Within these walls, the Sapphire Guardians proved that they truly understood the
meaning of discipline and physical prowess.
It's cool that NK has a sect of service members like this!
Master Tre-Vil, direct descendant of Ret-Vil, the founder of the Sapphire Guard and something of a father figure to Ching, bowed in greeting.
I love seeing a character that's got a direct positive relationship with Ching, since he seems villainized on the show.
“It does my heart good to see so many recruits have joined the Guard. As such, we could certainly use your talents in their training. Is it possible you could squeeze in some time for a few practice sessions with the more promising candidates?”
This little detail really helps me understand why he was sent to find/work with Clark (moreso than the show even did).
“He has even asked me if I could arrange a private match between himself and Lady Polara Lo.”
Ching’s eyes grew wide. “He is ambitious!”
I love that the men respect her in this arena!!
The man was a bully. He took pleasure in terrorizing newcomer Guards of a lesser background.

Five years after becoming Guardians, they had both been selected in the final round of those competing for the position of personal bodyguard to Lady Zara.
Thank goodness Ching won!
It was known that Ching stood firmly with the House of El.
I love the political intrigue that's lace in here!
He sprung towards his opponent, but someone stuck a foot out, tripping him like a first timer.
He should have seen this coming - it feels like exactly the thing that a group of bullies would do. But it's exactly what makes them so awful, because who could expect this sort of thing?
He was utterly shocked that Arc-Tal was ignoring Tre-Vil’s command.
When Dar-Ur raced to tell the leaders of the House of El what was happening, she and Kal-El had raced from their private training session to watch Ching and if necessary, come to his aid.
What a great team to have Ching's back!
The bandages changed colors as they gradually healed the blade’s entry wound, but the color was still dark to indicate the recent injury.
This is such cool tech!
As if reading his mind, Ching said, “I don’t need you to correct the situation for me. Just release me from my current duties and reassign me to the Sapphire Guard.”

That's such a big deal!
“True. Your adoptive parents’ kindness and courage are traits that those of the nobility such as Arc-Tal would benefit from emulating. The results are evident … in their son.”
Awwww. I like him more knowing that he likes the Kents.
“’Fool’ seems the appropriate word to describe someone who thought he could be promoted to be Zara’s guard by wounding you in the leg.”

“Because someday, should we survive this benighted ‘Splinter War’ you will return to Terra and Lois. The honor of … protecting Lady Zara will go to another. The Council will find someone from a noble house for her to wed, and I will watch from a distance as she rules with an unworthy stranger by her side.”
Aw, I feel so badly for him!
As he slept, he had twisted and tossed in the sleep silks, drenching them with sweat, finally crying out frantically, “Lois, be careful!”
Poor Clark.
But I can say with confidence that the people of New Krypton in general hold you in high esteem.
Awwwww. Dever, what a good guy.
With a twinkle in his eye, Kal-El said, “All right, but only if you’ll share this light midnight snack with me.”

Shaking his head in sadness, Dever said, “Nothing good seems to come out of the Dakor Province.”
“What makes you say that?”
Oooo! This is so cute - and such a great way for Clark to get the gossip.
“So the Convoca speaker likes playing against the middle. That’s something I have to remember for the future.”
Super useful of Dever to bring this up.
It's really sweet that he has affection fro the family.
He needed to record something for the courier.