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Hack from Nowheresville
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Hack from Nowheresville
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Last edited by SuperBek; 01/22/24 04:15 PM.
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“Please, Lois.”
Bahahaha. With absolutely no context, I already love where this is going.

“Perry hasn’t told you what night it is yet,” Clark helpfully points out.
jawdrop Whose side is he on, anyway!?!

“I’ve done that before and it’s not anything to get excited about,” I quickly interrupt Perry.
Is this post-Luthor? Because that's one fun burn if it is!!

“Then what’s the issue?” eggs on Clark.
What is he going to get out of this? lol

...and turn to face Jimmy, who has taken a page out of Clark’s book and vanished.
Speaking of sick burns, this is hilarious!!!

We are so far apart, you could have parked a city bus between us.

Why is this weird? We’ve danced before, albeit for one song and it was less dancing and more floating. It had been a highlight of my year, that short moment of intimacy that I rarely share with anyone.
Except Clark.
Oh, and that's a palpable hit! There's so much packed into these lines!

Though… Clark is a good dancer.
I love the way that this just occurs to her! rotflol

Some days it feels as though I can say anything to him, ask him any favour I can think of, and he’ll calmly say ‘ok.’
If she only knew!! This detail so well captures their relationship!

I should go get a glass of water, step away from Clark, but I can’t.
“Again?” Clark asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
I can’t find my voice and nod instead. He hits play on the stereo, takes my hand, and before I can come to my senses and object, I’m in his arms again as the music begins.
Oh, wow! Steamy and magnetic!

As we begin to dance I have a moment of longing for Clark.
Awwwww... I love this little moment. That's such a great detail to pop in, especially after the juxtaposition of how they both dance!

The music ends as Superman, to my surprise, dips me, much like Clark had done. Curiously, Superman looks a little startled, as though he hadn’t intended to, as that wasn’t the rehearsed ending to the dance, just something Clark and I had done.
Ope! Someone got carried away!

“I did think you’d be more upset though,” he continues when I don’t react.
I’m completely lost now.
Oh, noooooo.... Clark, wait, stop... thud

“I should have expected this,” he says sadly.
Are we having two completely different conversations about opposite topics?
I really love how long this conversation goes on! He's so resigned!

I remind myself that there are two fragile hearts involved, even if one is made of steel, and our conversation tonight could break either one.
This is so beautifully phrased!

This was such a sweet, sweet piece of writing! The lack of 'villains' can always be a challenge to write, but this had plenty of conflict as Lois, and Clark, too, battled their own worries! I love any scene where they dance together, so this was such a treat!

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This was such a lovely story! I don't normally enjoy first person narratives, but this was exceptionally well done. I really loved the set up and how Superman was used as a way for Lois to realise she really wanted Clark. The characterisation was on point and the entire thing was a joy to read.

I am going to guess: JadedEvie

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."
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I like that Lois got to dance with Superman .
The part where Clark helped her rehearse made me feel warm and fuzzy . The part where She realized she loved Clark was adorable .

Guessing Jaded Evie or Bakasi.

... Guessing is hard. XD

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Top Banana
Top Banana
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I loved how Perry and Clark team up in the first scene. At first I was a little surprised and confused, but then it soon all made sense smirk

And Lois being annoyed at first and then, oh, the cancelled rehearsals now make sense lol.
I really enjoyed the dance lessons and Lois constantly thinking about Clark drool.
And her being confused with Clark assuming she had figured it out was perfect, but then her ending, inner-monologue after she had truly figured it out was even more so grin.

My guess: Blind Passenger

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This is such a lovely setup. Lois rehearses with Clark and prefers dancing with him over her dance with Superman. I loved that she figures out his secret only after she admits to Clark that he is more important to her than her crush on Superman.

I'm guessing Toomi.

