But she had uncovered that this racket had made enough profit to be pursued at a federal level.
I think this makes is worthy! Nice detail!
Lois couldn’t get her money back, but she was sure going to make those crooks pay!
This is so in character!
It was disappointing that Clark’s old friend, Dr. Pete Ross, couldn’t provide any assistance, even though he wanted to
I love seeing Pete show up in stories! So fun!
Inspector Henderson and Detective Reed had grudgingly provided some crumbs of information,
I also just love Detective Reed! We don't get enough of her.
A prickly feeling went down her back.
I love when her reporter's intuition shows up!
“Impressive Eduardo. I had no idea you knew so much about French art.” Lois said with a smile.
He shrugged, smiled and said, “Hey, you learn a lot on the city beat!
This is such a cute interaction! We need more of Eduardo, too.
the heady fragrances of Northern Italian cuisine, garlic, tomatoes, and a touch of basil, tickled her nose and caused her empty stomach to growl in anticipation
This is so evocative - I wasn't even hungry but now I want Italian!
I was the last patient in the waiting area. The company representative, a Mr. Simcoe, was pushing him to start seeing patients for them again.
What are the odds that Molly would walk into this exchange??? It's exactly how this sort of thing happens, though! These kinds of coincidences get people caught all the time.
“Lobster? Seriously? When are you going to stop eating meat? Once upon a time that poor crustacean was minding his own business scuttling across the ocean floor. Now he’s your lunch!”
I still eat meat, but I've been eating less and less, exactly for reasons like this above. It's nice to see this perspective given some representation.
Not long after breaking parole, The Prankster was arrested in Gotham City. He was found tied to a lamppost and babbling to the policemen on the scene to protect him from ‘The Bat.’

I really love abusing Griffin!
"He’s giving vigilantes a bad rap.”
Really interesting to compare Bats and Supes his way!
Why pay insurance premiums if I must pay the full cost of the doctor’s bill anyway?
I feel like this is so topical these days!
“Because this is a newspaper, not Waikiki Beach!”
This sounds so in character!
Sweet thoughts of Clark slipped unbidden into her mind.
Speaking of which, did you find a new medical insurance provider?
I'm so glad that Lois helped them avoid the bad guys!
Lois groaned. If another person mentioned Clark’s absence, she was going to scream.
It's so tough on her because no one even knows what they're really saying when they bring up Superman.
Since Zara is such a brave pilot, perhaps she is proving to be the leader New Krypton needs and not her fiancé.
Love that she's reading between the lines here!
He was in a war and wanted to keep the worst evidence of that war as far from her as possible, so he talked about grapes rather than a certain female pilot from a noble Kryptonian family.
That's so like Clark!
Please? Oh brother, the last time Perry used that word she had gone undercover in a coal processing plant in the hills of West Virginia.

Fun cliffhanger here!