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His Story: Part 1 of 2

Her Story: Part 1 of 2

Well? What do you guys think so far? smile

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Just read part 1 and... Wow, talk about unexpected twists. I'm curious to learn more about Claire and Bruce and how their alteregos play out. Poor Bruce trying to play it cool and figure out what's going on with his wife.

This is definitely a unique plot. I'm off to read what happens next.

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This is exciting! I thought that her story would be about Lois, but I love that it's about Claire. I'm hoping to see a bit more gender bending fun in the next part. How is a Kryptonian pregnancy going to be for Clark. Can't wait for the next parts. Wait a moment! Only one more each character? This screams series!!!!

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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Hi Mary!

His Story

Slooooowly catching up!
In the darkened storage room of the Daily Planet, not a creature was stirring.
Oh, Dr Seuss Christmas themed?

Hiding Lois’s present hadn’t been easy.
Hiding it in the supply closet?
CLARK: Lois never goes there by herself ever since she almost got caught unwrapping her Valentine’s gift. Good thing Jimmy bought the excuse of her needing three full boxes of copier paper and a strong man to carry them.

In fact, it probably would have been impossible if he’d been restricted to normal means.
He could hide it in his closet dimension?

It made her a daunting opponent and a wonderful ally, and he was a lucky man to have her as the latter most of the time.

“Ho, ho, ho!”

[…] “No, no, no! Tempus, not today!”
Fun alliteration! He’s also lucky he caught the boy scout instead of the missus. The greeting might have been misunderstood and resulted in damages.

“Don’t you know that Christmas is a time for truces?
/Watches in horror as Tempus hands over a filled stocking, warm and slightly damp to the touch/
Sorry, but Tempus is using so much wordplay!

Have some comfort and joy: I’m here to invite you to a party!”
Celebrating the first day of Superman’s disappearance?

Clark blinked against the brighter light. He seemed to be standing in a massive ballroom, surrounded by people in fine suits and elegant dresses.
Did Tempus invite Clark to the White Orchid ball? Or to the wedding of Superman’s daughter? There was this one Kerth quiz…

They all chatted softly while a string quartet at the far end of the room played ‘Deck the Halls’,
Oh, it’s a Barty. Bat-arty?

He looked down at himself: apparently, he was no longer…well, himself. His free hand froze half-way to the strange new curves on his torso; the plunging neckline of a long, black gown showed him that the source of these shapes was...organic. Clark swallowed. Those were… He had… A dress! He was wearing a dress!
There *was* discussion on Discord recently about Clark and Lois switching bodies. But this story predates. And that’s not Lois’s dress from the WOB, is it?

save for one dark-haired man in a suit that probably cost more than Clark’s annual salary.
Sounds extremely Batty to me.

The eye-contact was apparently enough of an invitation for the man to come over, and he grinned roguishly at Clark while idly swirling the remnants of a drink. “You alright, Beautiful?”
And now I’m pretty sure Clark’s not wearing Selina’s dress. And Bats is in full-out fop-mode. So, before Bruce and Selina resolved their UST?

Bruce Wayne.
Yeah, sorry, Evie spoilered me there.

it was certainly enough to leave a lasting impression.
Only time Superman got knocked out without prior exposure to kryptonite?
BRUCE: /pulls bat-glove tighter over shiny, green-studded ring/

He then spent an absurd portion of the evening hitting on Lois, despite her protestations that she was happily married,
Someone not recognizing his wife’s curves and dress from that angle?

The man would never know how close he’d come to being put straight through a wall, and that would have been *before* Clark got to him.
Oh, does Lois no longer enjoy the attention of debonair billionaires? This must be a recent development.

An arm suddenly came up around Clark’s shoulders, pulling him close, and the playboy’s breath was hot against his ear. “Want to get out of here?”
Worried about a Joker attack, are we?

Despite the dramatic difference in Clark’s physique, he apparently still had his Kryptonian speed.