Last edited by bakasi; 01/07/24 04:58 AM.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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What a fun way to do the reveal. I always thought tha tdancing thing from 2x05 needed some kind of continuation so yeah, why not like this? And then Clark being "in on it" like that with Perry made me laugh. Yeah, having Superman as a partner for the training can have its own pros and cons, doesn't it? This was a nice waff bit, fun to read.

Guesses...There's only two authors I know here who do the first-person-POV, and then even in present? I think Bakasi is out - somehow doesn't feel like her - to that keeps me stuck with...Toomi. I'll log that in.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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Hi Author!

Disclaimer: there’s guesses all throughout. If you haven’t guessed yourself yet, beware!

Dancing With Superman


“Please, Lois.”

“Why does it have to be me?” I ask in response to Perry’s plea.
I won’t be guessing that one in ten words in. But, I do like the setup clap

They need a celebrity, and you’re our most famous reporter.”
Is that… Dancing with the Stars?

“I’m sorry, darlin’. Cat always filled in for us and I neglected to inform the selection committee that she’d moved last summer.
Ah, season two. And sounds like it’s more of a charity function.

They assigned the Planet to fill a ladies spot for the event and it’s too late to change it.”
Jimmy could wear a dress!

Though given the gaudiness of the tie, it could be some of his lunch that dribbled, or part of the pattern.
Nice tie reference.

“I can’t, I’m busy that night.” I am not doing this charity event.
No kiddin’… wait for it…

“Perry hasn’t told you what night it is yet,” Clark helpfully points out.
LOIS: I will be kidnapped that night. /there, that should cover it/

“You’ll get to rub shoulders with Metropolis’ elite-”
Like she did last year with Lex Luthor.

Also, it’s a funny start. And the length would be queensized. But no, the formatting and style isn’t exactly right. And Mary would never try to trick us.

“I’ve done that before and it’s not anything to get excited about,” I quickly interrupt Perry.

Not to mention some great oaf stomping on my poor toes.
laugh Lex would kill himself over that remark. Say, could Lois get steel cap heels?

and you’ll be taught a dance-”
Danger! Danger!

“I can dance!

“You won’t know until you arrive for your first rehearsal.”
/ Points at title/

“You’ll be fine, darlin’. I’m sure the committee will find you the perfect partner.”
COMMITTEE: Lois Lane? Perfect. Now, anyone know Superman?

I swear Perry winks at me as he walks away. I glare at Clark who finds something fascinating on his desk, and turn to face Jimmy, who has taken a page out of Clark’s book and vanished.

There’s a hint! /checks/ the story keeps using four stars. Toomi. Need to check if Toomi does comedy shorts. Also, it’s in first person present tense. I don’t think Queenie does that style. The wording, not the comedy or shorts, I mean.

I am running a little late, but only thirty minutes,
Tied up at work.

and considering my dance partner has backed out twice so far,
Now, who does this remind you of?
LOIS: Clark?

The two cancelled rehearsals have annoyed me as while I’m sure I can hold my own, I’d like to take advantage of all the rehearsals to have the best chance at winning.

It’s not much to look at, an inconspicuous door in between two storefronts, and as I open it, I can hear piano music coming from upstairs. The studio occupies the floor above the shops and I climb the narrow stairs, the music getting louder with each step.
A lot of scenery. Another hint. Will need to check in more detail with Toomi’s fic.
Hmm…can’t find ‘proof’, but I did find Toomi doing First Person present tense.

I can already feel my poor toes protest some oaf stomping on them while he learns his steps.
It will be like she’s dancing on air. Oh, I, wait, that’s about the rehearsal now.

“That is not a problem. You are here! And so is your partner.”

“Hello, Lois.”

Sitting in a chair, his cape brushing the floor, is Superman.
Superman is *sitting*? shock /imagines Superman sitting in a waiting area with a magazine open while Lois gets her hair done or buys shoes/

. I’ll have to thank Perry tomorrow I muse as I pick my jaw up from the ground.
Nice phrasing. Also, not Bakasi. So far it all points to Toomi.

