Hello, FoLCs!

It's time for the Kerth tradition of honoring all of the authors who take their time and invest their effort into producing quality stories for all of us to read by creating QUIZZES for select Kerth categories! notworthy

Please read the instructions and disclaimer below, which I have brazenly stolen from Groobie's thread previously, and which she stole from this thread prior to that.

Here's the schedule for the posting of each quiz, which will lead up to Kerth Nominations on March 3!:

Monday January 22 - Best Waffy

Sunday January 28 - Best Challenge

Sunday February 4 - Best Revelation

Sunday February 11 - Best nFic

Wednesday February 14 - Best Original/Supporting Character

Sunday February 18 - Best Dramatic

Wednesday February 21 - Best Comedy

Sunday February 25 - Best New Author

Wednesday February 28 - Double Fudge Crunch Round

* * * * * * * * * *

Welcome to the 2024 Kerth quizzes! This post is an introduction to how the quizzes work. For newcomers, you'll find instructions, disclaimers and so on so that you'll know what's going on. For old-timers, you can refresh your memory (and take a look at the little re-vamp for this year) so that you're ready to dive right in!

The 2010 Kerth Quiz committee (Tricia, Jenn, Erin, and Carol) originally put together these instructions and the disclaimer. I've edited appropriately for dates/details!

The Kerth quizzes serve as a helpful reminder of this year's varied fics to refresh our memories of our favorites before nominations and voting begin. It might even help you find a new favorite story just in time for nominations!

Remember, Kerth nominations open March 3!


The Kerths are FoLCdom's way of celebrating and recognising the best LnC fic to hit the boards, the archive or elsewhere on the web (if the author personally submits it for Kerth eligibility) in the past calendar year. Check out the following link for the Kerths' main website, which includes a link to the Kerth FAQ and the listings for last year's Kerth awards:

Kerth Awards


The Kerth quizzes themselves started more or less by accident. In the beginning, Wendy posted some quizzes which turned out to be sort of related to Kerth categories. The following year, Hazel joined her and they did it properly, and then a couple of years later Meredith volunteered to help. The quizzes rapidly became a marvellous way to lead up to the Kerth nominations by giving us all a friendly reminder of favourite stories, or even introducing new ones. In 2006 the quizzes were organised by Wendy, Chris, Sorcha, Julie and Rachel. In 2007, the team was Julie, Anna, Dave and Tricia. Julie and Tricia organised them in 2008. The team for 2009 was Jenn, Lara, Lisa and Tricia. The 2010 team was Jenn, Erin, Carol and Tricia. In 2011, the team was Amber and Nancy. Ditto for 2012. Groobie and her fantastic team worked on quizzes through 2016. In 2018, Folc4evernaday gave us the Guess the Quote thread to carry on the pre-Kerth quizzing tradition. And then the quizzes went on hiatus.

wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy


Each quiz is for a separate Kerth category. You'll see a post containing quotes from stories that are eligible for this year's Kerths. You are challenged to name the authors and titles of the quoted stories; this can be accomplished off the top of your head or by jogging your memory with a little searching โ€” both through the boards and AO3 (catch the AO3 authors and stories on the Eligible Stories List!). Even if you can only name a single author/story, please do post your replies! Consider your participation to be FDK for the quiz-setters who put in hours of hard work to do these. Answers should be posted in the answers thread for each quiz.

This year the Kerth awards include a whopping NINETEEN categories (wooooo!), including Best Commenter/Feedback Giver and Best Original Fanart. We'll be posting quizzes for EIGHT of the categories, and a special Double Fudge Crunch bonus round, in the eight weeks leading up to the nominations! These will include:

Best Waffy
Best Challenge
Best Revelation
Best nFic
Best Original/Supporting Character
Best Comedy
Best Dramatic
Best New Author

Weโ€™ll cap off the quizzes with a final Double Fudge Crunch Round, which will pull from the entire Eligible Story List.

In previous years, FoLCs also posted quizzes of their own, which were not specifically tailored to fit the Kerth categories. These are certainly welcome; the more quizzes, the merrier! We would like to suggest, though, that extra quizzes be posted "in between" the category ones (that is, please don't post a new quiz the same day a Kerth quiz is posted), and that quiz writers try to stick to the "one author per quiz" rule to allow greater scope. (If you have a quiz prepared, and you're not sure when it would be best to post, feel free to DM me, Iโ€™ll be happy to give you a day or so for your quiz before the next Kerth quiz goes up.) Also, feel free to take on a category that isnโ€™t in the schedule!

