Hi Mary!
A/N: Happy Ficlet Friday! Here is something small and unbeta’d.
Unbeta’d? This means it could contain stuff unsuitable for LnC?
The Gift
Clark bit back the sigh as he turned back from the ship to face Zara.
He gonna get a baby?
. It wasn’t her fault that after months of being New Krypton’s leader,
Hey! Months? They did remember to pack the concubine, didn’t they?
Even now, he suspected she couldn’t fathom why he wanted to return to Earth.
They did not! They forgot his favorite concubine at home!
![[Linked Image]](https://cosgan.de/images/midi/figuren/h020.gif)
“Lieutenant Ching—that is, *Lord* Ching—and I wish to give you something as a gesture of our thanks.”
Lord? /squints/ is Kal-El returning to Earth, having promised to finally take the job of Vicelord of Earth, to rule in Lord Ching’s stead over the Kryptonian province of Terra Solaris Lemonis?
”I know you are anxious to return to your…er…”

hoping the word would penetrate the fog better than words like “girlfriend” or “fiance” had been able to.

The door slid open and one of her attendants walked out, holding the end of a long strap. At the other end…”
Clark’s jaw fell open. “Is that a dog?!”

The corner of Zara’s mouth tugged upward, though she quickly rearranged her features back into the “stoic leader” formation.
“The species are close enough that you could call it that.”
Is it the canine version of a Flerkin?
Unfortunately, before she could research the possibility in any meaningful depth, other concerns took precedence.”
Shopping! And the 26th season of Ladies of Krypton.
The attendant arrived, and the dog seemed to recognize Clark’s scent. With a happy “woof” and a tail that suddenly had a life of its own, the pup bounded up to Clark with a mission to cover his face in sloppy dog-kisses. At some point, they managed to navigate the leash’s handle past the wagging tail and into Clark's hand.
I suddenly get the feeling the doggy is about seven feet tall.
Clark was sure he must have said something besides “who’s a good boy”.

He looked back down at his new friend. “How about…Krypto?”

“A fine name.” Zara dipped her head towards him. “Well then…Clark, Krypto…I bid you both a good journey. May the stars see you safely home.”
The End.
Cute like ficlet
