Once there, errant wind gusts would occasionally blow them around, pirouetting to a delicate rustling tune only they could hear.
This is so poetic!
The Superman Foundation was growing in strength and influence.
Always nice to see this pop up!
The people of Earth in general, and Metropolis in particular were moving forward and Clark Kent was absent, missing it all.
So sad!
Javier, Ryan, and other members of the MPD had kept a careful eye on the former RoxxTen representative.
Fun to see this crossover continue!
She wanted to go on the stakeout, but it was Friday, the fifteenth of the month and she needed to get to Clark’s apartment to intercept the courier from New Krypton.
Ooo! Difficult decision!
“Can’t. Henderson says Detective Ryan’s wife, Jenny, has gone into labor a week early. You wouldn’t want him to miss the birth of his first child would you?” Perry said.
Oh, cool! I feel like I know where this crosses over!
“Spoilsport.” Lois mumbled as she walked up the ramp, mere steps behind Talmadge.
“I heard that!” he shouted after her.

It was rumored that Pino ‘Pretty Boy’ Dragonetti had made his most infamous bootleg deal in the back room.
So fun to tie this in!
With a careless shrug he said, “My talent for languages, knowledge of international finance and your ex-fiancé, Lex Luthor.”
Oh, yikes. Lex is never truly far away, it seems.
Okay. That was a bad call on my part. I don’t know who your contacts are.
Good. Things have obviously changed since college, but it seems like Lois deserves better than this.
So, I am not Clark Kent, but I was chosen to do a job and that job has taught more hard lessons in life than are fair to learn.
That's such a heavy comparison. It's even more complicated when you think about the fact that, Clark, too, was seemingly chosen by fate to do a job and that his lessons have been increasingly hard, too.
In the past four years because of your association with the Man of Steel, Lois Lane doesn’t report the story, she is the story. The locals see you and they wonder when the guy in blue spandex will show up to save your life.
That's a great point.
Cream soda, right?”
Looking up at him in surprise, she asked, “After all this time, you still remember?”
That's interesting...
Which is the reason why Linda worked for the Metropolis Star for that brief time. She was actually undercover for the Chronicle, trying to get dirt on Preston Carpenter.
That's such a crazy fun tie-in!
This feels like karma.
Isn’t that Bill Church, Jr.?

“Wait a second,” Lois said, as they passed Simcoe. “The fancy cue stick case of Simcoe’s is gone!”
Fun cliffhanger!