The stories included in the Kerth Quizzes were chosen because they FIT THE CATEGORY. That does not mean that the quiz-setter necessarily thinks the stories deserve to be nominated; nor does it necessarily mean that we omitted a story because we think it does not deserve nomination. So let's all remember the "spiffy disclaimer thingies" (basically, these long-winded instructions summed up more succinctly) and recognise that the Kerth Quizzes aren't the same as nominations. Theyโ€™re here to get you excited for those upcoming noms!

Another point to remember is that stories may be nominated in more than one category. So make your nominations wherever you'd like. (Well, as long as the stories fit. grin )

Nominations begin March 3!


When you send in your replies to the quiz, please use the following guidelines:

First, SNIP OUT THE EXCERPTS and just list your answer. It's difficult for the quiz-setter to try to scroll through all the quoted material to find the single line of your answer. There have been occasions when we've entirely missed people's replies!

Second, please use SPOILER tags for your reply! You can do so by using the following code: ([spoilerZ]your guess here[/spoilerZ]. Just delete those Zโ€™s in the brackets (which I had to leave in so that it didnโ€™t turn into a spoiler tag in the example)! If you're using the full editor, you can highlight your text and then hit the Spoiler button, which looks like an 'S' with a diagonal slash through it. With FoLCs all over the world, it's quite likely that some people will be opening replies before they get a chance to take the quiz themselves (and itโ€™s particularly easy to see if youโ€™re just clicking on the โ€˜Active Threadsโ€™ page).

The quiz includes excerpt quotes from a broad range of our eligible fics. Name the story and its author from the quote for one point.

In only the final Double Fudge Crunch Round, the quizzes will include a single quote. In this round, name the story and its author from the quote for two points.

Don't worry about naming only a title, or just the author; half points, and even quarter points have been used before, and we don't mind having our maths skills challenged!

Youโ€™ll have one week to answer on each of the category rounds.
Youโ€™ll have half a week to answer during the final Double Fudge Crunch Round.

The quiz is open hard drive and archive. You are more than welcome to look up fics to find the answers. This is supposed to be fun! Some people do like to try and guess the answers without looking it up, and that's fine, too. But feel free to do some double-checking if you're not sure of your reply. Or not, if you prefer. Some people enjoy high or perfect scores, while some people enjoy challenging their memories. Use whichever method suits you best.


As we have done in previous years, we encourage people to include their own personal recommendations in each category when they send in their replies to the quizzes. These will be listed when we post the answers. Please don't hesitate! Your personal favourite might prove equally popular with others, especially those still looking for titles to nominate.

Recommendations are more than welcome for several reasons, including these: we try to observe a one-author-per-quiz rule, but sometimes an author has written more than one story which fits a particular category (so weโ€™d love for those to be mentioned!). Second, we can't include every eligible story, even without the one-author rule, so of course we're omitting stories eligible in that category. And third, we also try not to over-use particular stories overall; if LOIS MEETS CLARK, by A.N. Author, has been used in one quiz, chances are that it won't appear again, even if it fits the current category very well.

Donโ€™t forget, you can view all Eligible Stories in Michaelโ€™s post here: Eligible Stories.

Quiz-setters do not try and judge whether the recommendations fit the category; we'll just post whatever was sent in, so help us out on that end where you can! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ And, of course, those who don't actually take the quiz are welcome to send in recommendations too.

So that's your lengthy introductory/instructions/disclaimer post for this year. With each individual quiz, you'll get a MUCH shorter version of the instructions and disclaimer, so you won't have to wade through all of this every time.

Lastly, special thanks to Michael for naming the Double Fudge Crunch Round. wink

Bring on the Kerth season! Looking forward to the fun! dance

Have a question? Ask it here! Or you can PM any of the K-Com members or reach out on Discord too! You can also send an email to us here: Kcom@kerthawards.com

In order to help you find all things Kerth for this year, weโ€™ve created a TOC for all the ๐Ÿ†2024 Kerth Award Posts๐Ÿ†.

The Kerth Committee
(KSaraSara, Darth Michael, lovetvfan, and JadedEvie)

Kerth nominations are opening on March 9th!

๐Ÿ†TOC for Kerth Awards 2025 Posts๐Ÿ†