Summary: Clark is the First Lord of New Krypton and Lois continues to live as an investigative reporter on Earth. Each misses the other terribly. Here’s what happens when Lois receives a love letter via an interstellar courier.

This story is set in an Alternative Universe; Clark has gone to New Krypton with Zara, Ching, and Trey. Once a month, Lois visits her fiancé’s lonely apartment and quietly waits for a special delivery.

During their forced separation, the lovers face many challenges; Clark must survive a conflict he did not start yet must somehow manage to finish without getting killed in the process. Meanwhile Lois finds herself in the midst of an investigation with a new partner – someone from a troubled part of her past.

There are a lot of people to thank: Andrea, MikeM, Ray, Cuidado, Evie Jade, Ray Reynolds and KathyB, without this dedicated group of FoLCs, it is doubtful this story would have been completed.

Dedicated with much admiration to my long-time beta, the late Kennard Janney, his myriad skills in computer programming, ordnance and medicine have over the years given my stories a realistic edge. For such extraordinary assistance he deserves a very special thank you!

This also marks the first actual appearance of an original character briefly mentioned in one of my older stories Café Americana.

Legal Disclaimer: Once again I am stepping into the world of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. This story is written for pure entertainment and not for profit. None of the original series characters are mine except for many on New Krypton.


New Krypton Deep Space Vessel BlackWind. Geosynchronous orbit above planet Earth

It was mid-summer and Lois was wearing her favorite peach linen suit, yet she shivered. Not from the physical cold, the ship’s temperature was fine, but from icy tendrils of fear clutching at her heart. She and Clark had only been engaged for a tiny march of days; this was supposed to be the joyful beginning of their lives together. Now only the dread of uncertainty lay before them. Despite having him by her side and surrounded by three powerful Kryptonians she had never felt as vulnerable or as terribly alone as she did now.

“You understand,” Trey droned on in that condescending manner which grated on Lois’ last nerve, “this is a concession to my Lord Kal-El. It is most irregular to utilize one of our special courier devices in such a fashion. Due to limited resources, they are only to be used by the Convoca for official government matters, not for carrying holographic communications between … lovers.” The last word was spoken with a tiny hint of disfavor.

“Perhaps it is a waste of resources for us. But Lady Lois deserves to know the progress of the war or rather Kal-El’s part in it.” Zara said in a deceptively soft voice which masked a will of iron.

“Maybe the ‘Convoca’ should have thought about the lack of resources before allowing Nor so much power and influence that he is able to start a civil war!” Lois retorted.
Clark drew the woman he loved into a close embrace. “Shh, Honey, it’ll be okay.” He turned to the old man and said firmly, “Trey, I am going to New Krypton to help. Lois remains here because she cannot survive on that planet. Still, everyone should be aware she is my fiancée. On this world and on New Krypton that relationship will be treated with respect.”
Lois allowed Clark to fold her into a hug, pulling quiet strength from Clark’s determined words. Right from the start it was important they knew he could not be molded into whatever they wanted him to be. He made her so proud!

Meanwhile, the hot, salty tears which she had promised earlier not to shed in front of the trio, flowed down her cheeks. The past seventy-two hours had plunged them both into an abyss of misery.

How long would her fiancé have to endure fighting a war for a people and culture he had not grown up with and was only now barely comprehending? For all the suffering Clark had seen during his three years as planet Earth’s Man of Steel, what would participation in a full-out civil war do to his gentle heart?

The enigmatic Commander Ching Hia spoke quietly, breaking into her thoughts. “There is another matter which should be considered. Kal-El – Clark’s – Terran life and secret identity must be shielded from exposure. For if both Superman and Clark Kent were to disappear, it would only be a matter of time before Terrans - especially the unlawful element - realized they are one and the same.”

“He’s right. Lois and my folks could be harmed by criminals who want revenge and there would be no one here to protect them,” Clark said.