“I’ve been reluctant as I wouldn’t want to leave a dance partner behind in the event I have to leave in an emergency. I was assured my assigned partner would be understanding.”
LOIS: I can be understanding. You will be taking me with you to that emergency, so I get the exclusive, right?

“I see you know each other.”
Not a newsreader, that one?

We are so far apart, you could have parked a city bus between us.
Lois, it’s just Superman. You have danced with him before.

Why is this weird? We’ve danced before, albeit for one song and it was less dancing and more floating.
I need to stop not reading ahead.

jarringly so as he pushes Superman and I closer together. I think a mosquito would have struggled to fly between us.

This dance is sensual.
:evil. evil

If you dance like wooden soldiers, you will not win. You must hold one another as though you care, though first we must learn the steps.”
I’ll go ahead and read this with a French accent, oui?

. I find myself determined to practice and not let my dance partner down.
Maybe she could ask Clark to help?

. I try to not be annoyed with Superman’s absences as he’s doing needed rescue work, but it is frustrating.
Perhaps it would help if she imagined Clark instead?

I feel a sense of relief as I see Clark in the peephole.

“Are you busy?”

“No,” I laugh. “Not really.”

“It sounded like you could use a break.”
He really got bad timing. The one time she needs Superman, Clark shows up.

Just like Clark to offer, even though he has no idea what it could involve. Though… Clark is a good dancer. Maybe he can help!
No singing involved!

My dance partner has had to miss a few rehearsals,” I state carefully. There’s always the chance that Superman told Clark that he was involved in the charity event this year.
Awwwww, look who suddenly a stickler for rules.
LOIS: Superman stands for order and justice.

There are some things about Clark that make me want to scream in frustration, but this makes up for it, almost. Some days it feels as though I can say anything to him, ask him any favour I can think of, and he’ll calmly say ‘ok.’
Oooh, Toomi just discussed AE and BE spelling the other day on Discord. Unless there’s a really sneaky FoLC involved (and I’m not playing, which darn, I should not try to be sneaky because that would be a giveaway), this is so Toomi. Guess I can skip to the end now?

With ample space between us, we focus on our steps until I turn, and bash my ankle on a leg of the coffee table.

It’s comfortable, and relaxing, while we laugh every time I step on his toes.
Funny how it’s now Lois doing the stepping on.

that this dance is a sensual dance. It was hard to feel that with the instructor, but with Clark, I’m on the verge of succumbing to passion.
/cocks eyebrow/

“Again?” Clark asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

I can’t find my voice and nod instead.

Dancing with Clark has been wonderful, but I still want to win. Who has Superman been rehearsing with? Has he had time to rehearse?

I watch as he flew away wondering how on earth I got to the point of dancing with Superman but daydreaming about Clark.

I’m somewhat relieved that I’m sequestered backstage as I don’t have to deal with magicians, or small talk.
Yes, those lying creeps in their fancy suits.

The crowd cheers for us, though I’m sure it’s for Superman’s benefit,
MC: Announcing, Superman and guest!

. I want to laugh at myself. I’m in Superman’s arms, and all I can think of is Clark again.
I’m guessing there will both be a reveal and a date. Only question is, which will come first.

The music ends as Superman, to my surprise, dips me, much like Clark had done. Curiously, Superman looks a little startled, as though he hadn’t intended to, as that wasn’t the rehearsed ending to the dance, just something Clark and I had done.
Hadn’t planned that one, had he?

. I’m floored when Superman and I win first place.
And with only two rehearsals. Or was it one?

Perry, Alice and several others from work stop by to congratulate me, but there’s only one person I’m looking for, and I wave as I spot him near the bar.
I like how lively this is with the ensemble there. It’s not easy to weave in background material.

but keep hold of my chocolate rose. Can I keep it? Will it go bad if I don’t eat it?
Awww. Bad, no, but it might melt eventually if it’s too warm. Also, chocolate, so it might end up getting eaten when Clark dumps her for her own good.

“He rehearsed.”

Yes, with a special lady friend.

