Hi Amanda!
Summary: Clark makes a desperate decision which will change the course of his life forever.
Huh. Lois getting iced? TOGoM? Lois falling out of her window?
It all happened so fast.
Normally six seconds would be plenty of time for him to dash out, change, dash back, and save the day. He was Superman after all.
Ooooh, he got to change because his wife doesn’t know he’s Superman.
The audience was crammed, shoulder to shoulder, in the main lobby of the building, in clear violation of fire codes. Lois and Jimmy were both holding onto Clark’s sleeves as they sought not to be separated by the jostling crowd. Despite the discomfort of the press of sweaty bodies in a room with air conditioning ill-equipped to accommodate such a throng
Reading this in a jam-packed subway car…
moving frantically away from the center of the room, pushing, and bumping into each other, making any route he might have used vanish instantly.
Like the Crazy Labyrinth!
But that would mean revealing himself to everyone.
He pulled away from Lois and ran towards the grenade, throwing himself on top of the explosive just as it went off.
Oh boy.
His life, as he knew it, was over.
Oh boy.
“Did you see that?”
“He just jumped on top of it!”
“He saved us all…”
“Oh, man. CK.”
He did a lot of planking?
Clark watched the pieces fall into place behind her eyes. Shock warred with relief as her mouth moved but no sound came out.
We mark this one in the ‘revelation’ category.
Clark looked up at Jimmy, who stood fidgeting with his camera in uncertainty. Sighing, Clark offered the younger man a sad smile. “Take the picture, Jimmy.”

also… awwww
You’ve got the exclusive, Lois. Write what you think is best.”
An instant later, he was gone.
Oh boy. Oh boy.
It does work very well both in the stand-alone and the start-off-point category.
