Hello fellow FoLCs! This is a follow-up to my previous story in the Walk the Dog Challenge: Krypton Meets a New Friend?

Let’s see what happens during a leisurely afternoon on Clark’s balcony.

Clark sat on the deck of his apartment soaking up the sunshine and thinking about his upcoming marriage. After all he and Lois had been through, their wedding day could not get here soon enough.

He looked over at his two furry companions: Krypto and Pepper. They were both lying beside him, also enjoying the warm spill of sunlight. Since their rocky initial meeting, the two animals had made up and become fast friends. Earlier this morning, Mrs. Harper had asked if he could look after Pepper while she was out of town overnight. Of course he agreed and rather than let the friendly feline stay all alone in an empty apartment Clark had moved his feeding dishes and litterbox into his place.

With a smile he watched them for a moment and then went back to his own happy contemplations. When Lois got here, he could fly all of them to his private paradise island in the Pacific Ocean for long walk to help Lois unwind after a hectic week.

Of course he had to worry about whether or not to take Pepper along. Than he thought that taking a cat to a tropical island without his owner’s permission might cause more harm than good.

Maybe they could have a conversation about where they would live after the honeymoon? Lois’ place was definitely bigger than his, but at this point in their lives, they needed a home that was more spacious.

Little did he know, Krypto and the neighbor’s cat were having a private conversation of their own.

Krypto: Okay. My staff person is quiet. So tell me the long story. How did you get here?

Streaky: Remember how big his uncle’s lab was? It was crammed with many shiny boxes and gadgets! Anyhow, a moon round* before the big boom, he kept talking about, I was exploring…

Krypto: Happiness! Looking for a squeaky snack?

Streaky: Sometimes one or two might escape their cages. Yum! None were running free. On this particular day, I found a large device my staff member was working on… a shiny metal box.

Krypto: Oh! That was something he called a test rocket or was it sprocket…?

Streaky: Big buddy, please stop interrupting.

Krypto: Sorry.

Streaky: I watched from my favorite perch until he went away. The metal box was glistening, and it was big enough that both of us could have fit into! After walking around and sniffing for a minute or two – I thought squeaky snacks might be hiding in there – I decided to hop in!

Krypto whimpered in alarm but said nothing. Pepper purred loudly in response. Clark noticed the exchange and again thought that maybe, just maybe, there was more to his dog than met the eye. Pepper continued purring loudly, ignoring the curious glances of his substitute staff person.

Streaky: I had no idea my staff person was priming the box to be launched. He did not see me get into the box. The top clanged down and the next thing I knew, a funny air came into the box. I slept for a long time and then woke up in a field in this town. Mrs. Harper was taking a walk in the field … or rather she called it a ‘park’…and found me wandering around. She fussed over me quite a bit. Something about ‘bad staff’ leaving me alone. Anyway, after a stay in a place with smelly cages, my new female staff brought me here.

Krypto: Oh! That must have been the uncle’s test ship. Good thing the ship was sent here. Now we can be friends again. Do you like her?

Streaky: She is nice. Wish she didn’t dress me up all the time and call me fuzzy britches!

Clark watched as the two animals got into another exchange of soft yelps and meows. They were good to have around and pleasant company. Maybe he should consider getting a cat to keep Krypto company?

*One month

Last edited by Morgana; 05/24/24 02:52 PM.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.