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Hi Toomi,
Originally Posted by Toomi8
the SmallBalls

I see...everyone enjoys the SmallBalls. I really did not expect that to be such a hit - I jus tneeded a name and nothing better came to my mind. But great to see everyone has a field day with that.

"I see you had some... fun and that's why you're almost late?" He grinned and pointed at Clark's inexplicably disheveled hairstyle. Which had to be solely due to flying...right? Not that Lois could tell Jimmy that. Darnit!

Well, the pros and cons of Air Superman...And Lois didn't get her shower with CLark, so she needed to find some other way to get her Clark dose...

Will be back later to do some guessing...

The New Years title has me wondering if it's CarrieRene, but I'm going to go with Queenofthecapes.
The idea for the title (and the time setting really) came up when I saw I would write for Carrie's prompts. ALso, the fact it might confuse people addes to the fun! And whoo, the second one considering this silly little fic Queen-worhty...I'm amazed. Thanks for the FDK!

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Are they the SmallBalls due to steroid abuse? It's supposed to - er - have that effect.

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Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Are they the SmallBalls due to steroid abuse? It's supposed to - er - have that effect.
Haha oh, interesting idea. But nope, that was not really what I had in mind when "inventing" that. It was just Smallville Fotball team needed a name, and well, they're from Smallville, and it's footBall, so...urm...yeah. Silly, I know. But apparently people foudn it funny. I didn't really think about the...implication...there until I started to think about why so many commented on that... But as they say, the funniest jokes are the unintentional ones, right?

Also, keep in mind it was the MEtro team that's been in trouble here, not the SV team.

All that said...given what happened with the Sv Highschool FB team in the new Superman & Lois series...who knows...

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Hi Amanda,
Originally Posted by AmandaK
I saved this one for last because I, like Lois, do not care for football. Five seconds of play to ten minutes of waiting around while they set up the next play? No thank you.
I'm glad to hear there are still some reasonable folk remaining in the US :-) I couldn't care less about football now do I really know anything about it and when I got the prompts, I kind of went "Urgh, why ME of all people?!) Granted, I'm not big at sports at all but this one is definitely far down on the list, so it was quite a challenge to work with that - but it seems the result was not as bad as I expected (according to the FDK) so I guess it worked out...

That said, I haven't been guessing because I haven't been on the boards long enough to really get a feel for everyone. But I will say (possibly to help others who are guessing) this feels to me like someone who is not from the US. Just a few football details that stood out as being off. Like the comment that this year's football season was in the winter. I'm pretty sure the football season is at the same time every year. I mean, the super bowl is always right at the start of February. High school and college football definitely always start in the fall. Pretty sure Professional does too. Also, i could be wrong cause I don't actually follow football, but I don't think they hold games on New Years Eve - Thanksgiving, yes but not New Years. And I can't see Smallville having a professional team. Other option would be college football but Smallville doesn't have a college so either way, they wouldn't have a team to play against Metropolis.
So yeah, all of these details make me think this author does not live in the States because they know less about football than I do - and I know very little.
Don't worry, you are probably right with eerything you said. As it might be apparent, I relaly don't know zilch about AFB and I also was too lazy to do proper reserach about this particular topic - sue me! As for Sv...yeah I'm sur ethat combo wouldn't happen IRl...then again, both the Smallville TV show as well as Superman & Lois did do it as well despite the unlikeliness - so if they do it, I think I can do it too and get away with that. Normally, I hate doing things "because the plot requires them" but it's damn Footbal, so...whatever. (My apologies to everoyne who likes/cares about FB though. No condemning or anything, enjoy what you like!)
The combination of not living in the States and not being a big sports-interested perosn really messed that up for me. Honestly, I'm quite surprised you seem the be the only one in the FDK thread to take notice of the obvious here (or maybe just the only one to calle me out on it). I mean I tried to keep it as vague as possible to avoid any glaring errors but I was always sure there would be some clues. So good detective work there.

Fun little story though. It's nice to see them as a married couple still bantering and loving each other the same as ever.
Glad you liked that, the "married" thing was part of the prompts although I may or may not have gone with it either way, depending on what else I'd have been doing, because there's just not enough married L&C fic. (Although I understand also why this is the case, pre-Rs is always more compelling to write, you're less boxed in and all that). Well if they wouldn't still love and have fucn with each other, the show so-far wouldn't have been worth it, and we absolutely can't have that.

Also love that the mystery remains completely unsolved.
Oh really? That surprises me quite a bit, I was sure people would be annoyed about that. I honestly wanted to write more on L&C investigating that mystery but first, I got running out of time (because I suck at management in this regard and always begin too late), and then, I also realized it would be a big break in the tone of this if I did so, thus, we have the result as it is. But good to know that "unresovled for now" has its fans too!
Thanks for the FDK!

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Hi Bek,

Originally Posted by SuperBek
And he clearly needed a shower. Damn it! And she couldn't even come join him because that would inevitably mean a massive delay. Life simply wasn't fair.

OMG SO NOT FAIR! pulls up Clark in the shower gif from It's a Small World... /crisis averted!
Yeah, life sucks sometiems, doesn't it? I mean...an image and a living example aren't really on the same level so not sure if that really hleps or just makes it worse but in the end, Lois and Clark get the opportunity to make up for it, so...I guess that's a fix? I'm not that cruel after all!

Fun story!!!

My guess: BlindPassenger cool
Glad you liked it, and huh, someone else got me. What was the catalyst?
Thanks for the FDK!