How had Clark learned that dance so fast? He’s a quick learner but he picked up all the moves, even the ones that weren’t in the book I’d tried. Plus there was the dip at the end of the dance, a move he had done with me, and one that Superman had used tonight.
If you go with Bek’s explanation… evil

“Clark?” I ask after several minutes of silence.

“I’m sorry, Lois.”

I have no idea what he’s apologizing for.

“I did think you’d be more upset though,” he continues when I don’t react.
Oooh, that’s a new one, Clark thinking she already figured it out.

Bewilderment is replaced by wide eyes and relief, before he smiles at me. I laugh and kiss him again, only this time he returns the kiss.
Awwwww… simply sweet clap

This is how Superman rehearsed, and why we seemed so in sync.
Okay, for we have a revelation or do we have Superman’s boyfriend?

and the times Clark has saved me.
Revelation it is.

As he spins into the Suit, scoops me into his arms and we fly towards my apartment, I remind myself that there are two fragile hearts involved, even if one is made of steel, and our conversation tonight could break either one

Despite the unanswered questions and betrayal I feel, we will tread lightly, and hopefully find a way to move forward together.
Very well crafted! Lots of WAFF.

This will be marked down as

-Someone figuring “it” out
-A Book
Oooh fun how ‘it’ was not specified.

Don’t Want

Unfortunately, I can’t pin down the requestee from the prompts. Years ago, Female Hawk requested chocolate. But these days. *sigh*

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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This was so sweet. What a great way for Lois to figure it out and I love that Clark thought she figured it out before she did.

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This story was great! I think Toomi wrote it! I'll be back later with better fdk!

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Avatar by Carrie Rene smile
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Ahh, loved this!! So sweet (I'm a total sucker for dancing!)


My guess: Toomi8 cool

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Ahhh!! I so love these tropes! Lois gets roped into something and it turns out in her favor. Heehee! Gosh, you did so well with keeping the secret in a believable way. And GAHHHH!! I just love how Lois has all the feelings about both Clark and Superman . . . and how the reveal came out!! Well done!! clap clap

What made me guess Toomi? The first person POV was a hint . . . I think only me and Bek are the other ones doing that consistently. This was hard, though! I did think it *might* have been bakasi. I think this one was the hardest to guess, and I used elimination to get me there!

Sara smile

Kerth nominations are opening on March 9th!
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Avatar by Carrie Rene smile
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That was a sweet revelation! love I loved it!


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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I'm super late to this party.... but catching up.

This fic was inspired by this prompt on the Discord channel by Hatman:

Superman gets booked on Dancing With The Stars. For charity. Between Clark's ballroom skills, his powers, and Superman's popularity he keeps winning. The choreography becomes more outlandish until...

I'd begun to write several starts to the prompts assigned and when I saw this bunny running free, I had to adopt it. Somewhat.

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Is this post-Luthor? Because that's one fun burn if it is!!


As we begin to dance I have a moment of longing for Clark.
Awwwww... I love this little moment. That's such a great detail to pop in, especially after the juxtaposition of how they both dance!


“I did think you’d be more upset though,” he continues when I don’t react.
I’m completely lost now.
Oh, noooooo.... Clark, wait, stop... thud

“I should have expected this,” he says sadly.
Are we having two completely different conversations about opposite topics?
I really love how long this conversation goes on! He's so resigned!

I remind myself that there are two fragile hearts involved, even if one is made of steel, and our conversation tonight could break either one.
This is so beautifully phrased!

This was such a sweet, sweet piece of writing! The lack of 'villains' can always be a challenge to write, but this had plenty of conflict as Lois, and Clark, too, battled their own worries! I love any scene where they dance together, so this was such a treat!

I'm glad you enjoyed the fic! Sometimes the lack of villains is wonderful for some great moments between them, and let's face it, they can be their own villains sometimes.

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Originally Posted by lovetvfan
This was such a lovely story! I don't normally enjoy first person narratives, but this was exceptionally well done. I really loved the set up and how Superman was used as a way for Lois to realise she really wanted Clark. The characterisation was on point and the entire thing was a joy to read.

