Hi Evie!
The next Tuesday morning found Lois drafting a piece on Metropolis’ languishing children’s hospital, now one year bereft of Luthor Corp’s supportive funding.
Oh dear. Only questions is, by how many did the rate of disappeared patients go down since LexGene stopped receiving test results on their latest developments in various gene treatment therapies?
She’d popped into Perry’s office to let her editor know that she was headed off to cover yet another chapter in her ongoing Luthor Corp saga
This would make an interesting reality TV show!
and bounced out again while pretending not to notice his inquiring look.
She was sure that her happiness at having Clark back was written all over her, and maybe it was evident enough that her surly, surrogate work dad worried less.
I’m sure that worry will come back once she starts to show.
LOIS: Show what?
PERRY: /hands Lois work safety manual for pregnant reporters/
Or maybe her stories just sold enough papers that the old newshound had decided she could deal with her heartbreak how she saw fit.
PERRY: Heartbroken Mad Dogs are good for business.
On the way home, she picked up a copy of the Star and a bottle of bottom-shelf liquor.
Playing a homeless person not interested in real news?
Surreptitiously, she dropped a few pages of the Star to the ground between them, then sat down heavily on top of them.

LOIS: What? Toilet paper would be a waste for sitting on.
So she sat motionless, her whole body rebelling against the enforced stillness.
Patience not her strong suit, huh?
He’d made the Harrington stake-out at the Lexor a fun one, she remembered, occupying their down time with games and teasing her into a consistent good mood.

She frowned. That wasn’t quite right, either, though. Superman was still working as a partner in some aspects of her investigations, but…
It wasn’t the same.
Out and about, now he mostly helps after the subjects have apprehended Lois and threatend various bodily harm.
She nearly sighed out loud. Now he had her thinking of his multiple identities as separate people!

It would be easy enough to scare them off, but she didn’t want to attract that much attention. And she really didn’t want disgruntled parents sending a squad car down the alley to investigate the drunk that was harassing school children.
COP: It’s Ellen Lane all over again.
Her eye caught a flicker of red hovering in the sky high beyond the building.
Awww… her stalker is back!
She watched as the small red flutter moved up and then down. It looked like a nod.
He’s cute!
Too bad that bright red spandex was so noticeable.
He could switch to black spandex?
Maybe he was always looking forward to seeing her. It was an endearing thought.
“Good,” she said with a slow smile, “It’s a date.”
She grinned at the complicated barrel roll that answered her
Yes, very cute.
See you next time!