The sounds of the party reached him from the mansion, perfectly uninterrupted.
Okay, he still got powers, just a chromosome update. And he skipped out on Bruce?

With any luck, Mr. Wayne would be too drunk to realize just how literally Clark had disappeared.
Bruce *did* suggest it laugh

and while he had no idea about the Superman costume,
A stylish two-parter, panties and cape, will ensure no one will look at his face.

he could find her, everything would be all right.

and she’d told Clark how uncanny the resemblance to their own world had been.
You don’t need to invest in new sets when shooting the episode…

The familiar sound of locks turning brought a smile to his face, though it vanished when Lois opened the door and scowled at him. “What are *YOU* doing here?!”
Oh dear. You went the x-quartet way? And what did the meter maid do to tuck off mad dog?

“What’s the matter? Prince Charming turned back into a frog?”
Lois not happy that her former associated partner/ not-a-bff got the date with Lex?

“Oh, I figured that out a long time ago!” Lois slid the chain back into its position and marched towards him. “You know, you really had me fooled with the whole ‘sweet farm girl’ act!
Yeah, those baggy sweatshirts hid the super figure?

“But I don’t know what you could possibly say that would make up for abandoning journalism to marry Gotham’s biggest airhead!”
shock Not in a million years! thud

/Re-reads the batty part/

Oh. I see. She’s in on the fop.

“So, you—or rather, Claire—is Superwoman?!”

“It means the best friend I ever had wasn’t just another fake.”
Oh boy. So why did Claire run away with the fop? Is he just a beard to mask her feelings or is she into bat-stuff.

“Hey, if you’re an alternate version of Claire, can you give me any insight on why she didn’t just tell me herself?”
Umm …

But…I guess those things go a little farther than I realized.”
No, she just needed someone to hang out with on rooftops.

His face felt warm. “At least Luthor had more intelligence than a brick.”
Yes. Although, it only took Claire one good look to look through the pointy-eared façade.

And hey, I bet that Bruce Wayne’s constant obliviousness makes it easy for Claire to keep her secret from him.”
[Linked Image]

His eyebrows rose. “You think she didn’t tell her own husband?”
Nope, she didn’t tell him.

“I wouldn’t.” Lois snorted. “I’ll grant you that he seems to be much better behaved since marrying Claire,
Whether it’s whip or heat vision, good women do keep their bats in a row.

That man probably couldn’t keep a secret if his life depended on it!”
[Linked Image]

This was the first time he’d ever had to borrow any of her clothing,
Not a kinky couple, huh?
PRIME LOIS: I don’t need him ruining my heels.

though there had certainly been many occasions where Lois had borrowed his.
Yes. And there could have been more early on if he hadn’t been stubborn and let Lois borrow his cape.

They had just reached Lois’s desk when Perry approached them, staring perplexedly at Clark. “Claire?”
CLAIRE: Bruce kept bringing stray cats home. I’m not a cat person.

that you and your husband arrived at a party together but left separately. Heck, they’re saying that you eighty-sixed the place before cocktails were even served!”
No, she did not intentionally leave her husband alone, randy, and drunk at a party with dressed-to-kill women.

Not long after Perry’s departure, Jimmy came bounding up to them. “CK! Or, uh, I guess CW now?”
CW? Now you’re rubbing it in. laugh And unrelated, is he calling her “see-dubs”? /Hopes Bruce is smart enough to refrain from calling Claire “kitten” or “my beautiful rose”.

“Uh, good, thanks.” Clark gave what he hoped was an easy-going smile. “And you?”

“Oh, good. Keeping busy, you know.” Jimmy
Oh dear. She gave him her killer smile. And when Gothamites give you a killer smile, it’s time to relocate to some hilltop.

I see.” Clark glanced at Lois. She had bitten down on her lip and was staring fixedly at her computer screen.
I take it, Claire was too sociable to shut down Jimmy’s crush early on?

Actually, Jimmy, we need a list of any scientists or laboratories that might be researching parallel universes.”
There’s one Prof. Dr. Maximilian Arturo at the California University.