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Hi Sara,

Originally Posted by KSaraSara
Yay for married L&C!! I so often hang out in pre-dating/early relationship land when I write that it’s nice to have the “comfort” of reading them married. 🥰
To be fair, the married bit was part of the promps so I would have been cornered there either way, but I won't deny it was fun (and a good challenge) to think and write about them in this phase. I can se though why earls RS/dating phase can be more compelling to write, the possibilities to explore and all that are just bigger. ALthough we also didn't really got too many married LC in the show (or in fanfic really, either) so that required a little fiixng too. Glad you approve!
And lol! Just like Lois to not let go of a bet that had no winner, especially when she had been expecting to win. 😆 Cute story!!
Naturally, that's Lois for you. She mbsolutely has to make sure no one gets the wrong idea there that she could...not win...in the end. That's just how it is! And happy you enjoyed it.

What made me guess Nick? Gosh, this one was tougher, honestly. New Year’s was a bit of a red herring to try and make us guess Carrie! I did think it might have been Toomi’s at one point. I think I might actually have saved this one for last for the process of elimination!
Sara smile
Huh,I guess that's a good thing for me it needed elimination. To be fair, I haven't written a whole lot especially compared to other authors who participated so that makes it harder. Good to know it was so difficult for osme though. :-) As for the red hering, I doubted many would fall for that but it was worth a try, and it was her prompts and htus the idea for the setting, so had to honor that somehow.

Thanks for the FDK!

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Hi Michael,
Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Author!

Disclaimer: there’s guesses all throughout. If you haven’t guessed yourself yet, beware!
Alright. Let's dine in.

New Years Football Season
It’s a short one with a possibly funny title. This could be Queenie.
Nope. Actually, I hoped to make people think it could be Carrie, since, you know, but oh well.

Lois Lane was, to put it mildly, frustrated. And the worst part was that there wasn’t really anyone to blame
Oh no, where is Clark in this universe?
...he's busy doing super-saves. Thus, no one present to blame :-)

It certainly wasn’t Clark’s fault that there were always some idiots on New Year’s Eve who couldn’t properly handle the fireworks they had bought.
/Does math/
Post revelation. She mellowed over the years—
LOIS: Hey!
--so season three?
Close, but not close enough.

And now such a situation had escalated again and there had been a small fire at first, but it quickly spread and required Superman’s help.
You don’t launch fireworks when there’s a dry season going on.
Really don't know how the weather in MP would be around that time...good question to consider.

Which would have been fine if she and her husband
Oops! Now, who does possibly way after marriage fic. Hmm… also, football indicates an American author.
Well, both was dictated by the prompts, so..not helpful.

Not that she was particularly interested in football. She had never understood the appeal of watching a bunch of sweaty men fight over a ball.
You could get that from TV. Hmm, will need to see the prompts. If someone requested football, all bets are off.
Indeed. And let me tell you: I was *not* happy to see I got "football" as prompt. Like, of all the authors, why they'd giv eit to the less skilled perosn of them all? Probably because I'm the only guy on the roaster...mis-Kal-culation there.

The fact that her father was a sports doctor and was often absent during her childhood because he had to treat some stupid football player who had overdone it again certainly didn’t help fuel any potential enthusiasm for football.
Hey, it could have been a cheerleader who had overdone the splits!
Do they count as sporters? Hrm...
SAM: As a doctr, I have to help all those who are in need of one. You didn't know that?

And she could certainly think of…more pleasant ways to spend the last evening of the year with Clark than sitting in a crowded stadium and listening to her colleagues holler.
Sitting home alone while Superman is busy working the fires?
Or even better, sitting at home with Clark while Superman is busy elsewhere.
CLARK: Shh, Lois, not so loud. Superman could hear us doing...stuff, fireworks or not.

the SmallBalls.
Oh that’s funny!
It is? Apparently, everyone thinks so. Granted, I didn't really think about the, ahem, implications, when I rolled up with that name.
COACH GAINES: What implications? X-K can't be aquired in small round balls!

And Clark, the lover of his hometown that he was, had made the mistake of publicly announcing in the bullpen that he would, of course, support “his” team.
Which means Lois has to support her team!
Sometimes, you are too perceptive, and ruin your on fun discovering the story going forward.

Obviously his competitive wife couldn’t just let that happen. She may not have cared about football – not at all – but she was a true Metropolis girl, born and bred, and there was no way a team from somewhere in the middle of nowhere was going to beat HER city. Which she had made clear to Clark!
I was only joking! But Lois is known to be tad competitive from time to time!
Never make jokes about that in front of Lois. She will always hear you and act accordingly!

and (that had been Clark’s condition) had to publicly admit to the loser that they were in the wrong.
LOIS : I’ll win. No need to panic.
Rrrright... The best bets are safe bets and all that.

Lois was…less enthusiastic about that in particular, but eventually agreed.
That's the joy of being married for a while - your partner knows what htey have to be careful with.

Anything else would have been far too close to conceding a possible defeat, after all.
/squints/ Queenie did challenge me to a bet over a ficathon guess. She might be angling to get fic out of it. Will have to wait and see. I also need to check who else is short and funny…
Hey, did you just call me short? I will let you know that I'm a rather tall guy...which has it's pros and cons. As for the funny...well, I'm trying.

. “Clark, where
Are you?” she murmured to herself.
Oops, extra line break! But it’s too short for KSaraSara fic. And no touching or heartbeats so far. And no sweet kids. Nah, I’ll keep KSaraSara in the other fic. Good thing I read that one first.
I don't know how that line-break happened, it was not intentional on my part. Hrm...weird.

she heard the familiar “swoosh” sound,
Need to search who does that one.
/edit: many a FoLC/
Yup, I've seen that quite often. No clue, that should be safe terraint.