The lounge of the BlackWind became silent. A multitude of expressions played over Clark’s face. Lois fervently hoped he would reconsider his decision to leave with this strange and emotionally distant trio. If they were a sampling of the average Kryptonian, how would someone as warm and loving as Clark survive in such a stoic society?

Trey stepped closer to them, cleared his throat, and said, “My lord Prince Kal-El, in recompense for my earlier comment, allow me to assist in this matter. Before it is announced that Superman is leaving Earth, let it be known Nor has abducted Clark Kent as a way of forcing the uh … Man of Steel to come to New Krypton. According to Terran information services, it is a well-known fact Lois Lane and Clark Kent are his acquaintances. It is most natural for Superman to want to see his Terran friend safe and eventually reunited with his family and future bond mate.”

“How do we go about this abduction? Surely we cannot ask Nor to do it for us?” Ching said, the New Kryptonian accents of his voice dark and flat, suggesting a warrior and master strategist preparing for his next move.

“Of course not! It should be an associate of ours. Someone we can trust.” Zara answered.

Turning to the older man, Lois spoke up. “Since you three are the only New Kryptonians on Earth, just who do you have in mind?”

Trey drew himself up and gave a convincing imitation of a warrior. “Myself, of course. Disguised, I shall appear suddenly in the newsroom of your Daily Planet, announce Nor’s intentions and take Prince Kal … er Mr. Kent by force. No one shall suspect it is a ruse. Your secret shall not be disclosed.”

“Such a solution is so eloquent in its simplicity it may succeed.” Zara said quietly, while rubbing her chin.

Clark nodded thoughtfully still holding Lois close. “It might work at that.”

“Very well, we must make plans. After Trey performs this ‘abduction,’ Kal-El will be free to put this civil war to an end.” Ching said.

“Good. Whatever actions we can take to make my loved ones lives easier while I’m… away, we have to do.” Clark said with resolve in his voice.

As the three Kryptonians and Clark walked towards the conference table to further discuss their plans, Lois shut her eyes against another onslaught of tears, and quietly prayed for both the deception’s success and Clark’s safe return to her as quickly as possible.

Zara turned and walked back to Lois. She spoke in a formal voice, even for her, “He will learn our ways and you shall learn how to live without him.”

Lois bristled at the woman’s coldness. “Easy words to say. Clark may be bonded to you, but you don’t know him. How would you feel if the man you wanted to share the rest of your life with was ripped away?”

Zara bowed her head and Lois noticed a slight flush of her cheeks. She did not think this woman was capable of embarrassment or even anger.

“I ask for forgiveness, Lady Lois. The emotion you direct at me is similar to that which Ching aims towards Kal-El.”

Cocking an eyebrow Lois said, “Yeah. Where does that come from?”

“As you and Kal-El love each other, Ching, and I… are drawn to… one another. Although we never speak of it. Should our forces gain the upper hand and defeat Nor. Kal-El returns to Terra and begins his life with you. Than perhaps … perhaps the Commander and I shall explore our attraction. If we lose, my hand shall be given in marriage to Lord Nor and Ching would have to conceal his emotion otherwise Nor will have him put to death for loving a woman of nobility.”

Swiftly, Lois mentally reviewed all the times she’d seen them together, now recognizing the furtive glances the two gave to each other and the way they always seemed to stand together. It was not the behavior of espionage operatives, but of frustrated lovers. “I … I didn’t realize.”

Zara nodded. “Ching and I … we can never allow the nobility to recognize our… situation. But at least we are together, whereas you and Prince Kal-El...” Zara hesitated, dropping her gaze. When she met Lois’ eyes again, Lois saw compassion there, despite the Kryptonian's level tone. “The coming months… possibly years of separation shall be difficult for both of you.”

Lois responded sadly, “No Zara, the separation between Clark and I as well as the danger you and Ching face will be difficult for all of us.”

Last edited by Morgana; 09/06/24 03:09 PM. Reason: Edits


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.