“He has a crush on you,” she whispered back.

“—brings you to the Planet, Mr. Wayne?”
Oops? Looking for his wayward wife.

Clark made it to the storage room just as the elevator chimed.
Looks like hubby *really* shouldn’t have brought the cat home night before the party.

why would a man whose wife had vanished be smiling and care-free?
Because as far as Batman knows, all Kryptonite is accounted for and on a one-way trip to the sun.

“Lois! Long time, no see! How’s tracks?”

Her confused expression was quickly replaced with a polite smile. “I think you mean ‘how’s tricks’. Work’s been good. How are you?”
Oooh, nice fopping!

“Or did Claire already give you the number when you talked to her?”

“I haven’t talked to her,” Lois sweetly reminded him.
He’s a smart Chiroptera humanis.

“Just give a call when you’re not busy scooping your bylines!”

“That’s not—!” Lois sighed again
So much talent! notworthy

The device underneath it continued to whine.
Sweet. He left her a beeper and when she squashes it, he’ll know she’s at the office. He’ll know she’s not his wife. He will know she’s from another dimension. He will not know which dimension exactly.

You know, I hope for Claire’s sake that idiot is at least good in—”
In a suit?

The man who needs a butler to remind him how to put on pants?
Yes. He also uses a butler to put on the Suit.

Clark stared out over the horizon. “How do you feel about a flight to Kansas?”

Good thing there’s more!

wave Michael

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Hi Mary!

Her Story

I did start reading His Story Part 2 first, so there’s a bit of a spoiler in there…

“And I do mean a *dress* code!”
Bruce worried that his wife likes to wear pants and capes?

In fact…the entire ballroom itself had disappeared. She now stood in a small, dingy room that looked to be some kind of storage closet.

One minute, she’d been tracking down the waiter with the veggie platter; the next, things had gone strangely blurry and everyone had disappeared!
World’s Greatest Detective not having figured out his wife’s figure will be changing and should thus provide a private server for her benefit?

Was she losing her mind?!
Pregnancy brain. Kryptonians often become delusional while pregnant. It’s why they don’t allow women to become First Lords or Elders.

Cautiously, she opened the door and peeked outside, blinking against the bright, fluorescent light.
Shouldn’t she notice she’s no longer wearing heels? Then again, neither did Clark.

Lois Lane was at her desk, of course, though her hair was shorter and she seemed much more relaxed than Claire had ever seen her.
Yes, it’s because she’s now frequently and regularly relieving her pent-up tensions and frustrations.

“LNN is using that photo I took of Superman bringing a Christmas tree to the Coates Orphanage!”
Ka-ching ka-ching.

save for one thing: she hadn’t been a guy at the time!

And why was everyone at the Planet going along with it?
It’s a new tradition. The Kryptonian December’s Fools Day.

She spun into her costume—or at least, a version of her costume—and flew out the window. There was exactly one person who could help her figure this out. If she could find him, everything would be okay.
Awwwwwww… Let’s hope she doesn’t find him cat sitting.

What did *not* make sense was his current conversation partner. Some curvy bottle-blonde with an undersized dress that exposed far too much to the elements was currently fawning all over him,
No moon worshipping going on?

/Watches as author points out the cattiness of the situation/

The bimbo cooed. “Brucie, you never told me you were friends with Superman!”

“Do you mind?!” Claire leveled a glare at the unnecessary third party.
National Whisper: Bruce Wayne – Superman’s secret lover? A blonde socialite (24.5) exposed the infamous tryst during a Christmas party…(cont. on page 3)

“Do you mind?!” Claire leveled a glare at the unnecessary third party.

The tramp raked her eyes over Claire’s body with obvious appreciation. “Not at all!”

Claire scowled at him. “Honestly, what are you even doing with her? She’s not even your type! Or does she have a doctoral thesis hidden in her cleavage? Maybe the cheap dye-job is to disguise her secret identity as Worth-Your-Time Woman!”
Jealous Claire is fun!