And he clearly needed a shower. Damn it!
So did Lois! But it’s way too short for other Sara!
It's also the not-detailled-section.
LOIS: Rules are there to be...modified.
ME: Maybe. But I don't think I'm good at this, plus it would make guesisng harder if it's in another area. So, DEAL WITH IT!

Damn it! And she couldn’t even come join him because that would inevitably mean a massive delay.
I did mention this.
As I said...your precognition ability will be your doom one day.

Well, I’m afraid we won’t be able to do it with the car anymore.
/decides to mentally edit ‘with’ to ‘in’/
Ah, English. Such a complicated language sometimes, isn't it?

We’ll probably have to resort to the air alternative, if you don’t mind…”

Lois didn’t. It was the simplest, most practical solution. She agreed – which had nothing at all to do with the fact that she was able to snuggle particularly close to Clark’s chest and bury her hands in his hair for the next few minutes. In no way.
Wheeee, Lois is adorabs!
LOIS: It's just faster, and no need to search for a parking slot. THat's it, nothing else.
CLARK: If that's the case, why did your heartbeat just got faster?
LOIS: Shutup and fly!

Clark refrained from commenting that it wasn’t really fair to pit a big city against a small one whose fan base was on the other side of the country, but oh well. That's life.
I would worry more about talent.
SMALLBALLS coach: we got Superman!
CLARK: Mo-om!
MARTHA: Clark honey, make sure to not get your suit all dirty on the field again! I'm so done with washing these every other visit.
CLARK: But mooom, it's not my fault my wife follows your "not look at the face" part of the idea a little too often...
LOIS: Hey, I didn't hear you complain back then!

“I see you had some… fun and that’s why you’re almost late?”
confused how… oh, windswept hair! evil
Did I mention you're way to perceptive? I think so...

Okay, who is the one shamelessly doing allusion to dark side stuff. Can’t be Sara Two because she’d just turn off the lights. Sara One would have them touching until Clark hears a heartbeat. Michael’s not playing. And Queenie, she’d lock ‘em in a dungeon. Hmm… who else is there…?
DARKSEID: Don't you dare to bring up my name! There is no space in this fic for an earth conquest!
That is not what Michael was...ah, nevermind. I seriously didn't plan this to be so full of...ahem...steamy remakrs, but the characters had their own ideas, so...blame them?

He grinned and pointed at Clark’s inexplicably disheveled hairstyle. Which had to be solely due to flying…right? Not that Lois could tell Jimmy that. Darnit!
Also, who’s using ‘darnit’?
/edit: no one in recent years/
Honestly, chances are high I picked that up somewhere while reading old L&C fics. Well, if it's ancient, I have to get it out of my vocabulary then.

At least Jimmy dutifully wore his Meteors shirt. An ally in her corner, good. So she would let him get away with that sassy comment – just this one time.
/imagines egg on face after not nominating this for Queenfic/
It surprises me how many in this FDK thread consider this worth of being a Queenfic. It's a great reward, really.

Almost the entire top squad of the Metropolis team didn’t show up.
It’s beneath them.
And I always thought a football field was supposed to be an even place, at least if it's well taken car eof. But then again, we established I know nothing about FB, so...who knows.

Ladies and gentlemen, I, um, unfortunately have to inform you that today’s football game unfortunately cannot take place for…logistical reasons!”
Very credible, isn't it?
LEX: I would not have bought it. My IQ is beyond that. Plus, I likely would have been behind it if this were set in Season 1.
Go away Lex, you were forbidden form this one per prompt!

”Lo-is, no.”
Another thing not every author does. Telling Lois ‘no’ I mean.
If you go forward, you'll see that I don't, either.

“Excuse me, Lois Lane, Daily Planet. May I ask what “logistical reasons” these could be that lead to the fact that the Meteors’ best and most successful players are not on the field, but everyone else is?”
The Smallballs brought homemade hootch and shared with their hosts. It turned out be a tad strong.
Given what happened with the SV Crows in Superman & Lois (and keep in mind this was JUST the high-school team) that becomes a whole lot mor elikely.
GAINES: I was not involved! It was all the players! Trust me, I'm a perosn of authority!

But Clark, this guy knows something, and I want to know it too!”
Oh, very cute. But not queenstyle. The rest of the mischief I trust Mary to do, but completely changing her speech style… eehhh…
Oh nooo, and I almost had you...what, oh what, went wrong?

Another clue. Not everyone still does that oldtimey style these days.
/edit: Blind Passenger!/
Oops, got me there I think. Honestly, I assume most people are using visual markers, underlining or whatever, but since that's not really a working option, this seems to be the easiest way to go for emphasis.
/takes note for the next GTA fic to not use that pattern again.../

“Hrmph!” Lois grumbled
Also to search for.
/edit: Blind Passenger!/
Oh drat! I'm sure I got that habit from other fics, too...Or not? Hrmpf! So, no frustrating situations for Lois for the next GTA! That's...quite a chalenge.
LOIS: Are you saying I have a temper??

“Oh man, if I had known that, I could have spent the evening with Penny. She wasn’t happy when I told her I had a work-related commitment,” Jimmy whined.
Football with friends. Why didn’t he bring her?
JIMMY: It’s best to be less than forthcoming with facts when in a relationship. I learned that from the Chief.
ALICE: And see how that worked out for him, heh?
My reply would have been: He was afraid some of his ex-girlfriends of the week might also be present...no need to get in trouble.

