkle in his wife's eyes and had now known her long enough to know what she was about to do, tried to stop her, but it was already too late.
rotflol This is such a great interaction! She's all in and he's already resigned to it!
Well, he knows how to chose his fights, and which ones, better to avoid.

...It's not like you're Elvis putting Priscilla off because he has to socialize with other big shots in the music industry at an event..."
It's always a great story when we get one of Perry's Elvis anecdotes!
I wanted Perry to chime in briefly to remember th ereaders here's there, and what better way to do that than an Elvis-related comment? It's practically part of the checkbox.

(which was more like lunch if you cared about the time change from Metropolis to Paris, but who looked that closely?)
OMG, awwwww. I love this!
In retrospect, I think I messed up with the timezones there since it would be the other way around...but oh well...shit happens.
What a super fun New Year's story! And they got exactly what they both really wanted, too! SO sweet!
Glad you liked it so much. And yeah, ultimately, we have two winners there, haha.
Thanks for the FDK.

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Hi Mary,
Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
I like that Lois and Clark found a way to compromise, tee-hee! .
The best bets are those where in the end, evyone is a winner, aren't they? Good to now you approve!

The part where the Smallville team's name turned out to be SmallBalls made me feel like a giggling middleschooler again .
Oh, urm, sorry not sorry? It just...poppe dinto my head and I didn't think too much about it, but good to know it caused some fun.
The part where the Metropolis team was mysteriously absent was intriguing.
Well...I wanted to do more with that but...erm...didn't for a few reasons in the end, so...oops?

Guesses...Hmm...Toomi? I'll say Toomi but I reserve the right to edit later.
Nope, not Toomi. I don't even think we have a similar style at all, but who knows, outisder perception might be different. Glad I could fool you though. And thanks for the FDK!

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Hi Laura,
Originally Posted by LauraHex
“But Clark, this guy knows something, and I want to know it too!"

Haha the essence of Lois! I just loved this wording. Generally their interactions. And the SmallBalls!
Capturing Lois's spunk is always a lot fun to do. Originally this was not supposed to be to banter-y and teasing but it...kinda...just happened? The characters had their own ideas about that. And surprisingly (at least to me), everyone seems to love the SmallBalls - definitely not expected that but oh well, noce surprise success.

Ok but seriously I wanna know it too..
Yeah, about that... Originally, this fic was supposed ot be much longer and contain an actula investigation arc that would have resolved that. But...I didn't really get around to that in the time frame that I gave myself for that one (which, to be fair, got quite shrinked due to family shenanigans and whatnot). I also realized that it wouldn't really fit the tone of the tale so far, and would also crash the timeframe of the NEw Year's tale so I sort of dropped the ball on that. I'm not really satisfied with that solution in the end but it is what is is now. Be assured though, Lois and CLakr will solve the mystery a few days later, the bad guys will gad their, and the game will be re-done (although I won't revela the end result here :-)
But yep, I understand if that's frustrating. Thanks for the FDK though.

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Hi Bakasi,
Originally Posted by bakasi
Lois competitive streak always gets her in trouble. It's fun to see how she's regretting her own decisions.
Haha yeah, she kind of set herself up there. Jumping in without checking the water level and all that...
Too bad, Clark returned so late from his rescue that they didn't have time for some shower action.
Well, superhero duties will do that to you. And as helpful as super-speed might be, it doesn't really work for a shower, like the water would still run through in normal speed. I'm sure though, Clark will...make up for that missing shower action later that day...
I'm guessing Blindpassenger
Well, you got me. I'm curious: What gave me away?
Thanks for the FDK!

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Hi lovetvfan
Originally Posted by lovetvfan
This was really cute and very funny! The banter was perfect and the set up pretty hilarious. I can see Lois not caring one iota about a football game and at teh same time refusing to lose any sort of challenge. Really well done!
The banter ws my favorite part to write on this one, I think. Actually it's one of my fave parts of the show at all, these two interacting and throwing each other the balls back and forth, so fun. Honestly, Lois might got some of my own interest - or tather lack thereof - on football there. NEver ever would I hav ewritten a football-centric story, if not for the promps, and it's still as vague as you can get because...I just don't know nothing about it lol. Yep, Lois refusing a challenge would mean she considers the possibility of being not succesful on it, and that's just not an option. She really set herself up there.

My guess: BlindPassenger
Oh, yep, got me there. So, what was it that gave me aaay to you?
Thanks for the FDK!

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Hi Blueowl,
Originally Posted by Blueowl
Nice short, entertaining fic grin.
Glad you found it entertaining. I was not sure if it would do the job but apparently, I did better than I thought so theat's relieving.
I feel bad for that Manager lol and am curious about what the 'logistical reasons' involved...
Yeah, that manager has a hard time dealing with BOTh the angry football fans *and* Lois Lane on top of that lol. As for the logicstical reasons...I wanted to explore that with some investigating but it didn't work out so...Lois And CLark have to find out in the neyt year. Let's just say that it's something worth an investigative DP article.

Really enjoyed the interaction between Lois and Clark throughout love
I think writing their interaction was the best part of it really so glad it came out well.
I do wonder who would have won though.
I really don't know, since I'm not really into football. I'd assume, given it's both the home stadium and they likely have the better/mor expensive players, the chances for MEtropolis are a lot better but then you never know... In the end, Lois and CLakr both "win", so...there is this?

My guess: QueenoftheCapes
Oh wow, not QOTC, but being considered worth of bieng a Mary-fic definitely means a lot! And Thanks for the FDK!

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