“Bruce, it’s me!” Claire stepped towards him and looked into his eyes, willing him to recognize her. “I’m trapped in a man’s body! I need your help!”
BRUCE: Am I being pranked? I’m going to kill Richard and Jason …

He gave her an odd look. “I…really don’t think I can help you with that.”
Yes, unless the person is able to scale tall buildings, he’s not interested.
/Points at Superman levitating/
Let me amend: A whip is mandatory.

“Of course you can!” She lowered her voice. “Come on, you’re the world’s greatest detective! If there’s anyone who can solve this mess, it’s Batman.”

“Do you honestly not remember?!” She gulped. “Luthor’s White Orchid Ball? Us? Our wedding? The cruise we were supposed to take but ended up missing completely?”
Okay, *how* did she get Batman to agree on leaving Gotham unguarded for two weeks?
BRUCE: Don’t look at me like that. She’s perfectly happy with us staying home.

His fingers brushed against something metallic. A cigarette case began to slide from his inner pocket.
He is not green-k’ing his wife, is he?
BATMAN: deranged, manic Kryptonian? You bet.

“Tell you what, how about if we make a deal?”
“I keep the K pocketed and you don’t Selina I slept with Superwoman?”

“If you can’t, then you’ll have a talk with some doctors I know. Agreed?”

She let out a breath. “Fine.”

“You have one chance.” He folded his arms, watching her through narrowed eyes. “So make it good.”
BRUCE: And then, you wouldn’t believe it, he suggested I’m Robin. So, Dr. Deter, as you can clearly see, the man’s completely delusional and requires intensive treatment.

Claire nodded. Something only she would know… Briefly, she considered holding two fingers a certain distance apart, but that wouldn’t cut it.
/Distributes water all over screen/

You know, first I read this as it being about the width of his head, poking up like bat ears. But noooo, she’s referring to bat equipment rotflol

At last, she smiled: she knew exactly what to tell him. “You hate being alone.”

“Oh, no I didn’t.” She smiled serenely at him. “You asked for something only your wife would know, remember? So here it is: something you never even figured out about yourself.

He stared at her, silent. Perhaps it was her imagination, but the color seemed to have left his face.
It’s a trick he does to make the cowl more imposing.

“Meet me at the cave,” he muttered, turning to leave. “I trust you know where it is.”

“So, whoever’s behind this was able to tamper with government files.”
So, everyone and their cousin?

“Currently married to fellow reporter, Lois Lane…”

The tea spluttered, some of it going down the wrong tube.

She’s the poster-girl for independent women who ‘don’t need no man’!
Yes, but Claire’s a woman.

Lois was a good friend and a great reporter, but she would sell out her own grandmother if it meant getting a scoop.
Claire’s gonna bring the Joker to Metropolis, isn’t she?

CLAIRE: Don’t be ridiculous. I got Victor Zsazs’s number. And the Joker’s way to random.

The fact that you haven’t read about my secret identity in the Planet *proves* this whole thing is fake!”
But Lois enjoys…Superman on the ceiling more than a Pulitzer on the wall. They made a deal.

The drumming stilled. Bruce cleared his throat. “Can you describe the person you saw?”
He knows about Tempus?

BRUCE: /pulls out newsletter of known supervillains/ They used to do this about once a month, but started publishing weekly editions about two years ago.

“Sometimes when we’re investigating together, I draw whatever it is I’m using my x-ray vision to look at.” She picked up the remains of her tea from the table and downed it.
Robin doesn’t like the corner of the cave where they keep the half-nudes of Batman on the wall. Originally, Bruce kept them in the gym so he could use them to guide his training, but Robin refused to work out to the ‘bat-butt’ as he called it, staring at his face.

John Doe,” Bruce repeated. “A former politician and a Darn Nice Guy.” He blinked, shaking his head as if to clear it.

Another man arrived also: one with glasses and a very charming tie.
Oh, Claire rotflol

Well done, Mary, well done. Funny *AND adorable!

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

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