“Well, son, I wouldn’t describe attending a football game with co-workers as work-related. It's not like you're Elvis putting Priscilla off because he has to socialize with other big shots in the music industry at an event..."
Why are you even reading fic when you already know what will come next all the time anyways? Or is it me and I'm too obvious?

until Lois suddenly realized something horrifying.

“Clark, what do we do now?”


“Well, we agreed that whoever’s team wins would get to decide how we would ring in the new year together
Lois has no proof that she won (it’s a pre-concluded fact) and while that’s not worse than lo-, not winning, it’s close.
LOIS: Proof is important. We can't press a story without solid, fail-safe proof. Perry tells me every once in a while.
PERRY: Darlin, Since I officially don't know Clark's secret identity, your claims about Superman's qualities in bed are not sufficiently confirmed and therefore can't be puslished on the People of Interest pages.

“Well, it wasn’t my team’s fault, so…”

“Don’t you dare, Kent!”

“Calm down, it was a joke Lois!”
What can I say, L&C bante ris fun to write.

Lois glared at him. “Not! Funny!”
It was!
I agree, but I'm afraid that's a matter of perspective, and Lois has her own.

So it happened that the Lane-Kent couple enjoyed dinner together in a nice restaurant and a good glass of wine (which was more like lunch if you cared about the time change from Metropolis to Paris, but who looked that closely?)
That’s a cute way to place the setting of their dinner! Now, who messes with time zones like that. I noticed a mention of time zone ignoring in a summary or a remark a few days ago. So either on Discord or in an AO3 story. #nothelpful
Urm, sorry not sorry? I honestly hae no clue what you could refer to there. As for messing with the timezones..yeah, in hindsight, I realize i screwed up there, it should have been the other way around from Paris to Metropolis. Luckily, no one notices, it seems.

And then they moved on to, let’s say, activities that showed the respective other how much they valued and needed them and would continue to do so in the coming year.

Awwwwwwwww! Also laugh
I wanted a fluff enidng that also fits the tone so...there. Mission (hopefully) acomplishd.

-Football (US)
-Married life
-A Mystery
Okay, with the prompt it can be non-Us FOLC, too. Need to check Blind Passenger more thoroughly.
To be fair, I haven't written that much (I really want to, but time/RL has other ideas...) so there's not much material for you to work with, unfortunately.

Don’t want:
Which is the reason this isn’t about the pro-football player Lex The Great and his wife Lois getting a divorce.

Okay, with all the indicators, it looks like
Blind Passenger
It weren't all that much clues, so...that's a good thing, I assume.

The only thing to worry about is, I did not find anything that jumps out at me as native German speaker. Hmm…which makes me worry about my own style laugh
That's good to know, because it measn I didn't mess up my English too much. After being called out for using "she had been served" in one fic, I tried to avoid stuff like that happening again.
Honestly, I'm not sure though if I can take the full credit for that, since I sent this over to Verity for technical editing before it got published. So, it might very well be the case she fixed some things here or there, I didn't make a word-by-word check on the published version to find out. (MAybe I should...)

As for the prompts:
Gah, I’m sure “Football” came up on Discord. /looks/ hmm… I might have missed it in the scroll of the search result
Again, I can't help you there...

Very funny story, in case the comments didn’t make this clear. If anything I did pick up on was unintentional, I truly was just looking for clues smile1

wave Michael
As always, your FDK was hilarious to read as well as fun to answer! And I'm happy you enjoyed it.

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Hi Nick!

Nope. Actually, I hoped to make people think it could be Carrie, since, you know, but oh well.
Yeah, I missed that discussion on Discord.

Close, but not close enough.
Glad I could entertain with my guessing!

You don’t launch fireworks when there’s a dry season going on.

Really don't know how the weather in MP would be around that time...good question to consider.
Wet and snowy. But there’s all over the world and Australia doesn’t like bush fires for some reason. California, neither.

Well, both was dictated by the prompts, so..not helpful.

SAM: As a doctr, I have to help all those who are in need of one. You didn't know that?
Good point. Oh, look, Ellen just joined a baseball team based on her shopping list.

It is? Apparently, everyone thinks so. Granted, I didn't really think about the, ahem, implications, when I rolled up with that name.
COACH GAINES: What implications? X-K can't be aquired in small round balls!

Sometimes, you are too perceptive, and ruin your on fun discovering the story going forward.
Nah, I got plenty of fun even when I guess correctly.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
I was only joking! But Lois is known to be tad competitive from time to time!

Never make jokes about that in front of Lois. She will always hear you and act accordingly!
Good one!

Hey, did you just call me short? I will let you know that I'm a rather tall guy...which has it's pros and cons. As for the funny...well, I'm trying.

I don't know how that line-break happened, it was not intentional on my part. Hrm...weird.
Must have been a computer glitch during rendering.

LOIS: Rules are there to be...modified.
ME: Maybe. But I don't think I'm good at this, plus it would make guesisng harder if it's in another area. So, DEAL WITH IT!

LOIS: He /points at ER/ can deal with it just fine. But what about the lonely wife?

As I said...your precognition ability will be your doom one day.
Nah, hmm… Nostradamus lived to be just 63 years old. Although, in the late middle ages, that was not too shabby. And he’s still remembered to this day.

/decides to mentally edit ‘with’ to ‘in’/
Ah, English. Such a complicated language sometimes, isn't it?
/psst/ that was tongue in cheek about Lois and Clark and their activities in said car.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Wheeee, Lois is adorabs!
LOIS: It's just faster, and no need to search for a parking slot. THat's it, nothing else.
CLARK: If that's the case, why did your heartbeat just got faster?
LOIS: Shutup and fly!
I did mention the adorability of Lois.