I am going to guess: JadedEvie

Thanks for the high praise blush

Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
I like that Lois got to dance with Superman .
The part where Clark helped her rehearse made me feel warm and fuzzy . The part where She realized she loved Clark was adorable .

Guessing Jaded Evie or Bakasi.

... Guessing is hard. XD

Yes, guessing was super hard. I did like your feedback template. I may snurch it for next year if we do this again.

Originally Posted by Blueowl
I loved how Perry and Clark team up in the first scene. At first I was a little surprised and confused, but then it soon all made sense smirk

And Lois being annoyed at first and then, oh, the cancelled rehearsals now make sense lol.
I really enjoyed the dance lessons and Lois constantly thinking about Clark drool.
And her being confused with Clark assuming she had figured it out was perfect, but then her ending, inner-monologue after she had truly figured it out was even more so grin.

My guess: Blind Passenger

Thank you all for your wonderful feedback and I'm flattered you guessed these wonderful authors blush

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Originally Posted by bakasi
This is such a lovely setup. Lois rehearses with Clark and prefers dancing with him over her dance with Superman. I loved that she figures out his secret only after she admits to Clark that he is more important to her than her crush on Superman.

I'm guessing Toomi.

Awww... I'm glad you liked the reveal. Thanks!

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
What a fun way to do the reveal. I always thought tha tdancing thing from 2x05 needed some kind of continuation so yeah, why not like this? And then Clark being "in on it" like that with Perry made me laugh. Yeah, having Superman as a partner for the training can have its own pros and cons, doesn't it? This was a nice waff bit, fun to read.

Guesses...There's only two authors I know here who do the first-person-POV, and then even in present? I think Bakasi is out - somehow doesn't feel like her - to that keeps me stuck with...Toomi. I'll log that in.

I'm glad you liked it. I really wanted to do more with Lois trying to figure out how to dance from the book but it stopped being funny and just sort of dragged along. Thanks for the great prompts! This fic was not in first person but I kept slipping into it and having to rewrite chunks until I gave up and just ran with it.

Originally Posted by KSaraSara
This story was great! I think Toomi wrote it! I'll be back later with better fdk!
Originally Posted by KSaraSara
Ahhh!! I so love these tropes! Lois gets roped into something and it turns out in her favor. Heehee! Gosh, you did so well with keeping the secret in a believable way. And GAHHHH!! I just love how Lois has all the feelings about both Clark and Superman . . . and how the reveal came out!! Well done!! clap clap

What made me guess Toomi? The first person POV was a hint . . . I think only me and Bek are the other ones doing that consistently. This was hard, though! I did think it *might* have been bakasi. I think this one was the hardest to guess, and I used elimination to get me there!

Sara smile

Lol! I'm glad you enjoyed, and I'm so glad it wasn't full of my normal errors so you had to work to guess it wink

Originally Posted by SuperBek
Ahh, loved this!! So sweet (I'm a total sucker for dancing!)


My guess: Toomi8 cool

I think you've mentioned a few times you're a sucker for the dancing scenes.... I'll have to remember that for any future prompts... or would that give me away?

You guys won the prize by guessing the author. Thanks again!

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Originally Posted by AmandaK
This was so sweet. What a great way for Lois to figure it out and I love that Clark thought she figured it out before she did.

Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed it. blush

Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
That was a sweet revelation! love I loved it!


Thanks for reading smile Glad you loved the revelation.

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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Author!

Hi! wave

Dancing With Superman


“Please, Lois.”

“Why does it have to be me?” I ask in response to Perry’s plea.
I won’t be guessing that one in ten words in. But, I do like the setup clap

*takes small bow*

They need a celebrity, and you’re our most famous reporter.”
Is that… Dancing with the Stars?

Why yes, yes it is!

Though given the gaudiness of the tie, it could be some of his lunch that dribbled, or part of the pattern.
Nice tie reference.

