It would take some time for his body to make the physiological and mental adjustment to living under the rays of a red sun.
This is such cool detail.
He remembered his early days at the Daily Planet when he and Lois had covered several EPRAD launches.
I love that you're bringing it back to the series here, especially when Clark is so far away from the familiar that we know.
But here on the planet that held a large remnant of his father’s people, he felt more alone, frightened and alien than ever before.
Nice juxtaposition.
Now he faced an enemy whose agenda was greater than that of Lex Luthor.
Such an interesting comparison!
His head held high, the persona of Kal-El, First Lord of New Krypton emerged and seemed to fill the corridor as he walked toward the airlock.
Such powerful phrasing here!
Even Trey, who had seen Jor-El wear that same garment, stood without a word,
That's so bittersweet, that he's wearing his dad's robe!
Counselor Jen-Mai. For some odd reason, he made Clark feel instantly uneasy.
Great foreshadowing in this section of his potential!
She and Lara had been close friends when his mother was alive and stood by her side when Jor-El and Lara exchanged vows.
It's great that you're planting in so many links to his parents.
Lady Polara bowed her regal head and responded in kind, “The joy is mine. To ultimately see my beloved grandson again after so many years.”
Awww, she's already such a breath of fresh air, and a great contrast to the other Kryptonians.
With those words, the elderly man bent one knee and bowed deeply in respect, but not before a few tears trailed down his cheeks.
This character seems like another sweet link to Clark's family and past!
She would have to prove to him and the rest of those gentlemen that her grandson's presence was the right decision for all the people of New Krypton.
Love her fire! So great that Clark has such a fierce ally on his side, since he's without Lois!