DARKSEID: Don't you dare to bring up my name! There is no space in this fic for an earth conquest!
That is not what Michael was...ah, nevermind. I seriously didn't plan this to be so full of...ahem...steamy remakrs, but the characters had their own ideas, so...blame them?
Oh, that was legitimately funny. Hmm…/tries to remember/ did you do the Darkeid story a year or two ago? Also, you sure are doing a great funny! Could just be Darkseid, though.

Honestly, chances are high I picked that up somewhere while reading old L&C fics. Well, if it's ancient, I have to get it out of my vocabulary then.
Nah, leave it. It makes identifying stories easier wink

It surprises me how many in this FDK thread consider this worth of being a Queenfic. It's a great reward, really.
/shrugs/ It was just the right tough of quirky smile1

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
It’s beneath them.
And I always thought a football field was supposed to be an even place, at least if it's well taken car eof. But then again, we established I know nothing about FB, so...who knows.

Go away Lex, you were forbidden form this one per prompt!

If you go forward, you'll see that I don't, either.
A very wise man.

Originally Posted by Story
But Clark, this guy knows something, and I want to know it too!”
Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Oh, very cute. But not queenstyle. The rest of the mischief I trust Mary to do, but completely changing her speech style… eehhh…

Oh nooo, and I almost had you...what, oh what, went wrong?
Mary got a very particular way to word things. Short and quippy. Very hard to describe, even harder to replicate. I tried and added tons of filler paragraphs and discovered hidden depths.

MISS LANE: I always had hidden depth. Mary just didn’t drag it out into the open for everyone to gawk at!

Oops, got me there I think. Honestly, I assume most people are using visual markers, underlining or whatever, but since that's not really a working option, this seems to be the easiest way to go for emphasis.
/takes note for the next GTA fic to not use that pattern again.../
Emphasis, the classic italics style is used for the most part. I have recently updated the markup to render italics and bold text with sematic markup. Screenreaders should pick up on it.

Oh drat! I'm sure I got that habit from other fics, too...Or not? Hrmpf! So, no frustrating situations for Lois for the next GTA! That's...quite a chalenge.
LOIS: Are you saying I have a temper??

Fascinating. I now wonder if I have been typing this one wrong.

Why are you even reading fic when you already know what will come next all the time anyways? Or is it me and I'm too obvious?
lol It’s fun to get confirmation. As for being too obvious. I would say, in character. It’s like Lois getting kidnapped when she’s on the hunt of a criminal or setting fire to her kitchen when she’s cooking. Some things are bound to happen.

PERRY: Darlin, Since I officially don't know Clark's secret identity, your claims about Superman's qualities in bed are not sufficiently confirmed and therefore can't be puslished on the People of Interest pages.

What can I say, L&C bante ris fun to write.
And read!

Urm, sorry not sorry? I honestly hae no clue what you could refer to there.
About the timezones. I read a summary of a fic where blatant disregard of timezones was openly stated. I tried to find it again in the various LnC-Kerth-related places but wasn’t successful during a quick hunt.

As for messing with the timezones..yeah, in hindsight, I realize i screwed up there, it should have been the other way around from Paris to Metropolis. Luckily, no one notices, it seems.
Yes, nothing see. Move it along.

I wanted a fluff enidng that also fits the tone so...there. Mission (hopefully) acomplishd.
It was!

It weren't all that much clues, so...that's a good thing, I assume.
Yeah, and I just re-googled: hrmpf really is German. Which means it’s down to us three and that explains why I was able to pinpoint the story. Once you drop that one, it’s much more difficult. Next one’s gonna be…fun?
Honestly, I'm not sure though if I can take the full credit for that, since I sent this over to Verity for technical editing before it got published. So, it might very well be the case she fixed some things here or there, I didn't make a word-by-word check on the published version to find out. (MAybe I should...)
Without knowing the outcome, I suggest you do, from a purely technical point of interest. Personally, I love learning about grammar stuff I need to watch out for and fix in my own stories.

As always, your FDK was hilarious to read as well as fun to answer! And I'm happy you enjoyed it.
I did and am glad I could give some fun back as payment!

wave Michael

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Hi Michael,
Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Nick!

Nope. Actually, I hoped to make people think it could be Carrie, since, you know, but oh well.
Yeah, I missed that discussion on Discord.
Not sure what discussion you talk about... It's just that Carrie writes a lot of fics with a new year's topic, so...yeah.

Close, but not close enough.
Glad I could entertain with my guessing!
It was definitely entertaining. And ultimately, if I'm not wrong, you gessed them all correctly so that's something really, it all payed off.

You don’t launch fireworks when there’s a dry season going on.
Really don't know how the weather in MP would be around that time...good question to consider.
Wet and snowy. But there’s all over the world and Australia doesn’t like bush fires for some reason. California, neither.
Hrm, good point, Supes is technically a world citizen - although we strangely don't see much of this in the show. Even Lois is suspicious when Vatman shows up in a place that's not Metropolis...

SAM: As a doctr, I have to help all those who are in need of one. You didn't know that?
Good point. Oh, look, Ellen just joined a baseball team based on her shopping list.
...Why do I get the feeling that might result into trouble very soon since, you know, Ellen is...not exactly known to be a good team-player.
ELLEN: [starts long and ranty monologue about men who don't show her the due respect]

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
I was only joking! But Lois is known to be tad competitive from time to time!

Never make jokes about that in front of Lois. She will always hear you and act accordingly!
Good one!
Well as you have seen, directly after your complaint, Lois reacted in the story, so there!

I don't know how that line-break happened, it was not intentional on my part. Hrm...weird.
Must have been a computer glitch during rendering.
Yeah maybe...