I do enjoy a good tie jab. ( Disclaimer... not to be used against me in any future GTA fics)

Also, it’s a funny start. And the length would be queensized. But no, the formatting and style isn’t exactly right. And Mary would never try to trick us.


I swear Perry winks at me as he walks away. I glare at Clark who finds something fascinating on his desk, and turn to face Jimmy, who has taken a page out of Clark’s book and vanished.

There’s a hint! /checks/ the story keeps using four stars. Toomi. Need to check if Toomi does comedy shorts. Also, it’s in first person present tense. I don’t think Queenie does that style. The wording, not the comedy or shorts, I mean.

It wasn't until it was posted that I realized I'd left the **** and had neglected to change them. I'll copy someone else's style next year.

jarringly so as he pushes Superman and I closer together. I think a mosquito would have struggled to fly between us.


This dance is sensual.
:evil. evil


There are some things about Clark that make me want to scream in frustration, but this makes up for it, almost. Some days it feels as though I can say anything to him, ask him any favour I can think of, and he’ll calmly say ‘ok.’
Oooh, Toomi just discussed AE and BE spelling the other day on Discord. Unless there’s a really sneaky FoLC involved (and I’m not playing, which darn, I should not try to be sneaky because that would be a giveaway), this is so Toomi. Guess I can skip to the end now?

Oddly enough, that was for something unrelated. It wasn't until I saw this comment that I realized I'd messed up...

Perry, Alice and several others from work stop by to congratulate me, but there’s only one person I’m looking for, and I wave as I spot him near the bar.
I like how lively this is with the ensemble there. It’s not easy to weave in background material.

Thanks blush

“Clark?” I ask after several minutes of silence.

“I’m sorry, Lois.”

I have no idea what he’s apologizing for.

“I did think you’d be more upset though,” he continues when I don’t react.
Oooh, that’s a new one, Clark thinking she already figured it out.


Bewilderment is replaced by wide eyes and relief, before he smiles at me. I laugh and kiss him again, only this time he returns the kiss.
Awwwww… simply sweet clap

Despite the unanswered questions and betrayal I feel, we will tread lightly, and hopefully find a way to move forward together.
Very well crafted! Lots of WAFF.

This will be marked down as

You are a super sleuth! So much detail in figuring out the authors! Thanks for the awesome feedback, and hints on how to improve my stealthiness for next time wink

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Hi Toomi!
I do enjoy a good tie jab. ( Disclaimer... not to be used against me in any future GTA fics)
[Linked Image] I won’t tell if you won’t. /images next Toomi prompt: fun with ties/

Hmm… actually, you should (if you are so inclined) check out my The Birthday Present. It got a tie playing a significant part in the story. It was even part of the prompts!

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
And Mary would never try to trick us.
She wouldn’t! She promised! At least she said she had promised.

It wasn't until it was posted that I realized I'd left the **** and had neglected to change them. I'll copy someone else's style next year.
[Linked Image] It would be much more difficult that way. Not everyone can pick out a FoLC in a lineup just because they write first-person-present-tense. /eyes KSaraSara and her mad editing powers/

Oddly enough, that was for something unrelated. It wasn't until I saw this comment that I realized I'd messed up...
laugh Yeah, it’s what they call Kismet. Or is that Cat kissing the Mets?

You are a super sleuth! So much detail in figuring out the authors!
Thank you! And I can promise some of our other FoLCs are similarly inclined, they’re just less…vocal about it blush

Thanks for the awesome feedback, and hints on how to improve my stealthiness for next time [writer being evil]
You’re welcome! Glad you had fun with the little Christmas present smile1

/is suddenly worried about a) raising participation interest for the next time and b) having the same feeling like back in the day when it was things like POV, AE/BE style, Jimmy dying, and various forms of torturing Clark when it came to identifying authors. Plus, lets not forget the baby surprises. /returns to quietly gardening the grounds/ [Linked Image]

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.
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