I got All Shook Up. A bit cracky?
Sorry in advance.


Cat stood at the coffee counter and poured herself a cup of the steaming dark liquid. She added a generous dollop of cream and a spoonful of sugar and stirred vigorously. Her gaze drifted across the newsroom to Clark and Lois, sitting closely behind Lois’ desk, their heads almost touching as they shared a donut. Clark was clearly hanging onto every word she said.

What was it with those two, anyway?

No matter how hard she tried, Cat knew she would never have that type of connection with another person.

She took a long sip of her coffee and made a face when the bitterness hit her tongue. Coffee usually wasn’t her thing. Typically she stuck to water or protein shakes to keep her figure trim.

She slid a hand down her side, brushing the curve of her hip. Well, she shrugged to herself, no use worrying about her figure now. She cast a glance up at the tv screen that hung above the bullpen. It seemed the world was doomed. An asteroid the size of the city was hurtling toward Earth, and their only hope for survival was currently missing in action.

Cat stole another glance across the room at Lois and Clark.

Funny, Lois didn’t look nearly as devastated as Cat thought she would look, considering Superman was missing. Cat couldn’t help and cackle as she recalled yesterday’s news footage. Lois throwing herself at Superman and kissing him passionately right before he left for space.

That was Lois—always an attention seeker. Admittedly, it did seem to work for her. Lois had publicly kissed Superman a couple of times now, and he seemed just as receptive to her affections as she was to his.

Well, fine. Lois could have the alien. Why did that little vixen have to go after Clark, too? And what was it with men nowadays, anyway? Did they all now suddenly prefer women in boxy suits with no personalities?

Cat sighed and shook her head. She crossed the room and sat down at her desk, her eyes still magnetically drawn to Lois and Clark.

Clark was still watching Lois with those puppy-dog eyes as she tapped away on her keyboard, eyes on her screen, completely oblivious to his adoring gaze.

A wave of uncontrollable jealousy swept through Cat.

She’d kill for him to look at her like that. Just once.

Cat grabbed the folded fan on her desk, flicked it open, and waved it in front of her face, her thoughts drifting to the nights Clark Kent had spent in her bed.

He was a skilled and considerate lover, albeit a little shy. Always disappearing into the bathroom for a few moments, tugging at his tie before they were intimate. And those darn glasses—he refused to remove them even when they were in bed. Oddly, that had grown on Cat and she now found it endearing. Especially when they ended up askew by the time they were finished and he would rush to straighten them.

A part of her always had a soft spot for geeky looking men.

He wasn’t ready to make their relationship public, he would tell her. He would sneak out of her bed in the middle of the night, always with some lame excuse in the morning.

We need to keep things professional at work.

Cat knew all too well what that meant.

She took another long contemplative sip from her mug. Lois was standing now, slipping her bag over her shoulder and reaching for Clark. She hooked arms with him and led him through the bullpen rambling something about the press conference Perry had requested they attend.

Clark caught Cat’s eye as he and Lois rushed past. He slowed a little, offering her a confused half smile, a flicker of recognition in his eyes.

“See you soon, honey.” Cat gave him a tiny hopeful wave, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her face fell as Lois turned and took Clark’s arm again, rushing him toward the elevator and shooting Cat a look of disdain.

“Forget her, Clark,” Lois said sharply. “She’s still trying to mess with your brain. Pathetic!”

“But I think…?” Clark started.

“I’ll tell you everything you need to know, okay? Trust me. I’m your partner.”

The elevator doors closed behind them.

Feeling thoroughly defeated; Cat sank lower into her chair.

The end was near and by the looks of things, her secret lover would be spending his last hours with Lois Lane.

At that moment, Cat felt lonelier than ever.

Yeah, that took a weird turn. I thought it’d be funny if instead of Cat being a predator, she and Clark actually did have a thing going on he forgot about.
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Last edited by Darth Michael; 01/22/25 05:52 PM. Reason: added FDK thread