LOIS: He /points at ER/ can deal with it just fine. But what about the lonely wife?
What lonely wife? You've got Clark, and Superman...and your stories to follow. Isn't that neough?

As I said...your precognition ability will be your doom one day.
Nah, hmm… Nostradamus lived to be just 63 years old. Although, in the late middle ages, that was not too shabby. And he’s still remembered to this day.
True...but then he was a lot more vague with his statements than you are in the FDK threads...most of the time, that is.

/decides to mentally edit ‘with’ to ‘in’/
Ah, English. Such a complicated language sometimes, isn't it?
/psst/ that was tongue in cheek about Lois and Clark and their activities in said car.
Oh, don't worry, I understood so much. Just tried to be funny there. :-)

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Wheeee, Lois is adorabs!
LOIS: It's just faster, and no need to search for a parking slot. THat's it, nothing else.
CLARK: If that's the case, why did your heartbeat just got faster?
LOIS: Shutup and fly!
I did mention the adorability of Lois.
Haha, Guess she just prove your thesis there.

DARKSEID: Don't you dare to bring up my name! There is no space in this fic for an earth conquest!
That is not what Michael was...ah, nevermind. I seriously didn't plan this to be so full of...ahem...steamy remakrs, but the characters had their own ideas, so...blame them?
Oh, that was legitimately funny. Hmm…/tries to remember/ did you do the Darkeid story a year or two ago? Also, you sure are doing a great funny! Could just be Darkseid, though.
I don't have an idea what story you're talking about, so the answer is probably no...? Also, I doubt Mr. D. likes to be called funny...

Honestly, chances are high I picked that up somewhere while reading old L&C fics. Well, if it's ancient, I have to get it out of my vocabulary then.
Nah, leave it. It makes identifying stories easier wink
Ah, you wish. Had to try though, huh?

It surprises me how many in this FDK thread consider this worth of being a Queenfic. It's a great reward, really.
/shrugs/ It was just the right tough of quirky smile1
Hrm, is this a good or a bad thing? I'll go with good for now us tin case.

Go away Lex, you were forbidden form this one per prompt!
These "not wants" must be good for something after all.

If you go forward, you'll see that I don't, either.
A very wise man.
Well, I'm trying...Although, I always set myself up for stuff like these ficatohns with a lot of time and then...don't really start writing until time's almost up so...we might want to reconsider the wise part...

Oops, got me there I think. Honestly, I assume most people are using visual markers, underlining or whatever, but since that's not really a working option, this seems to be the easiest way to go for emphasis.
/takes note for the next GTA fic to not use that pattern again.../
Emphasis, the classic italics style is used for the most part. I have recently updated the markup to render italics and bold text with sematic markup. Screenreaders should pick up on it.
Interesting. For some reason though, the *entire* text on the MB's is, since well over a year, constantly marked - which is the reason I prefer reading stories elsewhere because, well, it's technically not a big deal but it's annoying an dmake sit harder to read. Not sure why though...

Fascinating. I now wonder if I have been typing this one wrong.
Is there even a "correct" way for this to be written? I'm sure Lois would deny there is.

Why are you even reading fic when you already know what will come next all the time anyways? Or is it me and I'm too obvious?
lol It’s fun to get confirmation. As for being too obvious. I would say, in character. It’s like Lois getting kidnapped when she’s on the hunt of a criminal or
setting fire to her kitchen when she’s cooking. Some things are bound to happen.
LOIS: Hey, not fair. I've learned to do hot chocolate by now!

PERRY: Darlin, Since I officially don't know Clark's secret identity, your claims about Superman's qualities in bed are not sufficiently confirmed and therefore can't be puslished on the People of Interest pages.
Right, a honest journalist who doesn't publish unconfirmed information. SHOCK indeed!

What can I say, L&C banter is fun to write.
And read!
Very true!

As for messing with the timezones..yeah, in hindsight, I realize i screwed up there, it should have been the other way around from Paris to Metropolis. Luckily, no one notices, it seems.
Yes, nothing see. Move it along.
I can still change it to "breakfast" if/when editing it for AO3 or the Archive.

I wanted a fluff enidng that also fits the tone so...there. Mission (hopefully) acomplishd.
It was!
Good to know!

It weren't all that much clues, so...that's a good thing, I assume.
Yeah, and I just re-googled: hrmpf really is German. Which means it’s down to us three and that explains why I was able to pinpoint the story. Once you drop that one, it’s much more difficult. Next one’s gonna be…fun?
I hope so. GTA is also a nice way to get more FDK and discovering stuff because people check out some out-of-the-box stories. (not excluding myself from that)
And apparently, I can do it with ph instead and that's English then. Yay!

Honestly, I'm not sure though if I can take the full credit for that, since I sent this over to Verity for technical editing before it got published. So, it might very well be the case she fixed some things here or there, I didn't make a word-by-word check on the published version to find out. (MAybe I should...)
Without knowing the outcome, I suggest you do, from a purely technical point of interest. Personally, I love learning about grammar stuff I need to watch out for and fix in my own stories.
I assume I'll do when I have osme spare time for that, it's not that long after all. And I agree, it's always good/helpful to know what is wrong with your own grammar/vocab. Without constructive comments, you won't improve, after all.

As always, your FDK was hilarious to read as well as fun to answer! And I'm happy you enjoyed it.
I did and am glad I could give some fun back as payment!
Myum, I like me payment of that kind!


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Hi Nick!

It was definitely entertaining.
You’re welcome!

