Hi Mary!
Previous Fic in Series: Disaster
Ooooooh the series continues

As soon as the phone started to ring, Lois’ hand flashed away from the steering wheel and started groping for her purse. It had fallen onto the floor of the passenger side, but she managed to grab it and fish the phone out before it rang again. The truck behind her blared its horn as she finally hit the button to answer. “Hey. What's happening?”
You know, I was expecting an accident.
His reply was halting and uncertain. “Uh…I…think so? I think I've been arrested…”
He did not change into his costume on a public beach, did he?
“What?!” More cars honked as she nearly missed her turn.
Oh, that’s a great Lois-POV description of Lois cutting across two lanes and almost causing a multi-car pileup.
She could faintly make out Bruce's voice in the background. “You weren't arrested. We ducked into the police car so we could talk privately, remember?”
Oh boy.
“Oh,” came Clark's hesitant reply. “Um, who are you?”
She couldn't quite hear Bruce's answer over the static.
BATMAN: The Bat. The brooding angel of darkness. The avenger of innocence lost. The worst nightmare you will ever have.

“Fly?” she echoed. “You mean in an airplane?”
“I cannot confidently recommend the alternative,” Bruce replied.
Yes, flapping his cape while carrying Superman isn’t going to fly.
Lois sighed. “A lot of questions, but no real answers. People are pretty sure that Superman is back from the dead somehow, but they can tell something's wrong.”
He’s a Ghul now. You should hide your damsels so he won’t visit them at night.
LOIS: He won’t.

“Perry would be proud of him,” she continued, reaching for the door of the brownstone. “I just hope that no one else—What on Earth?!” Lois stared into the house, her jaw hanging open. Bouquets of red roses were piled onto the coffee table and in every corner, on every piece of furniture that had a scrap of reasonably flat surface. A few even lay on the couch. She gasped, and the air was completely perfumed with them.
Oh boy.
It took her a moment to remember the phone in her hand. “Bruce, why is my house suddenly the inside of a florist’s shop?!”

Bruce's deep sigh was barely audible over the static. “Because I could have sent him back as soon as he got here, but I didn't. And because I could send him back with Barry, but I won't. I chose the many over your husband again, and this time, I did it knowing who was waiting for him at home. I'm sorry, Lois.”

Umm…I think I missed something?

What did happen with the roses? Did Bruce send them?
