This is my contribution to the monthly
FDK Scavenger Hunt challenge.
This story is older than the boards, so I had to start a new FDK thread. Full story
The challenge is to find a fic in which Lois and/or Clark play(s) a game or sport of some kind. This story is about a poker game:
"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to play poker with me."
"I thought you never played on assignment."
"Poker isn't about playing, it's about winning or losing."
"I'm not sure I see the difference."
"Never mind, give me your cards."
Lois' logic.

Clark had lost twelve games of poker, and he didn't see what else he could bet. He already had to do her laundry for two months, her cooking for three years, wash her dishes for six years… At this rate he would have to live with her full-time to do so — which wasn't such an unpleasant prospect after all.
"Okay," Lois interrupted his train of thought. Now it was time for step two — stop the harmless part of the game. "I don't know what else you can bet now, except this shirt of yours." She paused, taking a few seconds to undress him with her eyes. "You know, I really like that shirt. How about if I win, you'll give it to me?" she gestured toward the denim garment to illustrate her point. <Yes, I like it — and what's beneath it,> she mentally added.
Of course Clark wouldn't stand a chance. Lois plays to win.

"What's your next bet?"
"Your pants."
"My WHAT?!"
Yeah, is that kind of poker.

"So, you only have your boxers left, but I know you won't take those off, so I'm going to bet on your glasses."
"My…" he trailed off, an appalled look suddenly crossing his face. <I'd almost rather take off my boxers than my glasses.>
I'm sure Lois wouldn't complain either way.

Naked truth sure is better.
Superman stands for truth, right?

Thanks for the challenge.