And ultimately, if I'm not wrong, you gessed them all correctly so that's something really, it all payed off.
Yeah, I did. blush But it was iffy at times and I almost missed Bakasi/JadedEvie.

Even Lois is suspicious when Vatman shows up in a place that's not Metropolis...
It’s because those foreign locations cost money.

...Why do I get the feeling that might result into trouble very soon since, you know, Ellen is...not exactly known to be a good team-player.
ELLEN: [starts long and ranty monologue about men who don't show her the due respect]

Well as you have seen, directly after your complaint, Lois reacted in the story, so there!
Yes, she did!

True...but then he was a lot more vague with his statements than you are in the FDK threads...most of the time, that is.
That’s also true. So, I need to try and be really cryptic, like “Lois will find out the truth about her intended husband” and “Lois’s intended husband will be flooded by electric current”.

Oh, don't worry, I understood so much. Just tried to be funny there. :-)
smile1 sometimes subtle irony can be too subtle.

I don't have an idea what story you're talking about, so the answer is probably no...? Also, I doubt Mr. D. likes to be called funny...
Which makes it funny!

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Nah, leave it. It makes identifying stories easier
Ah, you wish. Had to try though, huh?

Hrm, is this a good or a bad thing? I'll go with good for now us tin case.
Yes, quirky is always a good thing!

Well, I'm trying...Although, I always set myself up for stuff like these ficatohns with a lot of time and then...don't really start writing until time's almost up so...we might want to reconsider the wise part...
laugh I learned. Well, almost, considering I got suckered into joining Queenie in her Miss Lois exploits.

Interesting. For some reason though, the *entire* text on the MB's is, since well over a year, constantly marked - which is the reason I prefer reading stories elsewhere because, well, it's technically not a big deal but it's annoying an dmake sit harder to read. Not sure why though...
That’s not good. I’ll make a note in our Admin todo list. Perhaps I can figure it out.

LOIS: Hey, not fair. I've learned to do hot chocolate by now!

I can still change it to "breakfast" if/when editing it for AO3 or the Archive.
This would certainly be appreciated by our more detail-oriented readers. In the past, our GEs on the Archive also pointed out these technical errors, at least if they’re easily fixable. Unrelated, back in the heydays I spent an ungodly amount of time researching when Lois has to phone Clark in Smallville to be legitimately surprised at his presence there.

I hope so. GTA is also a nice way to get more FDK and discovering stuff because people check out some out-of-the-box stories. (not excluding myself from that)
And apparently, I can do it with ph instead and that's English then. Yay!
Yes, it is! As to the hmph vs hrmpf vs hrmph: the r-less version with ph is actually most common on the boards.

Without constructive comments, you won't improve, after all.
So true. FoLCs are weird. We like to learn new stuff.

Myum, I like me payment of that kind!

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.
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Hi Michael,
Originally Posted by Darth Michael
And ultimately, if I'm not wrong, you gessed them all correctly so that's something really, it all payed off.
Yeah, I did. blush But it was iffy at times and I almost missed Bakasi/JadedEvie.
I understand that. I haven't read anything by JAdedEvie up to guessing (plus there isn't all that much as of now), so she was quite a joker and predictable, I failed on guessing her...

Even Lois is suspicious when Vatman shows up in a place that's not Metropolis...
It’s because those foreign locations cost money.
I understand so much, that's why these aren't really shown, I can live with that. But a mention here or there wouldn't harm - and using it as a plot device like that in this episode was just weird because it gives us the impression Clark never gets out of MEtropolis...which is even all the more weird for this version where Clark practically knows someone everywhere in the world, so...just my opinion.

True...but then he was a lot more vague with his statements than you are in the FDK threads...most of the time, that is.
That’s also true. So, I need to try and be really cryptic, like “Lois will find out the truth about her intended husband” and “Lois’s intended husband will be flooded by electric current”.
LOL. You might want to do an internship with Star to get some helpful tips.

Oh, don't worry, I understood so much. Just tried to be funny there. :-)
smile1 sometimes subtle irony can be too subtle.
Unfortunately. GEtting just the right amount is hard.

I don't have an idea what story you're talking about, so the answer is probably no...? Also, I doubt Mr. D. likes to be called funny...
Which makes it funny!
Good point...
Also, I made a brief search of the boards...no mentions of Darkeid in at least the last five years. AO3 also doesn't show any results with the Darkseid Tag (except one, but despite being tagged, is not in the story). So, no clue where you might have read that story...

Hrm, is this a good or a bad thing? I'll go with good for now us tin case.
Yes, quirky is always a good thing!
I thought so!

Well, I'm trying...Although, I always set myself up for stuff like these ficatohns with a lot of time and then...don't really start writing until time's almost up so...we might want to reconsider the wise part...
laugh I learned. Well, almost, considering I got suckered into joining Queenie in her Miss Lois exploits.
If the effect of "learning" means to not write new fic and let old fic unfinished (Clark half-way to New Krypton, wink-wink...), then I'm not sure if I want to learn...

Interesting. For some reason though, the *entire* text on the MB's is, since well over a year, constantly marked - which is the reason I prefer reading stories elsewhere because, well, it's technically not a big deal but it's annoying an dmake sit harder to read. Not sure why though...
That’s not good. I’ll make a note in our Admin todo list. Perhaps I can figure it out.
If you want, I can try to describe the issue in mor edetail. I'd do that via PN though since that's pretty off-topic.

