“Mr. White, why is this reporter from the Washington Chronicle in your office?”
'Mr. White!' This is 4-alarm fire angry Lois!
“Ah… you two know each other?” Mr. Stern asked his deep rumbling voice tinged with concern.
I really love getting to see Franklin Stern here. We don't see him nearly enough in fic!
Perry groaned. “Great shades of Elvis! You’re that Paul?”
Aw, I love that she really told Perry about this.
“The bureau was contacted by Inspector Henderson for me to be a sort of…bodyguard until the RoxxTen matter has died down.”
Oh, yikes. This is sure to go over like a lead balloon.
The office atmosphere – which was stacked with tension before - had just increased fivefold.
Yikes again!
All the men, even Franklin Stern, braced themselves for an explosion.

"Otherwise, you’ll have to answer to me … and then her fiancé when he returns.” Perry’s face turned as hard as iron. “Trust me, that’s the last thing on Earth you want."
I don't know which is better - that he threatens Paul himself, or threatens him with Clark.

"Elvis and Priscilla’s divorce was a walk in the park in comparison!"
Always love an Elvis story!
“Agreed! Martha is going to be so surprised hearing about my latest domestic skill. See you soon.”
This is such a cute addition for her!
That particular conference room was where she and Clark had had some of their worst fights and best conversations. It might sound a little odd to anyone else, but the room was special and there was no reason to spoil it with Paul’s presence.
Awww. It's nice to see her sentimental.
"Believe it or not, coming here to protect you while the FBI and the MPD sort out this case with RoxxTen is my way of trying to right it somehow.”
As far as ulterior motives go, that's sort of an empathetic one.
“Who is Clark Kent anyway? Your boss Perry White, Mr. Stern, and Jimmy talk about him like he was some sort of hero!”
I really love this line because it makes kind, ordinary Clark the hero, even though they don't know how close they are to really nailing it.