I can still change it to "breakfast" if/when editing it for AO3 or the Archive.
This would certainly be appreciated by our more detail-oriented readers. In the past, our GEs on the Archive also pointed out these technical errors, at least if they’re easily fixable. Unrelated, back in the heydays I spent an ungodly amount of time researching when Lois has to phone Clark in Smallville to be legitimately surprised at his presence there.
I tend to catch these kinds of details when reading others' fics, sometimes to my own annoyance. So I naturally try to avoid stuff like this in my own work. The only reason I didn't do more proper research on this is likely since it was football, so my motivatoin was like 0,0 to do so...Sorry to all those who know better.

I hope so. GTA is also a nice way to get more FDK and discovering stuff because people check out some out-of-the-box stories. (not excluding myself from that)
And apparently, I can do it with ph instead and that's English then. Yay!
Yes, it is! As to the hmph vs hrmpf vs hrmph: the r-less version with ph is actually most common on the boards.
Good to know for future works.

Without constructive comments, you won't improve, after all.
So true. FoLCs are weird. We like to learn new stuff.
Yeah, strange, isn't it?


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I'm sorry you got football, Nick. As a female, I grew up watching sports, not participating in them.

See, the reason I love US football so much is I grew up with an older brother. My brother collected sports cards and now even owns his own sports memorabilia shop in the town we grew up in. My eldest nephew owns the shop with my brother, and started collecting when he was a young child.

When my sister was born, my dad was busy watching the Denver Broncos game in the waiting room instead of paying attention to what was happening around him.

We grew up with Sundays in the fall being family dinner night and watching football as a family. We even took vacations to baseball games and the National Football League Hall of Fame as a family. My brother's friend would get together on Saturdays during winter and play a game in our huge yard. Nothing like being all bundled up in winter jackets as a young female teenager watching high school boys play in shorts and t-shirts in 40-degree Fahrenheit and snow.

My husband is also a huge football fan. I always tell him I'm not an average female. I would rather watch action movies or thrillers than rom-coms. And I can enjoy a game of football, baseball, either live at the stadium or on television.

But I did enjoy your story. I can see why it would be difficult to write a story about US football if you don't know the game and do not speak the same language. Smallballs was funny though. I did enjoy your story. Thank you.

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Hi Carrie,
Originally Posted by CarrieRene
I'm sorry you got football, Nick. As a female, I grew up watching sports, not participating in them.
Don't worry, You're good! As much as I was "complaining", it was all meant in good fun. Sorry if that didn't came through. Like yeah, it was probably not my favorite prompts out of the list but honestly, part of the fun with this ficathons is to be challenged - sometimes that also includes writing something unusual for you and trying out new things.

See, the reason I love US football so much is I grew up with an older brother. My brother collected sports cards and now even owns his own sports memorabilia shop in the town we grew up in. My eldest nephew owns the shop with my brother, and started collecting when he was a young child.

When my sister was born, my dad was busy watching the Denver Broncos game in the waiting room instead of paying attention to what was happening around him.

We grew up with Sundays in the fall being family dinner night and watching football as a family. We even took vacations to baseball games and the National Football League Hall of Fame as a family. My brother's friend would get together on Saturdays during winter and play a game in our huge yard. Nothing like being all bundled up in winter jackets as a young female teenager watching high school boys play in shorts and t-shirts in 40-degree Fahrenheit and snow.

My husband is also a huge football fan. I always tell him I'm not an average female. I would rather watch action movies or thrillers than rom-coms. And I can enjoy a game of football, baseball, either live at the stadium or on television.
Sounds like you have a lot of nice memories there. I can see why reading fics about this would trigger them up and help to keep them alive. And don't bother to be an "ordinary" of whatever category. Just be yourself, with all that contains, and that's fine, don't let anyone tell you something else!

But I did enjoy your story. I can see why it would be difficult to write a story about US football if you don't know the game and do not speak the same language. Smallballs was funny though. I did enjoy your story. Thank you.
Great to hear. Yeah, these factors, as well as the lack of visual imagination of how it all would look like, make it difficult to get attached. Oh everyone seems to think that's the highlight it seems - didn't expect that but I won't argue and quietly enjoy. Glad to read you enjoyed it to some extent and it was not too disappointing, and you're welcome. Thanks for the FDK!

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I understand so much, that's why these aren't really shown, I can live with that. But a mention here or there wouldn't harm - and using it as a plot device like that in this episode was just weird because it gives us the impression Clark never gets out of MEtropolis...which is even all the more weird for this version where Clark practically knows someone everywhere in the world, so...just my opinion.
I was just being facetious smile incidentally, they did use more foreign location snippets in later years, in particular when they needed Superman to comically abandon Lois in a time of particular *need*.

Unfortunately. GEtting just the right amount is hard.
TEMPUS: Which is why I don’t bother and simply use the two-by-four ironically.

So, no clue where you might have read that story...
Turns out, it was SuperBek and she did Doomsday. Two powerful D-level villains. Easy to mix up.

DOOMSAY: splat

If the effect of "learning" means to not write new fic and let old fic unfinished (Clark half-way to New Krypton, wink-wink...), then I'm not sure if I want to learn...
dizzy peep Length-wise, it’s just a short story. Ten or fifteen pages, total.

If you want, I can try to describe the issue in mor edetail. I'd do that via PN though since that's pretty off-topic.

wave Michael

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What a fun story! SmallBalls - that cracked me up! I liked the interaction between Lois and Clark. You captured Lois’s competitive streak very well.

I almost feel sorry for the manager making the announcement that the game could not take place due to logistical reasons. He obviously wasn’t familiar with Lois Lane’s reputation.

I love Lois and Clark’s compromise. Dinner at a nice restaurant in Paris followed by the countdown together back home in Metropolis is very romantic.

Thanks for an entertaining fic!

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